Needs advice
Spring BootSpring Boot

I am looking for a new framework to learn and achieve more efficient development. I come mainly from Laravel, which greatly simplifies development, but is somewhat slow for the volumes of data that I usually handle (although very stable) and it falls far behind in terms of simultaneous connections.

I'm looking for something that responds well to high concurrency, adapts well to server resources (cores) without the need to be concerned about consciously multi-threading or similar things, has a good ORM and friendly integration with PostgreSQL, request validation, And of course, it is scalable.

The main use would be for API development and behind the scenes processing of large volumes of data (50M on average, although this goes hand in hand with the database and server capacity)..

The last framework I would include but couldn't is ASP.NET MVC.

7 upvotes·98.3K views
Replies (1)
Avatar of guimarret
Data Engineer at EVT·

I would recommend for fastAPI, is a python framework but you can use de laravel to manage some part of the application and use the api to actually make the requisitions, its trully fast. Also you can make the pattern you want in this framework, build the estructure/Design Pattern in your way

3 upvotes·14K views
Avatar of xcesaralejandro