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Eucalyptus vs OpenNebula: What are the differences?

Introduction: Eucalyptus and OpenNebula are two popular cloud computing platforms that provide infrastructure as a service (IaaS) solutions. While they share similar goals, there are several key differences between the two.

  1. Architecture: Eucalyptus is designed to be an on-premise private cloud platform, allowing organizations to build their own cloud infrastructure within their data centers. OpenNebula, on the other hand, is a hybrid cloud platform that supports both on-premise and public cloud deployments. It provides a unified interface to manage resources across different cloud providers.

  2. Hypervisor Support: Eucalyptus initially supported only the Xen hypervisor but has now added support for KVM and VMware. OpenNebula, on the other hand, is hypervisor-agnostic and supports multiple hypervisors including KVM, VMware, and Hyper-V. This flexibility allows users to choose the most suitable hypervisor for their needs.

  3. Community and Ecosystem: OpenNebula has a larger and more active community with regular updates and a wide range of community-contributed plugins and integrations. Eucalyptus, although actively maintained by its community, has a smaller ecosystem. OpenNebula's larger community translates to more resources, support, and possibilities for customization.

  4. Ease of Use: Eucalyptus aims to provide a user-friendly interface with a web-based dashboard for managing cloud resources. OpenNebula, although it also has a web-based interface, is more command-line-centric and provides a powerful command-line interface (CLI) for managing and automating cloud deployments. This makes OpenNebula more suitable for users who prefer CLI-based administration.

  5. Multi-Tenancy: Eucalyptus provides built-in support for multi-tenancy, allowing the segmentation of cloud resources for different users or groups. OpenNebula also supports multi-tenancy but requires additional configuration and extensions to achieve the same level of segregation. Eucalyptus offers a simpler and more straightforward approach to multi-tenancy.

  6. Integration with Other Cloud Services: Eucalyptus integrates well with Amazon Web Services (AWS) and provides an API compatibility layer for existing AWS tools and applications. OpenNebula, on the other hand, focuses on providing a cloud-agnostic platform and does not have specific integration with AWS. This makes Eucalyptus a suitable choice for users who require compatibility with AWS services.

In Summary, Eucalyptus is an on-premise private cloud platform with a focus on user-friendliness and integration with AWS, while OpenNebula is a more flexible hybrid cloud platform with a larger community and support for multiple hypervisors.

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What is Eucalyptus?

Eucalyptus is open source software for building private, AWS-compatible IT, QA, and developer clouds. It makes it easy to deliver cloud computing, just like AWS, from within your data center.

What is OpenNebula?

It provides a simple but feature-rich and flexible solution for the comprehensive management of virtualized data centers to enable on-premise enterprise clouds in existing infrastructures. It can be primarily used as a virtualization tool to manage your virtual infrastructure in the data-center or cluster, which is usually referred as Private Cloud. It supports Hybrid Cloud to combine local infrastructure with public cloud-based infrastructure, enabling highly scalable hosting environments.

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What are some alternatives to Eucalyptus and OpenNebula?
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