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Birdly vs Concur: What are the differences?

What is Birdly? Simple expense management for Slack teams. Birdly helps you manage your expenses directly inside Slack, and updates your monthly Excel report inside Google Sheets in real time. Just DM Bill a snapshot of your receipt, or a pdf invoice and everything will be done for you.

What is Concur? Your go-to source for all things Travel and Expense. Employees can book domestic and international flights, reserve rental cars and make hotel and rail reservations - all from their smartphones or desktop browser. Thanks to the integration of travel with expense reporting, all itineraries and credit card charges are automatically imported.

Birdly and Concur can be categorized as "Expense Management" tools.

Some of the features offered by Birdly are:

  • Send your expenses to Slack from any device
  • Bot analyzes your receipt and processes the data
  • Sends clean summary of monthly expenses

On the other hand, Concur provides the following key features:

  • Concur Expense- Submit, view or approve expenses via your mobile device. And, you can instantly see claims that are out of policy and provide real-time policy feedback. Also, Concur works globally, so currency exchange rates and VAT calculation are covered, too.
  • Concur Travel.- Book within your corporate travel policy from anywhere at any time. It keeps track of your reward numbers, seat preferences, and gate information. You can also upload electronic folios, directly to expense reports.
  • ​Concur For Mobile.- Capture receipts with your smartphone, upload IRS compliant images directly to expense reports, approve or reject expense reports via manager access, book flights, rail, or hotels from your smartphone. Create a single itinerary from any travel reservation and any travel vendor with TripIt Pro. Add car mileage to an expense report.
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What is Birdly?

Birdly helps you manage your expenses directly inside Slack, and updates your monthly Excel report inside Google Sheets in real time. Just DM Bill a snapshot of your receipt, or a pdf invoice and everything will be done for you.

What is Concur?

Employees can book domestic and international flights, reserve rental cars and make hotel and rail reservations - all from their smartphones or desktop browser. Thanks to the integration of travel with expense reporting, all itineraries and credit card charges are automatically imported.

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