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Conan vs PyPi: What are the differences?

Key Differences between Conan and PyPi

Conan is a package manager primarily designed for C and C++ projects, while PyPi is a package index primarily used for Python projects. Despite their similarities as package managers, Conan and PyPi have some key differences.

  1. Package Language Support: One of the major differences between Conan and PyPi is the language they primarily support. Conan is specifically designed for C and C++ projects, providing a solution for managing binary and source packages for these languages. On the other hand, PyPi is focused on supporting Python packages, making it the go-to package index for Python developers.

  2. Package Management Approach: Conan and PyPi also differ in their approach to package management. Conan follows a decentralized model, allowing developers to host their packages in their own repository, a private repository, or a public repository. This flexibility allows for greater control and customization of package management. In contrast, PyPi follows a centralized model, where all packages are hosted on the official PyPi repository. This centralized approach simplifies package discovery but may limit customization options for developers.

  3. Dependencies and Their Resolution: Another key difference lies in how dependencies are managed and resolved. Conan has built-in support for managing and resolving dependencies between packages, including complex scenarios such as different versions or configurations of the same package. This dependency resolution feature is especially beneficial for C and C++ projects, which often have complex dependency requirements. PyPi, on the other hand, relies on a tool called pip for dependency management, which does not provide the same level of control and flexibility as Conan.

  4. Versioning and Package Metadata: Conan and PyPi also differ in how they handle versioning and package metadata. Conan allows developers to specify explicit version ranges for packages, providing a more granular control over dependencies. It also allows the storage of metadata, such as package configurations or build options, within the package itself. PyPi uses a simple versioning system but lacks the capability to easily specify version ranges or store additional metadata within the package.

  5. Integration with Build Systems: Conan and PyPi integrate differently with build systems. Conan is designed to seamlessly integrate with various build systems like CMake, Make, and Visual Studio. It supports automatic retrieval and configuration of dependencies during the build process. PyPi, on the other hand, is often integrated with the pip tool, which is used for installing and managing Python packages. The integration with build systems may require additional tools or configurations depending on the specific setup.

  6. Package Distribution and Publication: Lastly, Conan and PyPi differ in the way packages are distributed and published. Conan allows developers to publish packages to their own repository or a public repository, making it easier to distribute and share packages across projects. PyPi, on the other hand, only allows publishing to the official PyPi repository, which is the central hub for Python packages.

In summary, Conan is primarily designed for C and C++ projects, offers more control over package management and dependency resolution, and has better integration with different build systems, while PyPi is specifically tailored for Python projects, provides a centralized package index, and has a simpler dependency management system.

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Pros of Conan
Pros of PyPI
  • 3
    Crossplatform builds
  • 3
    Easy to maintain used dependencies
  • 2
    Build recipes can be very flexble
  • 1
    Integrations with cmake, qmake and other build systems
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    Cons of Conan
    Cons of PyPI
    • 1
      3rd party recipes can be flawed
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      - No public GitHub repository available -

      What is Conan?

      Install or build your own packages for any platform. Conan also allows you to run your own server easily from the command line.

      What is PyPI?

      It is a repository of software for the Python programming language. It helps you find and install software developed and shared by the Python community. Package authors use it to distribute their software.

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