Docker Machine vs Rancher Fleet

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Docker Machine

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Rancher Fleet

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Docker Machine vs Rancher Fleet: What are the differences?

What is Docker Machine? Machine management for a container-centric world. Machine lets you create Docker hosts on your computer, on cloud providers, and inside your own data center. It creates servers, installs Docker on them, then configures the Docker client to talk to them.

What is Rancher Fleet? Manage large fleets of Kubernetes clusters. It is a Kubernetes cluster fleet controller specifically designed to address the challenges of running thousands to millions of clusters across the world. While it's designed for massive scale the concepts still apply for even small deployments of less than 10 clusters. It is lightweight enough to run on the smallest of deployments too and even has merit in a single node cluster managing only itself.

Docker Machine and Rancher Fleet belong to "Container Tools" category of the tech stack.

Docker Machine and Rancher Fleet are both open source tools. It seems that Docker Machine with 5.84K GitHub stars and 1.7K forks on GitHub has more adoption than Rancher Fleet with 338 GitHub stars and 22 GitHub forks.

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Pros of Docker Machine
Pros of Rancher Fleet
  • 12
    Easy docker hosts management
  • 2
    UI Integration
  • 1
    Enterprise support
  • 1

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What is Docker Machine?

Machine lets you create Docker hosts on your computer, on cloud providers, and inside your own data center. It creates servers, installs Docker on them, then configures the Docker client to talk to them.

What is Rancher Fleet?

It is a Kubernetes cluster fleet controller specifically designed to address the challenges of running thousands to millions of clusters across the world. While it's designed for massive scale the concepts still apply for even small deployments of less than 10 clusters. It is lightweight enough to run on the smallest of deployments too and even has merit in a single node cluster managing only itself.

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    Blog Posts

    What are some alternatives to Docker Machine and Rancher Fleet?
    Docker Compose
    With Compose, you define a multi-container application in a single file, then spin your application up in a single command which does everything that needs to be done to get it running.
    boot2docker is a lightweight Linux distribution based on Tiny Core Linux made specifically to run Docker containers. It runs completely from RAM, weighs ~27MB and boots in ~5s (YMMV).
    The Docker Platform is the industry-leading container platform for continuous, high-velocity innovation, enabling organizations to seamlessly build and share any application — from legacy to what comes next — and securely run them anywhere
    Ansible is an IT automation tool. It can configure systems, deploy software, and orchestrate more advanced IT tasks such as continuous deployments or zero downtime rolling updates. Ansible’s goals are foremost those of simplicity and maximum ease of use.
    Kubernetes is an open source orchestration system for Docker containers. It handles scheduling onto nodes in a compute cluster and actively manages workloads to ensure that their state matches the users declared intentions.
    See all alternatives