

Application and Data / Libraries / Javascript UI Libraries
Frontend Developer at atSistemas·
Needs advice

I'm building, from scratch, a webapp. It's going to be a dashboard to check on our apps in New Relic and update the Apdex from the webapp. I have just chosen Next.js as our framework because we use React already, and after going through the tutorial, I just loved the latest changes they have implemented.

But we have to decide on a CSS framework for the UI. I'm partial to Bulma because I love that it's all about CSS (and you can use SCSS from the start), that it's rather lightweight and that it doesn't come with JavaScript clutter. One of the things I hate about Bootstrap is that you depend on jQuery to use the JavaScript part. My boss loves UIkIt, but when I've used it in the past, I didn't like it.

What do you think we should use? Maybe you have another suggestion?

8 upvotes·1M views
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I have used bulma in several projects. We could not customize with the websites very well. Also when we need "quick solutions" Bulma is not suitable (I mean basic animations, to-top buttons, transparent navbar solutions etc. For these solutions, you need extra js codes).

Everybody knows about Bootstrap (heavy but popular).

Now we start a new project with UI kit, I like it. Pros: It is fast and lightweight and imho it has very good UI. Cons: Small community. Documentation.

Check this link for kick-off. https://github.com/zzseba78/Kick-Off

Maybe it is helpful.

7 upvotes·575.8K views
Front End Web Developer ·

Been checking out Bulma, myself, and really dig it. I like that it's a great base level jumping off point. You can get a layout going with it, pretty quickly, and then customize as you want. It definitely sounds like it's the one you're leaning towards but a big factor would be who will be using it most? Your boss, yourself, others? Whichever you like best, you'll prob be most productive with but if in the end your boss says it has to be UIkit, then best to be open-minded and give it another shot. Sometimes you may not jive with new tools in your stack, at first, but then they can become tools you learn to love. Best to you in your decision! Take care & keep safe.

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Needs advice

I am working on a new project and need advice on which front-end technology to use. The back-end is all written in C# MVC and Microsoft SQL Server databases. In the current project, we are using the same technology stack for the front-end; we are using cshtml (razor) with jQuery.

6 upvotes·123.8K views
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If you are used to use JQuery, Vue.js more similar to Jquery because you only can import a CDN and start to work. Vue is really flexible and you can use it wherever you want.

In other hand, if you have time to learn and install a new framework as React, use it. React works with a standard and several conventions in his code, then is really easy integrate new libraries and plugins .

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Alex Spieslechner
Alex Spieslechner
July 22nd 2020 at 7:39AM

this is not entirely correct. just like vuejs, reactjs can work with just the referenced script (tag). so you dont need a build pipeline in either. you massively miss out on features and DX though.

the notion that react has several conventions / a standard is also slightly incorrect. out of all choices, react is the least opinionated. its as close to "true" javascript, as it gets. there is no official state-management, routing, etc. so this is all your choice.

vuejs on the other hand takes some decisions off you (benefitial to new developers). there is an official routing library, an official state management lib: vuex, and an official way to approach styling. you get the point.

Software Engineer ·

both are absolutely great choices. while you'll find more resources and a larger community with react, vuejs typically does some quality of life "magic" for you. its pure taste.

if your html markup comes from razor, I'd recommend globally registered Vue components though. I've successfully used this stack for 4 years. (content from sitecore cms rendered through razor, enriched with vuejs components)

in any case, you will want to try to remove jQuery, if you pick a frontend library, as you should not mix two ways to modify the DOM. it wont break but its unnecessary bloat.

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Needs advice

I would like to share my stack in Web/Mobile application Development for Mid Sized Applications.

Project-1 : Laravel + jQuery + Android Java + IOS Swift

Project-2 : Node.js + React + React Native + Electron.

This is my current Stack, Can you comment on my selection and add your thoughts if my choice is a perfect match? Thanks

4 upvotes·407.9K views
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Software Engineer at CircleYY·

I would say go for Node.js since you probably would only build a REST API that would talk to the frontend and some communication with the database.

