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Authpack vs Passport: What are the differences?

# Key Differences between Authpack and Passport 

Authpack and Passport are both authentication solutions for web applications, but they have some key differences that set them apart. 

1. **Ease of Use**: Authpack offers a simple and easy-to-use way to integrate authentication into your web application with just a few lines of code. On the other hand, Passport requires more configuration and setup to get started, which can be more complex for beginners.

2. **Supported Protocols**: Authpack supports various authentication protocols such as OAuth, OpenID, and SAML, providing flexibility for different use cases. In contrast, Passport is primarily focused on providing support for OAuth, which may limit options for developers requiring other protocols.

3. **Authentication Providers**: Authpack comes with built-in support for popular authentication providers like Google, Facebook, and GitHub, making it convenient to integrate with these services. Passport, on the other hand, requires additional configuration and plugins to work with external authentication providers.

4. **Customization Options**: Authpack offers more out-of-the-box customization options for login screens, user profiles, and other authentication-related features. Passport, while customizable, may require more manual coding to achieve a similar level of customization.

5. **Maintenance and Updates**: Authpack provides regular updates and maintenance to ensure security and compatibility with the latest web standards. Passport, being an open-source library, relies on community contributions for updates, which may lead to varying levels of support and updates.

6. **Community and Support**: Authpack offers dedicated support and a community forum for developers to get help and guidance when integrating authentication into their web applications. Passport relies on community support through forums and online resources, which may not provide as prompt or comprehensive assistance.

In Summary, Authpack and Passport differ in ease of use, protocol support, integration with providers, customization options, maintenance, and community support.
Advice on Authpack and Passport
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Currently, Passport.js repo has 324 open issues, and Jared (the original author) seems to be the one doing most of the work. Also, given that the documentation is not proper. Is it worth using Passport.js?

As of now, StackShare shows it has 29 companies using it. How do you implement auth in your project or your company? Are there any good alternatives to Passport.js? Should I implement auth from scratch?

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I would recommend Auth0 only if you are willing to shell out money. You can keep up with their free version only for a very limited time and as per our experience as a growing startup where budget is an issue, their support was not very helpful as they first asked us to sign a commercial agreement even before helping us t o find out whether Auth0 fits our use case or not! But otherwise Auth0 is a great platform to speed up authentication. In our case we had to move to alternatives like Casbin for multi-tenant authorization!

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What is Authpack?

It provides a complete user and team management API and Dashboard. Our core focus is to deliver a high quality solution for app Authentication and Authorization.

What is Passport?

It is authentication middleware for Node.js. Extremely flexible and modular, It can be unobtrusively dropped in to any Express-based web application. A comprehensive set of strategies support authentication using a username and password, Facebook, Twitter, and more.

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