Avatar of Julian Sanchez

Julian Sanchez

Lead Developer at Chore Champion
Avatar of juliancruzsanchez
Lead Developer at Chore Champion·

We use Yarn because it allows us to more simply manage our node_modules. It also simplifies commands and increases speed when installing modules. Our teams module download time was cut in half after switching from NPM to Yarn. We now require all employees to use Yarn (to prevent errors with package-lock.json and yarn.lock).

11 upvotes·1 comment·255.6K views
Damian Esteban
Damian Esteban
February 15th 2020 at 1:04AM

We recently made the switch to Yarn mostly because of workspaces, speed, and the features in the Yarn v2 release. It has been great.

Avatar of juliancruzsanchez
Lead Developer at Chore Champion·

We use Visual Studio Code because it allows us to easily and quickly integrate with Git, much like Sublime Merge ,but it is integrated into the IDE. Another cool part about VS Code is the ability collaborate with each other with Visual Studio Live Share which allows our whole team to get more done together. It brings the convenience of the Google Suite to programming, offering something that works more smoothly than anything found on Atom or Sublime Text

9 upvotes·788.1K views
Avatar of juliancruzsanchez
Lead Developer at Chore Champion·

We use Vue.js because it allows us to have dynamic components and routes in an easier manner than Angular and Ionic, which are the systems that we used to use. It uses normal HTML, CSS (SCSS) and JavaScript in a single file much like an HTML file, but allows for dynamic values in a Handlebars like format: {{value}}. In addition to this it is actually quicker than AngularJS and Ionic in my experience.

6 upvotes·1.8K views
Avatar of juliancruzsanchez
Lead Developer at Chore Champion·

We use G Suite because it allows us to store all of our documents and emails all in one place, with setup and sync far easier than Zoho Suite. Not only does it make it easier for us to collaborate but it allows us to have a separate place for all of our business related projects.

3 upvotes·52.6K views
Avatar of juliancruzsanchez
Lead Developer at Chore Champion·

We use Parse to store all of our user data as well as our templates, files and authentication. We also use it as a push notification service.

2 upvotes·12.9K views
Avatar of juliancruzsanchez
Lead Developer at Chore Champion·

We use Parse because it uses far less code than Firebase Database as well as being self-hosted, making it less expensive. It also is really easy to implement in JavaScript and has a smaller package size on NPM/Yarn

1 upvote·12.5K views
Avatar of juliancruzsanchez
Lead Developer at Chore Champion·

We use Netlify because it allows us to quickly update build and host our app for free. As well as having a wonderful UI for our DNS and nameserver management. As well as costing less than Amazon Web Services and Google Cloud.

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Avatar of juliancruzsanchez
Lead Developer at Chore Champion·
Shared insights

We use ES6 because it allows us to do more with less code. The arrow functions are the best, as well as classes and destructible variables.

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