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Fastly vs Netlify: What are the differences?


Fastly and Netlify are both content delivery network (CDN) providers that help optimize and improve website performance. While they have some similarities in terms of their CDN offerings, there are key differences between the two.

  1. Pricing and Billing: Fastly offers a pay-as-you-go pricing model, where customers pay for the amount of CDN traffic they use. Netlify, on the other hand, has a tiered pricing structure based on the number of sites and features required. This means that Fastly may be more suitable for websites with fluctuating traffic, while Netlify might be a better option for smaller websites with a fixed budget.

  2. DevOps Integration: Netlify is specifically designed for developers and seamlessly integrates with popular DevOps tools like Git and continuous deployment systems. This allows developers to easily deploy and manage their websites directly from their code repositories. Fastly, on the other hand, provides powerful CDN functionalities but may require additional development work and configuration to integrate with existing DevOps workflows.

  3. Edge Computing Capabilities: With Fastly, developers have the option to execute custom logic at the edge of the network using Fastly's Compute@Edge. This allows for dynamic content manipulation and personalization directly within Fastly's CDN. Netlify, however, focuses more on simplifying static site hosting and deployment, without providing the same level of customizable edge computing capabilities.

  4. Global Network Reach: Fastly has an extensive global network of edge servers, strategically located in major cities worldwide. This allows for faster content delivery and reduced latency for users across geographically distributed locations. Netlify, while also providing a robust CDN, may have a slightly smaller network reach in comparison, which could impact performance for users in certain regions.

  5. Advanced Caching Control: Fastly offers highly customizable caching configurations, allowing developers to precisely control cache behavior and cache invalidation. This level of granular control is especially valuable for websites with complex caching requirements. While Netlify also offers caching functionality, it may not provide the same level of flexibility and customization options as Fastly.

  6. Specialized Use Cases: Fastly has established itself as a popular choice for large-scale, high-traffic websites. Its powerful CDN capabilities, along with edge computing and security offerings, make it suitable for enterprises and organizations with complex requirements. Netlify, on the other hand, is often favored by developers building static websites or deploying modern web apps, especially those using popular frameworks like React or Gatsby.

In summary, Fastly and Netlify are both CDN providers, but they differ in terms of pricing and billing models, integration with DevOps workflows, edge computing capabilities, network reach, caching control, and target use cases. The choice between the two would depend on the specific needs and requirements of your website or application.

Decisions about Fastly and Netlify
Howie Zhao
Full Stack Engineer at yintrust · | 7 upvotes · 215.6K views

We use Netlify to host static websites.

The reasons for choosing Netlify over GitHub Pages are as follows:

  • Netfily can bind multiple domain names, while GitHub Pages can only bind one domain name
  • With Netfily, the original repository can be private, while GitHub Pages free tier requires the original repository to be public

In addition, in order to use CDN, we use Netlify DNS.

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Pros of Fastly
Pros of Netlify
  • 28
    Real-time updates
  • 26
    Fastest CDN
  • 22
    Powerful API
  • 20
    Great support
  • 14
    Great customer support
  • 7
    Instant Purging
  • 7
    Custom VCL
  • 6
    Good pricing
  • 6
    Tag-based Purging
  • 5
    HTTP/2 Support
  • 4
    Speed & functionality
  • 4
    Image processing on demande (Fastly IO)
  • 4
    Best CDN
  • 45
    Easy deploy
  • 43
    Fastest static hosting and continuous deployments
  • 22
    Free SSL support
  • 22
    Super simple deploys
  • 15
    Easy Setup and Continous deployments
  • 10
    Faster than any other option in the market
  • 10
    Free plan for personal websites
  • 8
    Deploy previews
  • 6
    Free Open Source (Pro) plan
  • 4
    Great loop-in material on a blog
  • 4
  • 4
    Easy to use and great support
  • 3
    Fastest static hosting and continuous deployments
  • 3
    Great drag and drop functionality
  • 3
    Custom domains support
  • 1
    Canary Releases (Split Tests)
  • 1
    Supports static site generators
  • 1
    Tech oriented support
  • 0

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Cons of Fastly
Cons of Netlify
  • 1
    Minimum $50/mo spend
  • 7
    It's expensive
  • 1
    Bandwidth limitation

Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

What is Fastly?

Fastly's real-time content delivery network gives you total control over your content, unprecedented access to performance analytics, and the ability to instantly update content in 150 milliseconds.

What is Netlify?

Netlify is smart enough to process your site and make sure all assets gets optimized and served with perfect caching-headers from a cookie-less domain. We make sure your HTML is served straight from our CDN edge nodes without any round-trip to our backend servers and are the only ones to give you instant cache invalidation when you push a new deploy. Netlify is also the only static hosting service with integrated continuous deployment.

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What are some alternatives to Fastly and Netlify?
Cloudflare speeds up and protects millions of websites, APIs, SaaS services, and other properties connected to the Internet.
If you've ever shopped online, downloaded music, watched a web video or connected to work remotely, you've probably used Akamai's cloud platform. Akamai helps businesses connect the hyperconnected, empowering them to transform and reinvent their business online. We remove the complexities of technology, so you can focus on driving your business faster forward.
Varnish Cache is a web application accelerator also known as a caching HTTP reverse proxy. You install it in front of any server that speaks HTTP and configure it to cache the contents. Varnish Cache is really, really fast. It typically speeds up delivery with a factor of 300 - 1000x, depending on your architecture.
Build your applications and services at the edge, with Edge Computing and Edge Services that give you high performance, full security, and total control.
Twilio offers developers a powerful API for phone services to make and receive phone calls, and send and receive text messages. Their product allows programmers to more easily integrate various communication methods into their software and programs.
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