

Utilities / Analytics / Mobile Analytics
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Amplitude is the best product analytics tool to understand user behavior. I love the Behavioral Cohorts feature

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Hasan Naeem
Hasan Naeem
September 2nd 2022 at 2:06PM

Amplitude is good product

Needs advice

Can either of these (Pendo, and Amplitude) also function as a data warehouse for data we want to retain? How well can they accept data from other systems? I know they focused on session behavior. I would like to hear if anyone took their implementation further than session behavior?

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Avatar of iva2832
Product Marketing Manager at Martian & Machine·


This is a question for best practice regarding Segment and Google Tag Manager. I would love to use Segment and GTM together when we need to implement a lot of additional tools, such as Amplitude, Appsfyler, or any other engagement tool since we can send event data without additional SDK implementation, etc.

So, my question is, if you use Segment and Google Tag Manager, how did you define what you will push through Segment and what will you push through Google Tag Manager? For example, when implementing a Facebook Pixel or any other 3rd party marketing tag?

From my point of view, implementing marketing pixels should stay in GTM because of the tag/trigger control.

If you are using Segment and GTM together, I would love to learn more about your best practice.


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Avatar of rubenlozanome
Growth Marketing Specialist at Ruben Lozano Me·

Hello Iva,

I think it is a good exercise to think about this framework once you start to add tags, triggers, and parameters and connect data between different tools (Amplitude, Google Ads, Linkedin Ads, Twitter Ads). I really love a post where Daniel Wolchonok shared a video about the Data Stack at Reforge ( My suggestion and what I see in other startups, centralise everything in one platform, Segment, and then send data whatever you need. Allow Google Tag Manager to be the tool for marketers and don't allow them to use Segment (I am a marketer). It is good that marketers have the freedom to set up tags and triggers for conversions and audiences but it is good that they don't have access to everything. So, I found it very simple to do it that way, Segment for everything and then connect Segment with Google Tag Manager where Google Tag Manager will allow marketers to work on the events, conversions, tracking, pixels, etc.

I hope you find this helpful. I will try to work on creating basic documentation to collect all of that information. I found really interesting for many startups at the beginning.


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AmplitudeAmplitudeData StudioData Studio

We are a consumer mobile app IOS/Android startup. The app is instrumented with branch and Firebase. We use Google BigQuery. We are looking at tools that can support engagement and cohort analysis at an early stage price which we can grow with. Data Studio is the default but it would seem Looker provides more power. We don't have much insight into Amplitude other than the fact it is a popular PM tool. Please provide some insight.

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Avatar of rubenlozanome
Growth Marketing Specialist at Ruben Lozano Me·

Hello Mohan,

To be honest, I don't have experience working with analytics on apps and also I don't have experience with Looker, so I cannot say I will suggest that one. I know that Amplitude is a known product analytics tool for apps. I know that in the #GoPractice course, Oleg (CEO GoPractice) was using Amplitude in all his experience with mobile game apps, so I guess apps could work well too. I have experience using Amplitude for SaaS solutions and it is great to create all kinds of analytics for the product. Then Google Datastudio is the classic solution to create dashboards and reports connect it with any data source. Also, some people, instead of Amplitude are using the new Google Analytics, @GoogleAnalytics #GA4 or Mixpanel. However, my suggestion is to use Amplitude and if there are reports that you cannot answer with Amplitude, use Google Data Studio.

I hope that could help you.


4 upvotes·25.1K views
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Does Segment have one set of code that would integrate Intercom and Amplitude? Or do I have to code in all 3 of them? Do you think it's necessary to have all three for a startup? (Im new here.. and new in the tech world too.)

4 upvotes·52.1K views
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Avatar of yonasb
CEO at StackShare·

With Segment (using a single code snippet), you can definitely integrate Intercom, Amplitude, and a lot of other tools including Google Analytics. We've used all 3 of those integrations before at StackShare. Full list of their integrations here and here :)

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Avatar of jsdario
Telecomm Engineering at Netbeast·
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This time I want to share something different. For those that have read my stack decisions, it's normal to expect some advice on infrastructure or React Native. Lately my mind has been focusing more on product as a experience than what's it made of (anatomy). As a tech leader, I have to worry about things like: are we taking enough time for reviews? Are we improving over time? Are we faster now? Is our code of higher quality?

For all these questions you can add many great recommendations on your pipeline. We use Trello for bug-tracking and project management. We use to add checks for linting, type-enforcing and other quality dimensions in our PRs and a great feature from Vercel that let's you previsualize deployments directly in a PR. However it's not easy to measure this improvements over time. For customer matters we have Amplitude or Firebase analytics, but for our internal process? That's a little bit more complicated.

I collaborated recently with some folks in a small startup as an early adopter to create a metrics dashboard for engineers. I tried to add the tool to but still it doesn't appear as one of the options, please take a look on it over product hunt and let us know

Scope - Software Engineering Metrics for Engineers and Team Leaders | Product Hunt (
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