Power BI

Power BI

Utilities / Analytics / Business Intelligence
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Azure Analysis ServicesAzure Analysis Services

Which among the two, Kyvos and Azure Analysis Services, should be used to build a Semantic Layer?

I have to build a Semantic Layer for the data warehouse platform and use Power BI for visualisation and the data lies in the Azure Managed Instance. I need to analyse the two platforms and find which suits best for the same.

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Avatar of dsckyvos
Director, Engineering at Kyvos Insights Inc·

Kyvos provides a rich semantic layer that works across BI tools, including Power BI. It allows you to analyze huge amounts of data with sub-second responses, whether it lies in your data warehouses like Delta Lake or ADLS Gen 2.

2 upvotes·2K views

Hello community, we have been using GA4 and finding it less than useful for our needs. Browser plugins make our tracking less effective and data privacy concerns make it difficult to analyze users. Does anyone track data using an internal tool while using a reporting tool such as Power BI for analysis?

I'm sure there are multiple ways to skin the cat and I'd love to hear about suggested approaches and how others are doing things. Thanks so much!

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This cat can indeed be skinned in so many ways that even gathering a representative list of keywords and tool names could take years. From my personal experience (especially in settings where you have registered and identifiable users), the nuances are often in the logical desire to tie tracking events into your product and CRM automation. In those contexts, I had rather positive experiences with Segment + (Braze, Mixpanel, all-things-social) + analytics warehouse + your choice of BI tool for fully hosted zero code solutions. That also works well in multi-platform settings. If analytics is all you need you could also consider much cheaper or free (if hosted on-prem) solutions like Matomo and a plethora of similar tools...

2 upvotes·5.2K views
Needs advice
Power BIPower BI

We are looking for visualizations tools that can afford access to many different platforms. We are short on engineers to support connections and want to be minimally reliant on them. We have exhausted our vertical capabilities and now are looking to branch data across disparate systems.

I found Power BI complicated, I am wondering what others have found.

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Avatar of danielsitnik
Associate Director at Accenture·

Metabase is more user friendly and totally targeted at non technical people. Setup is super easy and it supports all of the most popular datasources.

You can give meaningful names and descriptions to your tables and columns. This helps the end users when they are creating the queries (called "questions" in Metabase). Question creation is all done visually, you can even join tables and do aggregations (group by) without coding any line of SQL, although SQL can be used for more complex cases.

Daniel Sitnik (sitnik.dev)
4 upvotes·23K views
Avatar of movgp0
Senior Software Developer ·

PowerBI works for your use case of connecting to different data sources, but it also requires programming knowledge. It's not an solution you can deploy without a programmer who has experience in SQL (querying your data sources) and data engineering (how to structure data such that the queries execute performantly).

2 upvotes·1 comment·3.5K views
Dmitry Ungurean
Dmitry Ungurean
January 12th 2022 at 11:05AM

We use Metabase as an alternative solution (main one is QlikView). Metabase setup is quick and intuitive and connection to databases is relatively easy - you just have to give it JDBC links (you do it in the GUI). After that the end users can do data exploration / dashboard building on their own (using dashboard builder and / or SQL). Ask extra questions if you are interested, will answer with great pleasure.


Looking for the best analytics software for a medium-large-sized firm. We currently use a Microsoft SQL Server database that is analyzed in Tableau desktop/published to Tableau online for users to access dashboards. Is it worth the cost savings/time to switch over to using SSRS or Power BI? Does anyone have experience migrating from Tableau to SSRS /or Power BI? Our other option is to consider using Tableau on-premises instead of online. Using custom SQL with over 3 million rows really decreases performances and results in processing times that greatly exceed our typical experience. Thanks.

7 upvotes·1.1M views
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BI tools are only as good as the data they're connected to. If you're already experiencing performance issues, you might want to consider a cloud database like Snowflake.

In my experience, there isn't a whole lot of a difference in PBI vs Tableau, for the vast majority of analysis. Personally, I favor Tableau because you can make really fancy/pretty things, but most business don't require that level. Most of the time I've seen people choose PBI due to cost or their team is already familiar with the platform.

I also recommend checking out Sigma Computing (sigmacomputing.com), they are a BI tool built like a spreadsheet so it's easy for people to learn and understand, and they're specifically built to optimize Snowflake connections.

6 upvotes·536 views

You need to start using Datawarehouse (DWH) solution and then feed data to tableau. For that you need to setup data pipelines and then transform data in the DWH, move all the custom queries into the DWH. This process is called ELT. You need AWS Redshift or Google Bigquery, a serverless scalable solution, this is the bottle-neck on your current SQL, not meant for processing millions of rows of data. A team of Data engineers can help you to setup these solutions.

6 upvotes·1 comment·4.1K views
Paul McDonald
Paul McDonald
March 28th 2022 at 3:42PM

Agree with Parth this sounds like an architecture issue not a tool problem.

Tableau is a great Analytics tool but if you keep utilising large extracts with lots of filters there will be performance hits.

Try switching from a mass extract filter exclude model to direct connect, include model. For performance I can highly recommend Snowflake as the DWH platform which has been a game changer for us. Good luck.

Avatar of raviupadhyaylkw
Architect-IoT at A. P. Moller Maerks·
Needs advice
Azure Cosmos DBAzure Cosmos DB

I am currently using Azure Cosmos DB for our IoT platform and am planning to switch to another #NoSQL database for cost and other related issues. I am also looking for a database that has higher capabilities towards reporting solutions through Power BI or other reporting tools.

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Avatar of csaltos
Developer at Listatree·

MongoDB is a good database, we are using MongoDB at Talenteca.com and it's very good. You may also use PostgreSQL a fine database with solid performance.

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