I'm going to do an independent study with React for school, and I'm looking to build a full-stack application. I have lots of experience with react, but everything else I'd need is somewhat foreign to me. What I'm looking for is to provide a back-end for a React application.

I'm trying to find a back-end framework that can provide and integrate with almost everything I need (database, API, authentication). I will also need to be able to host everything eventually online rather than just locally on my computer. I don't want to use something that is just click-and-go: I want to learn a lot but find something that has much built in functionality, so I don't have to completely re-invent the wheel.

Does anyone else have experience with a stack you'd recommend that is a happy medium of helpful features while still requiring you to understand and implement the functionality yourself? Something well documented (e.g., it's easy to find documentation regarding putting all the pieces together) would be great.

Thanks in advance!

8 upvotes·66.5K views
Replies (7)
Backend Developer ·

Greate documentation, lot's of info on StackOverflow and it's easy to learn, a lot of things it's already implemented on the stack. It's based on Ruby which is stable and constantly evolving.

Ruby/Rails have a lot of gems(libraries) that will allow you to connect to many DB systems, implement JWT or use a library for authentication.

I have a lot of API's created in Rails that respond to website and mobile apps, and you can create your first one without a lot of stress, responding with JSON easily.

You can use VSCode has good support for ruby and you will have all syntax help etc, I use Atom but I don't have the syntax support, didn't found a good package for that.

11 upvotes·3 comments·66.3K views
Pouya Ataei
Pouya Ataei
January 23rd 2021 at 5:14AM

You're joking right? this must be a joke. you cannot be serious suggesting Ruby on Rails in 2021.

You can use VSCode has good support for ruby and you will have all syntax help etc? imma jump off the window.

Marcelo Escobar
Marcelo Escobar
January 23rd 2021 at 7:18PM

I didn't saw your recommendation to haydenlingle problem.

Julien DeFrance
Julien DeFrance
January 24th 2021 at 4:48AM

Ruby and Rails are anything but dead.

From an easy to learn standpoint, from the innovation that they are still bringing in every release, and the ability to quickly and reliably ship performant, maintainable web application and backends, Ruby and Ruby on Rails are still the go-to solutions for a wide majority of start-ups. And even teams and companies that are no longer in their startup days still value and use Rails, and have no intention of switching over to anything else.




Long Live Rails!



The most popular stack that comes to mind for your case if MERN ( Mongo, Express, React and Node) I would use Nodejs + Express for backend. Easy to build dynamic and powerful REST APIs. For DB, it would be Mongo DB and front end can be React + Redux (for global state management). Plus NPM has a ton of packages for most cases. PS : Webstorm (free for students) or VS Code ( free for all) for IDE

8 upvotes·1 comment·64K views
Marcelo Escobar
Marcelo Escobar
January 26th 2021 at 8:49PM

Great! MERN is a very used stack and works too. My unique point here is about what type of data will be stored on DB. Mongo is a NoSQL DB, works great, and has a lot of resources, but depending on what are you going to build a SQL DB can be more indicated, something like MySQL, PostgreSQL, etc.

You can use Node, Express, React and a SQL DB, just think about what kind of data are you going to store.

You also have the option to use Mongo and a library that will enforce a schema, this means you will have the same fields for all records in DB.

Again, this option will depend on the data type to be stored.

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