Application and Data / Application Hosting / Web Servers
Needs advice

Hello everybody! I want to create an easy to use website (and simplified) builder. Users create a site, add their domain and edit Pages inside an Admin Area inside predefined "Blocks" like with Wagtail.

There should be several default templates/themes and layouts. Choosing a different theme might change both the layout and styling. And I'm looking for SSR or SSG with a focus on the end-user's Page performance.

Current Stack:

  • GraphQL for the dynamic part (for example data to Pricing might not be required on the homepage, or images might go into gallery in one theme, and on the homepage in another theme)

  • FastAPI and SQLAlchemy to store Data. I have prior experience with Wagtail and Django and want to stay with Python and learn Fastapi

  • NGINX to handle domain-specific things (the how is not yet refined)

I want a scalable architecture and especially a fast frontend. I'm tending to use SvelteKit, but I'm afraid that the dynamic part won't make me happy after having hundreds of sites, as the bundler cannot load themes dynamically. sveltekit - dynamic import

I want to handle the scenario: Admin-User chooses a theme and other options for the site (domain) and the End-User Frontend/Session/Cookie will have to fetch and store data about the theme and load subsequent calls to prerendered sites.

Also the "hundreds of sites" might not be all covered by 5 Themes, because users may purchase a custom-made theme, and I would have to manage one big project having lots of different Styleguides and flows. I even thought of statically building the site whenever the user makes a change, maybe using Hugo (or VitePress?). Then I would have to take more care with the page recreation and it would be easily routable instead of nesting every component with logic in the frontend... I think. But this I haven't thought through yet.

Can anyone please help?

4 upvotes·126.6K views
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Spring BootSpring Boot


Currently I'm working on an angular project front end: angular 9 backend: Spring Boot database: PostgreSQL server: NGINX

I need to know the steps to start setting up Nginx and DB with my Angular application? or do I have to finish the configuration between Frontend and Backend separately and connect to Bd and for the deployment, I configure the Nginx server with the rest?

thank you

#PostgreSQL #Angular #Nginx #Springboot

7 upvotes·21.7K views
Needs advice

Hello everyone! I'm working on a web application, it will be deployed in a private local network so I need to choose which server I will use, so I need to know which one between NGINX and XAMPP, ps: I used to work with XAMPP since everything is integrated

3 upvotes·503.6K views
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Freelance Developer at DGTEpro·

XAMPP is not designed for production use, I highly recommend you read this thread: and other threads relating to this. You mentioned your deployment would be on a local network however if the web application will handle company secrets or sensitive information you should not use XAMPP unless every user is trustworthy. If you do use XAMPP, the company should know in advance they will need to port to a production ready web server to expose any part of the system online. If you are limited to Windows hardware you could use WSL2 to install Ubuntu (or other Linux distros) on a Windows system.

3 upvotes·543 views
Frontend Engineer at BI X·

As already mentioned, XAMPP is not a package to be used for production. So setting up NGINX woudl be fast answer given the choices you look at. As usual, things are not just black and white, so you could also use the standalone components of XAMPP that you need.

My first check would be what do I need? In your case I assume a web server, a scripting language (I assume you mainly want to use php, not the also integrated perl in XAMPP) and a SQL database

For the Webserver you can use Apache or Nginx - both run on Windows as well as Linux, and both can run scripting languages. And if you are new to set them up I would say they can have an equal learning curve. For the scripting language it is the choice of what you are experienced with, but I recommend to only install the needed one(s) - as each adds onto the maintenance and hardening efforts. And for the database you can install MariaDB on its own.

The big plus of going through the effort to set them up manually:

  • you can patch them independently in case any security issues come up (take them seriously and apply patches timely!)

  • you can decide to run web server + scripting engine on one and the database on another machine

Once you know what you need you should then check with the one who maintains the server afterwards (not sure if that is you or an admin in the company you write the application for). Based on that evaluate what of the blow sounds best for (both of) you:

For all above tools I would recommend running them on Linux / WSL2 (WSL = Windows Subsystem for Linux) - as waiting for Windows binaries can sometimes take longer then the Linux ones. And even "just" an intranet application should be taken seriously regarding security. Rouge employees are nothing to underestimate.

It may also be worth looking into the use of containers (e.g. &, but these should run in the WSL2 (if Windows is needed) or on Linux for best performance. It adds learning about docker and how to connect the two containers (so that they can talk to each other) but also allows you to more easily migrate to other hardware if needed - and takes away some needed setup (e.g. the integration between Apache and php).

