Needs advice

I am choosing a DevOps toolset for my team. GitLab is open source and quite cloud-native. Jenkins has a very popular environment system but old-style technicals. Bamboo is very nice but integrated only with Atlassian products.

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Avatar of anis_zehani
Founder at Odix·

Hello Xie, here are the tools am using for my entire CI/CD pipeline : 1-Jenkins (make sure to install Blue Ocean plugin) it will make your life easier and it's user friendly. 2-Gitlab as a container registry for my docker images (you can use it for code source too of course) 3-Github for version control and source code (make sure to benefit from webhooks to interact with your jenkins server). 4-Ansible : in order to automatically execute shell commands on different machines local and remote. 5-As always i recommend Kubernetes to manage containers (that's what am using) Best of luck

3 upvotes·3 comments·348 views
Ross M.
Ross M.
May 12th 2021 at 1:00PM

You should consider what kind of services you are trying to devop. WebStack? containerized processes? Binaries (like games?) Who is going to be the DevOp in your team (it might guide you if you want something simple or powerful)?

Jenkins is a powerful and sometimes intimidating toolbox that would make you go down a rabbit hole. I am pretty sure you will find a way to do it in Jenkins. It will not only work for webstack but also binaries (like game builds, you name it)

Gitlab is a little more pruned but very well equipped service. You will feel more guided with their interface. Also, it let you host your own Runner which give the flexibility to not always rely on container if you can't use that.

I dont know Bamboo that much but Bitbucket Cloud comes with what they call Bitbucket pipeline and it's mostly useful if you know your pipeline can be all run through containers.

xie zhifeng
xie zhifeng
May 26th 2021 at 1:12AM

mainly webstacks

xie zhifeng
xie zhifeng
May 26th 2021 at 1:11AM

Thanks! Then I will have trial those tools!

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xie zhifeng

cto at csdn