Lee Munroe
Recent Tech Decisions
937 points


  • Rails

    leemunroe Flask


  • Airbrake

    leemunroe Flask

    Tracking errors and exceptions that occur.

  • UserVoice

    leemunroe Flask

    Feature requests.

  • Optimizely

    leemunroe Flask

    A/B testing.

  • Intercom

    leemunroe Flask

    Tracking users. Messaging users.

  • Olark

    leemunroe Flask

    Chatting to users for instant feedback. Support.

  • Mailgun

    leemunroe Flask

    Sending emails. Sharing lists.

  • Mixpanel

    leemunroe Flask

    Track events and what users are doing.

  • Pingdom

    leemunroe Flask

    Alerts when/if site goes down.

  • Google Analytics

    leemunroe Flask

    Metrics and insights.

  • GitHub

    leemunroe Flask

    Hosting and sharing code.

  • UserVoice

    leemunroe CodeShare

    When I pushed Codeshare it was very much (and still is) MVP. UserVoice gave me a quick and free way to gather feedback from active users and helped prioritize feature requests.

  • Mixpanel

    leemunroe CodeShare

    Using Mixpanel to track events tells me what language users are switching to, what the most popular themes are and how often users are starting video chats. It also gives me a tool to experiment quickly with "fake" buttons and see if users click them. This enables me to validate the need for new features before fully building them out.

  • Node.js

    leemunroe CodeShare

    This was my first Node.js app. You could call it experimental. I also used Express.

  • Firebase

    leemunroe CodeShare

    Firebase made it really easy to do two things. 1) Store the shared code developers were sharing 2) Make it real-time simply by including some of their JS libraries. The reason I built CodeShare was to try out Firebase.

  • Heroku

    leemunroe CodeShare

    Heroku makes it easy to deploy in minutes and it's free for one dyno.

  • Segment

    leemunroe Flask

    Instead of going back and forth integrating 3rd party scripts, Segment let me set up tracking once then I could switch all other tools on from their control panel. Made it easier to get Mixpanel, Intercom, Olark etc. up and running without touching code.

  • Heroku

    leemunroe Flask

    Hosting. Easy to deploy.