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Druid vs Hadoop: What are the differences?

  1. Performance and Scalability: Druid is designed to provide real-time query capabilities on large datasets, while Hadoop focuses on distributed storage and batch processing. Druid's architecture allows for efficient ingestion of data and provides fast query responses, making it suitable for interactive analytics. On the other hand, Hadoop's MapReduce framework enables parallel processing of data but may have slower query response times due to its batch processing nature.
  2. Data Model: Druid stores data in a columnar format optimized for low-latency queries, where each column is stored separately and can be compressed individually. Hadoop, on the other hand, stores data in a distributed file system using the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), where files are stored in a block format. This difference in data storage and compression techniques affects the speed and efficiency of data querying.
  3. Data Ingestion: Druid is designed to support real-time data ingestion by providing mechanisms to ingest data streams and continuously update its indexes. In contrast, Hadoop is primarily used for batch processing and requires manual loading of data into the HDFS before it can be processed.
  4. Querying Capabilities: Druid provides sub-second query response times even on large datasets due to its column-based storage and indexing structures. It supports complex aggregations, filtering, and grouping operations, making it suitable for interactive, ad-hoc queries. Hadoop, on the other hand, may have longer query response times as it processes data in batches and requires the execution of MapReduce jobs for querying.
  5. Ecosystem and Tooling: Hadoop has a rich ecosystem of tools and frameworks such as Apache Spark, Apache Hive, and Apache Pig that can be used for various data processing tasks. It also has extensive support for data integration and processing. Druid, while it has a smaller ecosystem compared to Hadoop, provides built-in support for real-time dashboards and OLAP-style analytics.
  6. Data Updates: Druid allows for real-time updates and incremental ingestion of data streams while maintaining query performance. Hadoop typically requires complete reprocessing of data for updates, making it more suitable for batch data processing rather than real-time data analysis.

In Summary, Druid and Hadoop differ in their focus on real-time query capabilities, data storage and compression techniques, data ingestion mechanisms, querying capabilities, ecosystem and tooling support, and handling of data updates.

Advice on Druid and Hadoop
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I have a lot of data that's currently sitting in a MariaDB database, a lot of tables that weigh 200gb with indexes. Most of the large tables have a date column which is always filtered, but there are usually 4-6 additional columns that are filtered and used for statistics. I'm trying to figure out the best tool for storing and analyzing large amounts of data. Preferably self-hosted or a cheap solution. The current problem I'm running into is speed. Even with pretty good indexes, if I'm trying to load a large dataset, it's pretty slow.

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Replies (1)

Druid Could be an amazing solution for your use case, My understanding, and the assumption is you are looking to export your data from MariaDB for Analytical workload. It can be used for time series database as well as a data warehouse and can be scaled horizontally once your data increases. It's pretty easy to set up on any environment (Cloud, Kubernetes, or Self-hosted nix system). Some important features which make it a perfect solution for your use case. 1. It can do streaming ingestion (Kafka, Kinesis) as well as batch ingestion (Files from Local & Cloud Storage or Databases like MySQL, Postgres). In your case MariaDB (which has the same drivers to MySQL) 2. Columnar Database, So you can query just the fields which are required, and that runs your query faster automatically. 3. Druid intelligently partitions data based on time and time-based queries are significantly faster than traditional databases. 4. Scale up or down by just adding or removing servers, and Druid automatically rebalances. Fault-tolerant architecture routes around server failures 5. Gives ana amazing centralized UI to manage data sources, query, tasks.

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Pros of Druid
Pros of Hadoop
  • 15
    Real Time Aggregations
  • 6
    Batch and Real-Time Ingestion
  • 5
  • 3
  • 2
    Combining stream and historical analytics
  • 1
  • 39
    Great ecosystem
  • 11
    One stack to rule them all
  • 4
    Great load balancer
  • 1
    Amazon aws
  • 1
    Java syntax

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Cons of Druid
Cons of Hadoop
  • 3
    Limited sql support
  • 2
    Joins are not supported well
  • 1
    Be the first to leave a con

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    What is Druid?

    Druid is a distributed, column-oriented, real-time analytics data store that is commonly used to power exploratory dashboards in multi-tenant environments. Druid excels as a data warehousing solution for fast aggregate queries on petabyte sized data sets. Druid supports a variety of flexible filters, exact calculations, approximate algorithms, and other useful calculations.

    What is Hadoop?

    The Apache Hadoop software library is a framework that allows for the distributed processing of large data sets across clusters of computers using simple programming models. It is designed to scale up from single servers to thousands of machines, each offering local computation and storage.

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    Dec 22 2021 at 5:41AM


    MySQLKafkaApache Spark+6
    Aug 28 2019 at 3:10AM


    PythonJavaAmazon S3+16
    What are some alternatives to Druid and Hadoop?
    Apache HBase is an open-source, distributed, versioned, column-oriented store modeled after Google' Bigtable: A Distributed Storage System for Structured Data by Chang et al. Just as Bigtable leverages the distributed data storage provided by the Google File System, HBase provides Bigtable-like capabilities on top of Apache Hadoop.
    MongoDB stores data in JSON-like documents that can vary in structure, offering a dynamic, flexible schema. MongoDB was also designed for high availability and scalability, with built-in replication and auto-sharding.
    Partitioning means that Cassandra can distribute your data across multiple machines in an application-transparent matter. Cassandra will automatically repartition as machines are added and removed from the cluster. Row store means that like relational databases, Cassandra organizes data by rows and columns. The Cassandra Query Language (CQL) is a close relative of SQL.
    Prometheus is a systems and service monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions, displays the results, and can trigger alerts if some condition is observed to be true.
    Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine capable of storing data and searching it in near real time. Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats and Logstash are the Elastic Stack (sometimes called the ELK Stack).
    See all alternatives