On the other hand, Laravel is a much heavier framework that follows MVC pattern. Since you don't need the V in the MVC of Laravel. You can go for a straight Express that just handles the API request and return a response.

6 upvotes·338.3K views
Fullstack Developer at Alpsify·

Hello Varun S,

Project-1 : If the Laravel part is an API, you should check Flutter or Quasar Framework for your frontend in order to reduce the development time and process.

3 upvotes·1 comment·342.9K views
Varun S
Varun S
September 26th 2020 at 12:56PM

Thanks for your comment, I like Flutter for some extend.

but not quasar since I am not a big fan of vue.js due to lack of much community support. Thanks

Fullstack developer ·
Needs advice
Spring BootSpring Boot

Hello, I am a fullstack web developer. I have been working for a company with Java/ Spring Boot and client-side JavaScript(mainly jQuery, some AngularJS) for the past 4 years. As I wish to now work as a freelancer, I am faced with a dilemma: which stack to choose given my current knowledge and the state of the market?

I've heard PHP is very popular in the freelance world. I don't know PHP. However, I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to learn since it has many similarities with Java (OOP). It seems to me that Laravel has similarities with Spring Boot (it's MVC and OOP). Also, people say Laravel works well with Vue.js, which is my favorite JS framework.

On the other hand, I already know the Javascript language, and I like Vue.js, so I figure I could go the fullstack Javascript route with ExpressJS. However, I am not sure if these techs are ripe for freelancing (with regards to RAD, stability, reliability, security, costs, etc.) Is it true that Express is almost always used with MongoDB? Because my experience is mostly with SQL databases.

The projects I would like to work on are custom web applications/websites for small businesses. I have developed custom ERPs before and found that Java was a good fit, except for it taking a long time to develop. I cannot make a choice, and I am constantly switching between trying PHP and Node.js/Express. Any real-world advice would be welcome! I would love to find a stack that I enjoy while doing meaningful freelance coding.

9 upvotes·804.1K views
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Spring Boot

Hi Eva, As you have solid experience with Spring already, you should jump into freelancing with that. It would be quite stressful to start freelancing with a tech stack you don't know well. Then in the background you can keep learning/practicing an alternative and switch over when you are confident enough (eg. 0.5-1 year later). I think you should learn Laravel as you already like it and find it easier. Express has better performance but that is not required for most of the small freelancer projects.

17 upvotes·1 comment·740.9K views
Eva Maciejko
Eva Maciejko
July 31st 2020 at 6:50PM

Thank you for your honest advice !

JavaScript Instructor at Wild Code School·
Spring Boot

I think Patrik and Alex are right: if you're comfortable with Spring Boot already, you'll be more productive right from the start.

If you wish to learn something else besides, both Laravel and Express are good choices. They aren't in the same category of frameworks: Laravel is an all-in-one solution, while Express is more like "build your own stack from different parts". Which implies that you can use whatever you want as a database engine: MySQL or PostgreSQL are perfectly valid choices (in my school, we teach Express with MySQL, because SQL is still a big thing here in France, and a sought-after skill). You can use Sequelize or TypeORM which support all major SQL DBMS.

Express is widely used, but if you're seeking the JavaScript equivalent of Spring Boot or Laravel, you probably want to look at NestJS. The only potential downside is that it's still young, maintained by a small commmunity, compared to those behind Spring Boot and Laravel.

Bottom line: using a stack tech, that you enjoy and are comfortable with, matters. Spring Boot + Vue.js seem perfectly fine to me. But do forget jQuery if you're using Vue.js, React or Angular, because it will definitely bring more harm than good!

6 upvotes·1 comment·723.9K views
Eva Maciejko
Eva Maciejko
August 10th 2020 at 12:36AM

Thank you for sharing about the Javascript ecosystem. I have tried some JS solutions like Nuxt and Strapi headless CMS that I found could be interesting for small website development (Jamstack as an alternative to wordpress). Those are developed by French teams I believe ! I will look into NestJs. I think that’s what I’m looking for, some good and reliable tools in Javascript.

