Avatar of cristoirmac
VP, Engineering at SparkPost·

The recent move of our CI/CD tooling to AWS CodeBuild / AWS CodeDeploy (with GitHub ) as well as moving to Amazon EC2 Container Service / AWS Lambda for our deployment architecture for most of our services has helped us significantly reduce our deployment times while improving both feature velocity and overall reliability. In one extreme case, we got one service down from 90 minutes to a very reasonable 15 minutes. Container-based build and deployments have made so many things simpler and easier and the integration between the tools has been helpful. There is still some work to do on our service mesh & API proxy approach to further simplify our environment.

9 upvotes·2 comments·159.9K views
Jerome Dalbert
Jerome Dalbert
April 5th 2019 at 7:59PM

What CI tools were you using before the switch?

Chris McFadden
Chris McFadden
April 5th 2019 at 8:22PM

Self-managed Atlassian Bamboo (Elastic Bamboo running on EC2)

Avatar of Chris McFadden

Chris McFadden

VP, Engineering at SparkPost