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Pros of Hugo
Pros of JavaScript
  • 47
    Lightning fast
  • 29
    Single Executable
  • 26
    Easy setup
  • 24
    Great development community
  • 23
    Open source
  • 13
    Write in golang
  • 8
    Not HTML only - JSON, RSS
  • 8
    Hacker mindset
  • 7
    LiveReload built in
  • 4
    Gitlab pages integration
  • 4
    Easy to customize themes
  • 4
    Very fast builds
  • 3
    Well documented
  • 3
    Fast builds
  • 3
    Easy to learn
  • 1.7K
    Can be used on frontend/backend
  • 1.5K
    It's everywhere
  • 1.2K
    Lots of great frameworks
  • 898
  • 745
    Light weight
  • 425
  • 392
    You can't get a device today that doesn't run js
  • 286
    Non-blocking i/o
  • 237
  • 191
  • 55
    Extended functionality to web pages
  • 49
    Relatively easy language
  • 46
    Executed on the client side
  • 30
    Relatively fast to the end user
  • 25
    Pure Javascript
  • 21
    Functional programming
  • 15
  • 13
  • 12
    Setup is easy
  • 12
    Future Language of The Web
  • 12
    Its everywhere
  • 11
    Because I love functions
  • 11
    JavaScript is the New PHP
  • 10
    Like it or not, JS is part of the web standard
  • 9
    Expansive community
  • 9
    Everyone use it
  • 9
    Can be used in backend, frontend and DB
  • 9
  • 8
    Most Popular Language in the World
  • 8
  • 8
    Can be used both as frontend and backend as well
  • 8
    For the good parts
  • 8
    No need to use PHP
  • 8
    Easy to hire developers
  • 7
    Agile, packages simple to use
  • 7
    Love-hate relationship
  • 7
    Photoshop has 3 JS runtimes built in
  • 7
    Evolution of C
  • 7
    It's fun
  • 7
    Hard not to use
  • 7
  • 7
    Its fun and fast
  • 7
  • 7
    Popularized Class-Less Architecture & Lambdas
  • 7
    Supports lambdas and closures
  • 6
    It let's me use Babel & Typescript
  • 6
    Can be used on frontend/backend/Mobile/create PRO Ui
  • 6
    1.6K Can be used on frontend/backend
  • 6
    Client side JS uses the visitors CPU to save Server Res
  • 6
    Easy to make something
  • 5
  • 5
    Promise relationship
  • 5
    Stockholm Syndrome
  • 5
    Function expressions are useful for callbacks
  • 5
    Scope manipulation
  • 5
  • 5
    Client processing
  • 5
    What to add
  • 4
    Because it is so simple and lightweight
  • 4
    Only Programming language on browser
  • 1
  • 1
    Hard to learn
  • 1
  • 1
    Not the best
  • 1
    Easy to understand
  • 1
    Subskill #4
  • 1
    Easy to learn
  • 0
    Hard 彤

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Cons of Hugo
Cons of JavaScript
  • 4
    No Plugins/Extensions
  • 2
    Template syntax not friendly
  • 1
    Quick builds
  • 22
    A constant moving target, too much churn
  • 20
    Horribly inconsistent
  • 15
    Javascript is the New PHP
  • 9
    No ability to monitor memory utilitization
  • 8
    Shows Zero output in case of ANY error
  • 7
    Thinks strange results are better than errors
  • 6
    Can be ugly
  • 3
    No GitHub
  • 2
  • 0
    HORRIBLE DOCUMENTS, faulty code, repo has bugs

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What is Hugo?

Hugo is a static site generator written in Go. It is optimized for speed, easy use and configurability. Hugo takes a directory with content and templates and renders them into a full html website. Hugo makes use of markdown files with front matter for meta data.

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments as well such as node.js or Apache CouchDB. It is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm scripting language that is dynamic,and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.

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What companies use Hugo?
What companies use JavaScript?
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What tools integrate with Hugo?
What tools integrate with JavaScript?

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What are some alternatives to Hugo and JavaScript?
Think of Jekyll as a file-based CMS, without all the complexity. Jekyll takes your content, renders Markdown and Liquid templates, and spits out a complete, static website ready to be served by Apache, Nginx or another web server. Jekyll is the engine behind GitHub Pages, which you can use to host sites right from your GitHub repositories.
Hexo is a fast, simple and powerful blog framework. It parses your posts with Markdown or other render engine and generates static files with the beautiful theme. All of these just take seconds.
The core software is built by hundreds of community volunteers, and when you’re ready for more there are thousands of plugins and themes available to transform your site into almost anything you can imagine. Over 60 million people have chosen WordPress to power the place on the web they call “home” — we’d love you to join the family.
It builds completely static HTML sites that you can host on GitHub pages, Amazon S3, or anywhere else you choose. There's a stack of good looking themes available. The built-in dev-server allows you to preview your documentation as you're writing it. It will even auto-reload and refresh your browser whenever you save your changes.
Pelican is a static site generator that supports Markdown and reST syntax. Write your weblog entries directly with your editor of choice (vim!) in reStructuredText or Markdown.
See all alternatives