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Front End Software Engineer ·
Needs advice

Building a website for a company to display information, Pictures, links, multiple pages. - info page display no extravagant features. -current stack is mvc .NET Core with html css jQuery

2 upvotes·20.2K views
Junior Fullstack Developer ·
Needs advice

Hey! I am actually in internship and have an app to create for my structure. It will be an intern app which will allow crud dashboard actions with some data provided by the use of an API of one of the structure partner and make a correspondence to data contained in a private database. Since it's an intern app, I thought about Electron for a desktop app because I did a lot of web with Laravel and the structure goes more for the desktop app. But it will be my first occasion working with this tech.

Is Electron a good choice? Wich ORM should be more complete and adapted to this between Sequelize and TypeORM? (Database will be MySQL) Some charts will be displayed in the app. Is there a library (preferably without jQuery) that suits this stack?

Thank you !

5 upvotes·339.4K views
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Unless you're either using a local database or a backend server, you shouldn't choose either.

My recommendation would be having a NodeJS API on the backend that connects to the database and Electron connects to the API. Never give the database connection data to the end user, unless it's a planned move and it's to use on a local database.

I can recommend Sequelize because what I'm use the most on every project I need to create database connections. It supports TypeScript, and if you already have the database create you can use sequelize-auto to create the models, as easy as that.

I've only used Electron once and I liked it, but it's not a good comparison, since it doesn't offer any database access by default. I used React for the frontend part of the app, you can use whatever you want.

6 upvotes·2 comments·8.8K views
Dieudonné ALLOGNON
Dieudonné ALLOGNON
May 24th 2021 at 7:13AM

Thank you! That's what I finally decided. Your answer makes me sure that I am on the right track

Alexandre Desroches
Alexandre Desroches
July 25th 2021 at 4:41PM

If possible, avoid making an Electron App because the build process can be much more irritating and complex than making a web app. If you're able to use technologies like Firebase Firestore and a simple front-end to serve the data it will be hundred times faster than handling a full desktop app!

designer, programmer at Downdijk·
Needs advice

I use jQuery at the moment because I use it for a lot of years already, but now Bootstrap 5 decided to switch to JavaScript, I am thinking of switching to an alternative.

I use jQuery only for the DOM integration, animations and ajax calls because JavaScript calls to a class looks such a long call. I like the way of jQuery with $(document).on('click','.something',function() {});

By the way, I like to keep using HTML, PHP and Bootstrap as I do now.

10 upvotes·25.6K views
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Hi Adan,

Javascript has changed quite a bit in the recent years and lot of it was inspired from jquery. Now almost all modern browsers support javascript syntax everything that jquery does with few elaborate / sometimes better alternatives. So, if you like to switch, find the equivalents of what portions of jquery you use and replace those parts. Btw, jquery is still nicer sometimes with its method chaining and a lot simpler syntax - the equivalent in js may not be that sugary syntactically.

10 upvotes·1 comment·22.8K views
Adan van Dijk
Adan van Dijk
August 10th 2021 at 4:05AM

Thank you for the explanation and i think ill switch to plain JS.

Front-End Developer at Potfolio·

I was like you two years ago, used to jquery and didn't want to switch, but if you're willing to use js frameworks in your projects(React, Vuejs...), I advise you to switch asap, and get used to normal javascript, because in the end, it's the core language, but there are some new ways in it (especially in ES6) that will make your life easier, like you can replace the document.querySelector() with $() and document.querySelectorAll() with $$(), using this line of code: const $ = e => document.querySelector(e), $$ = e => document.querySelectorAll(e); then you can select a p element just by writing: $('p'), and multiple p elements like that: $$('p'). I hope my advice helped you in any way.

4 upvotes·1 comment·14.3K views
Charley Kline
Charley Kline
November 12th 2021 at 3:35AM

Um, those jQuery-like calls like`$()` and `$$()` work ONLY in the dev tools console. You cannot incorporate them into the scripts that your browser itself runs. If you try that, you'll get a ReferenceError because `$` is not a defined variable.

They are handy when poking around in the DOM by hand in the console, though.

