

Application and Data / Languages & Frameworks / Languages
Avatar of keinsell
Node.js Software Engineer ·

In our company we have think a lot about languages that we're willing to use, there we have considering Java, Python and C++ . All of there languages are old and well developed at fact but that's not ideology of araclx. We've choose a edge technologies such as Node.js , Rust , Kotlin and Go as our programming languages which is some kind of fun. Node.js is one of biggest trends of 2019, same for Go. We want to grow in our company with growth of languages we have choose, and probably when we would choose Java that would be almost impossible because larger languages move on today's market slower, and cannot have big changes.

17 upvotes·1 comment·830.6K views
max budnick
max budnick
July 9th 2020 at 3:29AM

thank you for sharing.

Needs advice

I'm about to begin working on an API, for which I plan to add GraphQL connectivity for processing data. The data processed will mainly be audio files being downloaded/uploaded with some user messaging & authentication.

I don't mind the difficulty in any service since I've used C++ (for data structures & algorithms at least) and would also say I am patient and can learn fairly quickly. My main concerns would be their performance, libraries/community, and job marketability.

Why I'm stuck between these three...

Symfony: I've programmed in PHP for back-end in a previous internship and may do so again in a few months.

Node.js: It's newer than PHP, and it's JavaScript where my front-end stack will be React and (likely) React Native.

Go: It's newer than PHP, I've heard of its good performance, and it would be nice to learn a new (growing) language.

5 upvotes·2.4M views
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Avatar of maxmusing
Founder & CEO at BaseDash·

Go with Node.js. There's something really satisfying about being able to use a single language across your entire tech stack. Especially once you integrate GraphQL, which is effectively JSON.

Your second best option is Go, but the ecosystem around Node.js is quite a bit stronger. This will play a big factor when you start building functionality like file management, messaging (especially in real-time), and authentication. The libraries and documentation are just stronger for Node.

6 upvotes·3 comments·214K views
Fabian Gonzalez
Fabian Gonzalez
May 6th 2020 at 7:41PM

Awesome! Thank you for this recommendation!

Max Musing
Max Musing
May 6th 2020 at 7:57PM

You're welcome, good luck!

An Nguyen
An Nguyen
October 2nd 2021 at 7:08AM


Avatar of nikhil1379
Senior Embedded Engineer at GreyOrange·
Needs advice
FlutterFlutterReact NativeReact Native

Hi Friends, I am new to #MobileAppDevelopment and I need to make a #CrossPlatformMobileApp. I want guidance regarding which tools should I use to build a mobile app. Main requirements: integrate Unity game engine and provide a platform for social chats.

Past experience - C++ and Python

I have tagged Flutter and React Native but if anything better than both please suggest them.

5 upvotes·502.2K views
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Avatar of Epiczzor
Product Manager at AutoVRse·

Hey, If you are using Unity you are going to have to do the end to end development on Unity, you can directly build for android and iOS on Unity. I dont see how Flutter or React Native fit into this equation. Unity is a standalone engine. As for Social Chats, you could use Firebase or your own API and integrate that in Unity in C#

11 upvotes·455.9K views

I agree with Sahil. If Unity is a requirement, best way is to use just that to create your app.

If you really want, it should be possible to use Flutter and Unity together. Using Flutter Unity Widget. Although I wouldn't recommend it just yet. It's too early days.

If you do end up using it, I would be very interested in reading about your experiences.

6 upvotes·1 comment·455K views
Pierre Canthelou
Pierre Canthelou
February 15th 2021 at 8:14AM

Ru_Co and Sahil are totally right and nothing else to be said. But with your past experience, if you had to choose between RN and Flutter, who should definitely learn Dart and Flutter. (I insist this advice has nothing to do with Unity and your current project...)

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Needs advice

Hi, I'm just starting to learn code, and I stumbled upon this website. I think I should learn JavaScript, Python, and C++ to begin with. I'm a quick learner so I am only worried about what would be more useful. Suppose my goal is to build an online clothing store or something. Then what languages would be best? I need advice. Please help me out. I'm 13 and just beginning and it's hard to understand when people use technical terms so please keep it simple. Thanks a lot.

14 upvotes·281.4K views
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Avatar of TAM360
Associate Software Engineer at Intech Process Automation·

Go with Python. It's syntax is really simple and less verbose compare to others. You can use Python for basically anything like web dev, task automation, data science, data engineering, cybersecurity etc. At initial level, it's more important to get an understanding of programming fundamentals. Once you get conformable with coding in general, then you can explore other languages.

