Avatar of jeffrey2279
Flavor Artisan at Flavors·
Needs advice

We are a startup and looking for a back-end system for CRM, invoicing, inventory, etc... We had a demo from Odoo which combines all this in an excellent way. At the same time we need a website and webshop. Our web developer (freelance) is a WordPress expert and can build a site in no time. He has no ODOO knowledge and will not get into it.

We are wondering what the best solution is. Can we create our site in Wordpress and for the Webshop part, just link to the Odoo eCommerce site? Meaning we would also buy the website and #ecommerce Odoo apps, but use Wordpress for the website. What's the ideal and most budget friendly solution?

7 upvotes·77.6K views
Replies (1)
Avatar of hannesholst
365 Consulting Services Ltd.·

Hi, If you go this route (Wordpress & Odoo), then you would have to maintain two systems. You have to hire two experts. And, you would have to find someone who will bring the Wordpress-site and the webshop somehow together. Additionally, changes to the design would have to be done in both systems. So, for sake of simplicity & flexibility, I would recommend to use one backend only. Check out "WooCommerce" which is based on Wordpress. The Wordpress eco-system is quite diverse and you are not the first start up with such backend-architecture. So you may find a Wordpress-based solution easily.

I would recommend to look for more alternative solutions in the Wordpress eco-system before you make your decision that you want to go with Odoo.

4 upvotes·3.8K views
Avatar of Jeffrey B

Jeffrey B

Flavor Artisan at Flavors