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Analysis Programmer at St Luke's Hospital·
Needs advice

Any suggestions for non-vulnerable versions of Bootstrap and jQuery. Currently using the Bootstrap v3.3.7 and jQuery v1.10.2 and jQuery UI - v1.10.1 - 2013-02-28. After finishing the penetration test, they recommend upgrading the libraries to non-vulnerable versions. Please advise which version should I upgrade to Bootstrap and JQuery. Thanks.

3 upvotes·15.8K views
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What your penetration testers mean by this is that you need to upgrade these libraries to the latest versions. The newest available.

The versions you are running are 6 years old (Bootstrap 3.3.7) and 9 years old (jQuery 1.10.1). Neither of these versions are supported by their developers. What this means is that if are any vulnerabilities present in those versions or discovered in those versions, the developers will not make a patch fix for them.

You should update to the latest versions so that any known vulnerabilities are not exploitable and that any newly found ones are fixed by the developer and are easy for you to apply and upgrade to.

6 upvotes·9.1K views

Hello everyone, I'm in my last year at college and I've been self-studying web development for maybe a year. I learned Html, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript, and jQuery basics, then I started to learn ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core 3 bc this is what I really care about (backend development). I watched many tutorials and I built some small projects on my own but I know this is not just it to get a good job.. so I'm stuck now.. what should I do in the upcoming months till I graduate? I don't know how to work with a team or to work on a separate part of a big real project, deployment, and testing, and so on.. when to tell I'm ready to do interviews and get a good job?

5 upvotes·41.4K views
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Sounds like you are working really hard at improving your skills. Keep at it. I think something you could look at which you haven't mentioned is learning how to use source control in a team setting. There are many things which using a source control system unlocks. When you work in a team you'll be working on a feature that is part of a bigger project, before your code is inserted into the shared code base someone will usually review it and approve the request to merge your feature into the main code base. It also unlocks concepts such as CI/CD and maybe better ways of work (using a task/bug/test tracking tool) - all none-code skills which are just as important as being a good coder.

9 upvotes·4.1K views

I would recommend to watch something about architecture and design patterns on youtube to get a feeling for it. Apart from that you mentioned "how to work in a big real project", I would recommend searching up "scrum"(project management). Also looking into CI/CD continuous integration and deployment will help you as well. But most important is that you stay up to date, since everthing changes all the time. Which also means to not worry to much if you will miss something, because you can't know everything in that field with the current speed going :).

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Needs advice

Hi all. I want to rewrite my system. I was a complete newbie 4 years ago and have developed a comprehensive business / finance web application that has been running successfully for 3 years (I am a business person and not a developer primarily although it seems I have become a developer). Front-end is written in native PHP (no framework) and jQuery with backend and where many processes run in MySQL. Hosted on Linux and also sends emails with attachments etc. The system logic is great and the business has grown and the system is creaking and needs to be modernised. I feel I would stick with MySql as DB and update / use Django / Spring or Laravel (because its php which I understand). To me, PHP feels old fashioned. I don't mind learning new things and also I want to set the system up that it can be easily migrated to Android/iOS app with SQLite. I would probably employ an experienced developer while also doing some myself. Please provide advice -- from my research it seems Spring/Java is the way to go ... not sure. Thanks

4 upvotes·396.6K views
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PhP might be old fashionned but Laravel is really great. I've tried nodeJs backend with express, python with flask and a little bit of serverless, and quite frankly, laravel was by far the best in my opinion. It has a lot of official packages that speeds up development (from authentification to serverless deployement), it also uses Eloquent ORM that support Mysql databases. Finally it works great with VueJs for the front end development.

9 upvotes·138.4K views
Full Stack Developer ·

I recommend ExpressJS or NestJS as BackEnd and React as Front-End and PostgreSQL as the database. The reason is as follows. First of all, since it is a financial system, various services will exist, and each service must be well connected and combined with each other. The organic combination of small services that work very well is the foundation of a great system. For this, it is best to use Node.js based, and I think ExpressJS or NestJS is the best choice. We recommend choosing React or Vue as the FrontEnd. PostgreSQL is currently the best performing database. These three combinations have many examples, and their superiority has been confirmed by my implementation in many projects already. If you are interested in my advice and have any questions, please feel free to contact me.

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