21 upvotes·1 comment·254.8K views
Rachel Alan
Rachel Alan
November 25th 2020 at 11:32AM

Thanks a lot. I really needed that. Now I can focus on learning it. Thanks for the help. :)


I would worry less about languages when you're first starting out. If you want to build an online store, then javascript is a great language that is used all over the web! Get comfortable with your first language, learn some computer science concepts and how to build things the right way, and then just work towards a goal and learn as you go!

https://www.w3schools.com/ is a great resource and it's completely free, everything you need to know to build a website is on that page if you have the drive to learn it. Best of luck to you!

Here's a neat roadmap too, in case you find yourself lost on what to learn next https://roadmap.sh/frontend

14 upvotes·2 comments·254.1K views
Rachel Alan
Rachel Alan
November 26th 2020 at 8:23AM

Thank you so much!

November 29th 2020 at 6:52AM

There are Telegram channels specialized in programming that help each other, especially since you will need help at the beginning

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Hey there, I am using Visual Studio for C++ and Notepad++ for web development. Should I switch to Visual Studio or Visual Studio Code for web development?

4 upvotes·263.3K views
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Visual Studio
Visual Studio

You should absolutely switch to Visual Studio Code for web development. The suite of plugins offered for every task is phenomenal, and you'll find a lot of support among the community. Web development often requires full-stack comprehension for both the developer and for the IDE. Visual Studio Code (via the assistance of plugins) is fluent in so many different languages and files, and the git integration is pure zen.

9 upvotes·496 views
Avatar of appurist
Developer and Owner at Appurist Software·
Visual Studio Code
Visual Studio Code

Yes, Visual Studio Code for web development. I'd probably stick with Visual Studio for C++, but even there I'm pretty sure Visual Studio Code gives Visual Studio a challenge for top spot. Visual Studio Code is my first choice for web development, and Notepad++ is my favorite text editor, but it's not an IDE like the Microsoft products. Visual Studio Code has excellent support for both Windows or Linux, and incredible support for Windows-based debugging under Windows Services for Linux 2 (WSL2) which gives you a full Linux environment within Windows with tight integration with VS Code on the Windows side (even debugging your code running under Windows or Linux (WSL2). You didn't mention which language you were developing in, so I'll assume JavaScript here... but to be honest, even if it's something else, you're probably best off with Visual Studio Code.

3 upvotes·1.5K views
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Avatar of devnix
Software Developer at AvaiBook·
Needs advice
C langC langPHPPHP

Hi! I'm working on some components in PHP for system administration to be released as reusable packages, to build some kind of server control panel with some time and patience.

I'm working on a credentials component to check things like the current user running the PHP process, the ability to change the password (which I would do through a shell command), and a very important feature: the ability to login with OS credentials.

For that purpose I'm already considering LDAP, but I want to support first an easy setup, like I would do for a small VPS. I want to login to my future panel with my Linux root credentials. This is very easy by parsing the /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow files, but I want to be multiplatform from the beginning.

How could I check a username/password in a similar way to login on Windows without having to configure Active Directory and similar things? I allow myself to use FFI to make external calls to native DLLs, so if the answer is on a Windows internal API it will not be a problem.

So, here is the question: is there any shell/C /C++ way to check if a given username and password matches a real Windows credential? Is there any way to check if that account is a root user? Thank you so much!

EDIT: If there's not any API to check a login, could it be done through reading the hashed password of a user, and hashing the provided one to check if they match? If so, how can you get the hashed password of a user, and how can you encode a password to compare both hashes?

7 upvotes·21.3K views
Needs advice

I want to make a website but im learning C and C++, and i dont know what language should i use.

1 upvote·12.3K views
Needs advice
Spring BootSpring Boot

Hello Guys

I am a newbie here and not very well experienced with different stacks. I have primarily programmed in C lang/C++ and am somewhat proficient in it.

I am now considering taking up Spring as a new framework to learn to get into Web dev as I know a little Java. But I have concerns about choosing it and am confused with JavaScript frameworks.

Could you please tell me which stack should I choose from?

7 upvotes·56K views
Replies (2)

What is your objective here? It sounds like this is not to solve a particular issue, but is about learning? If so, do you have a preference for things used on the front-end or the backend? That decision would typically lead down a JAVA-oriented path or a JavaScript-oriented path.

If you decide to learn JAVA, then Spring + Spring-boot is a very relevant framework. A competitor is Microprofile + Quarkus. The Quarkus part is newer, but gaining a lot of traction.

5 upvotes·46.4K views
Spring Boot
Spring Boot

Javascript is not a framework, it's programming language that can run in browser or as server side application developed with node.js framework.

1 upvote·46.3K views