What is Laravel Nova and what are its top alternatives?
Laravel Nova is a powerful administration panel for Laravel applications that allows developers to quickly build custom admin interfaces. Some key features of Laravel Nova include automatic resource management, customizable metrics, tools for authentication and authorization, and a user-friendly interface. However, some limitations of Laravel Nova include its cost as it is a paid package, limited customization options, and potential compatibility issues when integrating with other packages or extensions.
Voyager: Voyager is a Laravel admin package that provides a clean and intuitive interface for managing your application's data. It allows for easy customization of admin panels and supports a wide range of field types. Some pros of Voyager include a user-friendly interface, built-in CRUD functionality, and the ability to extend functionality with custom code. However, some cons include limited documentation and fewer advanced features compared to Laravel Nova.
Backpack for Laravel: Backpack for Laravel is a collection of packages for building admin panels in Laravel applications. It offers features like CRUD panels, filters, and export functionality out of the box. Some pros of Backpack for Laravel include a large number of available packages, extensive documentation, and a customizable interface. However, some cons include a steeper learning curve and potential compatibility issues with other Laravel packages.
LaraAdmin: LaraAdmin is an open-source Laravel administration panel that allows for easy management of CRUD operations, roles and permissions, and more. It boasts features like drag-and-drop interface builder, customizable themes, and role-based access control. Some pros of LaraAdmin include its open-source nature, extensive documentation, and a growing community. However, some cons include limited integrations with third-party packages and a less polished interface compared to Laravel Nova.
InfyOm Laravel Generator: InfyOm Laravel Generator is a Laravel package that helps you generate admin panels, CRUD functionality, and API scaffolding quickly. It supports a variety of field types, relationships, and validations out of the box. Some pros of InfyOm Laravel Generator include its ease of use, customizable templates, and support for API generation. However, some cons include a lack of advanced features and potential limitations in customization compared to Laravel Nova.
Cruddy: Cruddy is a Laravel package that provides a flexible and customizable admin interface for managing your application's data. It supports features like CRUD operations, filters, and customizable themes. Some pros of Cruddy include its open-source nature, modular architecture, and support for custom fields and layouts. However, some cons include a smaller community compared to other Laravel admin packages and potential compatibility issues with newer Laravel versions.
QuickAdminPanel: QuickAdminPanel is a web-based tool that helps you generate Laravel admin panels quickly without any coding. It allows for easy customization of CRUD functionality, relationships, and permissions. Some pros of QuickAdminPanel include its user-friendly interface, quick setup process, and support for rapid development. However, some cons include limited flexibility in customization and potential limitations in scalability compared to Laravel Nova.
AdminLTE: AdminLTE is a free open-source admin dashboard template built with Bootstrap for Laravel applications. It offers a variety of ready-to-use components, responsive layouts, and customizable themes. Some pros of AdminLTE include its extensive library of UI components, ease of integration with Laravel applications, and active community support. However, some cons include a lack of built-in CRUD functionality and potentially more manual setup compared to dedicated Laravel admin packages like Laravel Nova.
Twill: Twill is an open-source CMS toolkit for Laravel applications that offers powerful content management capabilities. It allows for easy management of pages, blocks, and media assets through an intuitive interface. Some pros of Twill include its flexibility, multi-language support, and extensibility through plugins. However, some cons include a focus on content management rather than admin panel creation, potentially requiring additional customization for specific admin features compared to Laravel Nova.
Globally Paid Admin: Globally Paid Admin is an open-source Laravel package for building secure and scalable admin panels with built-in user management, roles and permissions, and multi-tenancy support. It offers features like CRUD operations, dashboard widgets, and customizable themes. Some pros of Globally Paid Admin include its security features, multi-tenancy support, and active development community. However, some cons include potentially longer setup process and fewer available extensions compared to established Laravel admin packages like Laravel Nova.
