Needs advice
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I am doing some research on WebRTC and would really appreciate speaking to anyone who has recently completed an integration or has a project currently under way. Hoping to gain feedback about tools used, what you liked, or didn't like, and anything perspective you might be willing to share about your overall project experience as it relates to integrating interactive, live-streaming content and audience engagement

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Replies (1)
Avatar of segheysens
Lead Solutions Engineer at Inscribe·

I'm a bit biased, but I've always had fantastic experiences building with Twilio's tools and documentation. Years before joining Twilio, I started my own company with Twilio Video being a core component (it was a platform for online coaching), and as a one-dev-shop, I couldn't believe how easy it was. I now work here and get to help customer build quickly and effectively with these tools.

Some of the features I love include Video Insights for monitoring/debugging room and client device performance in aggregate or per session, the Compositions API for programmatically processing & exporting recordings in different formats, complementary products like Twilio Live that let you easily scale broadcast or livestream-style video experiences, the ability to store recordings directly to S3, and the integrated DataTrack API for exchanging & syncing data between participants.

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Avatar of dannydeganis