We recently implemented GraphQL because we needed to build dynamic reports based on the user preference and configuration, this was extremely complicated with our actual RESTful API, the code started to get harder to maintain but switching to GraphQL helped us to to build beautiful reports for our clients that truly help them make data-driven decisions.
Our goal is to implemented GraphQL in the whole platform eventually, we are using Graphene , a python library for Django .
Hey Michael thanks for sharing! Would you mind tagging Django and Graphene? It will really help the community to discover the content more easily and ultimately get you more views 😉
* https://stackshare.io/django
* https://stackshare.io/Graphene
Hello Justin!
Will do, the weird thing is that I'm trying to edit the comment but I get an error. I'll report this to the StackShare team. Thanks for the recommendations as soon as I can edit the comment will do it :)
Lucky for you, I'm on the team. I informed our product team and we will get back asap.