Crudbooster: Crudbooster is a Laravel CRUD generator and admin panel package that helps developers quickly build custom admin interfaces for their applications. It offers features like automatic scaffolding, customizable themes, and an extensible architecture. Some pros of Crudbooster include its ease of use, support for API generation, and extensive documentation. However, some cons include a lack of advanced features compared to Laravel Nova and potential limitations in scalability for larger projects.
Top Alternatives to Laravel Nova
- Apache Spark
Spark is a fast and general processing engine compatible with Hadoop data. It can run in Hadoop clusters through YARN or Spark's standalone mode, and it can process data in HDFS, HBase, Cassandra, Hive, and any Hadoop InputFormat. It is designed to perform both batch processing (similar to MapReduce) and new workloads like streaming, interactive queries, and machine learning. ...
- Laravel Voyager
It is a Laravel Admin Package that includes BREAD(CRUD) operations, a media manager, menu builder, and much more.It is a Feature packed and versatile Laravel control panel. It provides an elegant UI for controlling various features across a Laravel web application. ...
- Laravel Spark
Spark is a Laravel package that provides scaffolding for all of the stuff you don't want to code. Subscription billing? We got that. Invoices? No problem. ...
- Wave
It is a free, online software alternative to Quickbooks. Wave helps manage invoices, credit card payments, accounting & payroll. Best for small businesses & freelancers. ...
- Laravel
It is a web application framework with expressive, elegant syntax. It attempts to take the pain out of development by easing common tasks used in the majority of web projects, such as authentication, routing, sessions, and caching. ...
- Backpack
Backpack is minimalistic build system for Node.js. Inspired by Facebook's create-react-app, Zeit's Next.js, and Remy's Nodemon, Backpack lets you create modern Node.js apps and services with zero configuration. Backpack handles all the file-watching, live-reloading, transpiling, and bundling, so you don't have to. ...
- WordPress
The core software is built by hundreds of community volunteers, and when you’re ready for more there are thousands of plugins and themes available to transform your site into almost anything you can imagine. Over 60 million people have chosen WordPress to power the place on the web they call “home” — we’d love you to join the family. ...
- Statamic
The open source, developer & designer-first, Laravel + Git powered CMS built to make managing websites easy with Git. ...
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- Fast and Flexible48
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- Great for distributed SQL like applications8
- Easy to install and to use6
- Works well for most Datascience usecases3
- Interactive Query2
- Machine learning libratimery, Streaming in real2
- In memory Computation2
- Speed4
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The algorithms and data infrastructure at Stitch Fix is housed in #AWS. Data acquisition is split between events flowing through Kafka, and periodic snapshots of PostgreSQL DBs. We store data in an Amazon S3 based data warehouse. Apache Spark on Yarn is our tool of choice for data movement and #ETL. Because our storage layer (s3) is decoupled from our processing layer, we are able to scale our compute environment very elastically. We have several semi-permanent, autoscaling Yarn clusters running to serve our data processing needs. While the bulk of our compute infrastructure is dedicated to algorithmic processing, we also implemented Presto for adhoc queries and dashboards.
Beyond data movement and ETL, most #ML centric jobs (e.g. model training and execution) run in a similarly elastic environment as containers running Python and R code on Amazon EC2 Container Service clusters. The execution of batch jobs on top of ECS is managed by Flotilla, a service we built in house and open sourced (see https://github.com/stitchfix/flotilla-os).
At Stitch Fix, algorithmic integrations are pervasive across the business. We have dozens of data products actively integrated systems. That requires serving layer that is robust, agile, flexible, and allows for self-service. Models produced on Flotilla are packaged for deployment in production using Khan, another framework we've developed internally. Khan provides our data scientists the ability to quickly productionize those models they've developed with open source frameworks in Python 3 (e.g. PyTorch, sklearn), by automatically packaging them as Docker containers and deploying to Amazon ECS. This provides our data scientist a one-click method of getting from their algorithms to production. We then integrate those deployments into a service mesh, which allows us to A/B test various implementations in our product.
