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The fastest, most secure way to sign, send, and store documents in the cloud.
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What is DocuSign?

DocuSign automates manual, paper-based processes allowing you to manage all aspects of documented business transactions, including identity management, authentication, digital signature, forms/data collection, collaboration, workflow automation and storage.
DocuSign is a tool in the Document Signature category of a tech stack.

Who uses DocuSign?

67 companies reportedly use DocuSign in their tech stacks, including LinkedIn, Accenture, and ebay.

171 developers on StackShare have stated that they use DocuSign.

DocuSign Integrations

Google Drive, G Suite, Salesforce, Box, and NetSuite are some of the popular tools that integrate with DocuSign. Here's a list of all 19 tools that integrate with DocuSign.

DocuSign's Features

  • Sign online without pen or paper
  • Type and select a signature or write your own.
  • Legally sign documents with simple clicks from any computer or mobile device.
  • Eliminate costs of printing, faxing, scanning and overnighting.
  • Get signatures on documents in minutes instead of days
  • Drag and drop tags to make it easy for customers to see where to sign
  • Email anywhere in the world with support for 39 languages
  • Access all signed documents from your secure cloud account
  • Check status to see who's signed and who hasn't
  • Download or print anything, anywhere, on any device
  • Docusigned documents are legally binding
  • A complete audit trail is maintained
  • DocuSign documents are encrypted – more secure than paper

DocuSign Alternatives & Comparisons

What are some alternatives to DocuSign?
HelloSign provides fast, secure, and legally binding eSignatures for Business. Our API gives you the ability to embed signing right into your own site with just a few lines of code. Set-up only takes minutes to complete.
It enables you to sign documents and request for documents to be signed by other parties while maintaining industry compliance.
RightSignature is the simplest, most efficient way to get your documents signed. RightSignature enables you to close more deals in less time, reduce paper and ink expenses, avoid fax hassles, cut cycle time from weeks to hours, and impress your customers.
Imagine all your team communication in one place, instantly searchable, available wherever you go. That’s Slack. All your messages. All your files. And everything from Twitter, Dropbox, Google Docs, Asana, Trello, GitHub and dozens of other services. All together.
Jira's secret sauce is the way it simplifies the complexities of software development into manageable units of work. Jira comes out-of-the-box with everything agile teams need to ship value to customers faster.
See all alternatives

DocuSign's Followers
198 developers follow DocuSign to keep up with related blogs and decisions.