Avatar of dealsalt
DevOps at SoftwareHow·
Needs advice

Currently, I am using Shopify, and it's working fine somehow. I need to check the access and error logs I am able to do it. That's why thinking set up a WordPress instance on my server. I need a suggestion whether it is good or not. My current website is www.dealsalt.com, please advise.

Thanks DealSalt

MEN (dealsalt.com)
6 upvotes·128.2K views
Replies (2)
Avatar of scottcwilson
Founder at That Software Guy·

Shopify is a hosted platform, so you won't be able to set up WordPress on the same server, because you don't control it. A few options exist though:

  • Shopify has a lightweight blogging platform you might use
  • You could create a WordPress blog on WordPress.com (or any other WordPress hosting service)
  • You could set up an account on a hosting service and install WordPress there.

Good luck!

13 upvotes·11.2K views
CTO & Co-Founder at Crazy Web Studio Co., Ltd.·

If the blog features provided by Shopify are too limited for your needs you could decide to create a dedicated blog WordPress based and connect it to a subdomain, like for example blog.dealsalt.com You could host your WordPress instance where you prefer and just modify the domain records to point your blog subdomain to your hosting. I suggest you also to take a look to Shopify JS Buy SDK and Shopify Buy Button JS technologies, if you'd like to integrate some Shopify features in your blog. Please, consider that there are also some SEO drawbacks to use an external platform for blogging on a subdomain. For Google a domain and subdomain have no relations. Therefore if you are going to put a lot of effort in creating content, get backlinks, etc on the blog, you'll improve the ranking of the blog subdomain and not the ranking of your store domain.

5 upvotes·11K views
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Deal Salt

DevOps at SoftwareHow