For more info:
- Our Algorithms Tour: https://algorithms-tour.stitchfix.com/
- Our blog: https://multithreaded.stitchfix.com/blog/
- Careers: https://multithreaded.stitchfix.com/careers/
#DataScience #DataStack #Data
As a frontend engineer on the Algorithms & Analytics team at Stitch Fix, I work with data scientists to develop applications and visualizations to help our internal business partners make data-driven decisions. I envisioned a platform that would assist data scientists in the data exploration process, allowing them to visually explore and rapidly iterate through their assumptions, then share their insights with others. This would align with our team's philosophy of having engineers "deploy platforms, services, abstractions, and frameworks that allow the data scientists to conceive of, develop, and deploy their ideas with autonomy", and solve the pain of data exploration.
The final product, code-named Dora, is built with React, Redux.js and Victory, backed by Elasticsearch to enable fast and iterative data exploration, and uses Apache Spark to move data from our Amazon S3 data warehouse into the Elasticsearch cluster.
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- Get going quickly straight out of the box. BYOKDM9
- Its just wow9
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- Less dependencies7
- Super easy and powerful7
- Great customer support6
- Its beautiful to code in6
- Speed5
- Eloquent5
- Composer5
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- The only "cons" is wrong! No static method just Facades5
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- Succint sintax1
- PHP54
- Too many dependency33
- Slower than the other two23
- A lot of static method calls for convenience17
- Too many include15
- Heavy13
- Bloated9
- Laravel8
- Confusing7
- Too underrated5
- Not fast with MongoDB4
- Slow and too much big1
- Not using SOLID principles1
- Difficult to learn1
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I need to build a web application plus android and IOS apps for an enterprise, like an e-commerce portal. It will have intensive use of MySQL to display thousands (40-50k) of live product information in an interactive table (searchable, filterable), live delivery tracking. It has to be secure, as it will handle information on customers, sales, inventory. Here is the technology stack: Backend: Laravel 7 Frondend: Vue.js, React or AngularJS?
Need help deciding technology stack. Thanks.
Coming from a non-web development environment background, I was a bit lost a first and bewildered by all the varying tools and platforms, and spent much too long evaluating before eventualy deciding on Laravel as the main core of my development.
But as I started development with Laravel that lead me into discovering Vue.js for creating beautiful front-end components that were easy to configure and extend, so I decided to standardise on Vue.js for most of my front-end development.
During my search for additional Vue.js components, a chance comment in a @laravel forum , led me to discover Quasar Framework initially for it's wide range of in-built components ... but once, I realised that Quasar Framework allowed me to use the same codebase to create apps for SPA, PWA, iOS, Android, and Electron then I was hooked.
So, I'm now using mainly just Quasar Framework for all the front-end, with Laravel providing a backend API service to the Front-end apps.
I'm deploying this all to DigitalOcean droplets via service called Moss.sh which deploys my private GitHub repositories directly to DigitalOcean in realtime.
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I blogged about writing again on the existing Blogger blog but it didn't feel right. I looked at a few options where I wouldn't have to worry about hosting cost indefinitely and Jekyll stood out with GitHub Pages. The Importer was fairly straightforward for the existing blog posts.
Todo * Set up redirects for all posts on blogger. The URI format is different so a complete redirect wouldn't work. Although, there may be something in Jekyll that could manage the redirects. I did notice the old URLs were stored in the front matter. I'm working on a command-line Ruby gem for the current plan. * I did find some of the lost WordPress posts on archive.org that I downloaded with the waybackmachinedownloader. I think I might write an importer for that. * I still have a few Disqus comment threads to map
hello guys, I need your help. I created a website, I've been using Elementor forever, but yesterday I bought a template after I made the purchase I knew I made a mistake, cause the template was in HTML, can anyone please show me how to put this HTML template in my WordPress so it will be the face of my website, thank you in advance.
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