Sorry that this answer is a bit longer, but I want to help you find something that works in the long run for you and the company you code for.

2 upvotes·142 views
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PHP Software Developer ·
Needs advice

I'm looking to build an eCommerce website and seeking advice from professionals on the most reliable tech stack that I can use. Currently, the website is built on top of WordPress with WooCommerce, but the company has grown up, and evidently, the number of products have been increased. The site needs a fresh code because WordPress doesn't make it anymore.

The stack I'm most familiar with is PHP + Symfony + MySQL + Apache HTTP Server or NGINX. Headless eCommerce is the one I'm looking for, because of the huge complexity, it would be great to separate the backend from the frontend. Not sure about CMSs, because they had a huge amount of functionality that the application doesn't need. I've been looking also at PrestaShop, it seems ok, but not sure about customization and front-end integration. As a custom solution, I have found Sylius or Aimeos for the backend, but I'm not too sure about a frontend stack.

Could you please give some suggestions about the frontend stack and if the ones for the backend are ok?

5 upvotes·198.5K views
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CEO | IT Department at webo·

You need PIM and Drupal can both do eCommerce site and PIM catalog with many modules. Tests are available and extension are coded as Open Source too. Smaller cost of ownership. Require knowledge and more debug to get good result. From version 10 it will provide automatic updates that required for e-commerce in term of security

6 upvotes·24.5K views
Developer at netzGiraffe·

hey it is my first comment on stackshare :-) let me say, i am developer for/with prestashop and shopware

both using symfony but in different versions both system can completly customized in templates, modules, hooks/actions ....

i think it depends on the amount of products, countries and taxes too

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I am currently in school for computer science and am doing a class project about web servers. Our assignment is to research and select one of these web servers. Could you please let me know which one you would choose among NGINX, Microsoft IIS, and Apache HTTP Server and why?

3 upvotes·404.1K views
Replies (1)

i use nginx nginx is more better than apache

2 upvotes·1 comment·755 views
November 25th 2021 at 4:52AM

I use nginx for most of my projects. My projects are not big, not handling very high workload. But it run quite well up to now.

Needs advice

We are looking to configure a load balancer with some admin UI. We are currently struggling to decide between NGINX, Traefik, HAProxy, and Envoy. We will use a load balancer in a containerized environment and the load balancer should flexible and easy to reload without changes in case containers are scaled up.

5 upvotes·1.1M views
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CEO at NaoLogic Inc·

I'd recommend using Traefik. I used it both in Kubernetes and on simple EC2 servers. If you need help with the configs let me know

4 upvotes·5.8K views
DevOps Engineer at·

You need to consider something, When these tools were created, and for what purposes? both Nginx and HAProxy were created for Web servers and Loadbalncing, a reverse proxy for Physical and VM. on the other hand, Traefik and Envoy were created for Microservices ecosystem, provides L7 routing, etc...

If you are using Public Clouds like AWS, or GCP, you may want to consider their solutions for LB, routing, etc. otherwise, you way use something else, did you consider using other solutions? check this compare and choose based on that, I would use Itsio

3 upvotes·3.8K views
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Needs advice

We are currently using nginx as a reverse proxy for API mutations and GraphQL as a unified API service for all API access and fetch, where GQL has good support for caching, sorting, pagination, and querying. Is it recommended to use NGINX for all of the above purposes, and when API aggregation is not the case, not use GQL.

Or for sorting, querying, pagination, caching - is GQL always a better choice, even if there is no API aggregation involved?

6 upvotes·2M views
Replies (2)
Full-stack software developer at Grafeno Digital·

It depends of your architecture, but my use is pretty simple up to now. My reverse proxy using nginx only skips the hit of the location /graphql to our application server through an upstream location that handles it, but at the future it'll probably be another app or a microservice. If you want something to load balance, probably it's better to use something like traefik.

4 upvotes·3.9K views

Nginx is very low level and particularly difficult to debug (the documentation is really extensive and not so readable, and debugging when configured wrong is a pain), it will give you headaches for sure ! Keep nginx as minimal as possible and use it only for bare server configuration (handling SSL, domain names, reversed proxy, and load balancing). Nginx is also very fast to serve static assets. Nginx was originally created to serve static / templated WEB Servers and never as a REST API Handler. For "sorting, querying, pagination, caching" i'd stay with GQL because it's super easy to debug, it's readable, and mostly it was created to be simple and to handle REST API.

3 upvotes·1 comment·3.8K views
Deepanjan Majumdar
Deepanjan Majumdar
July 18th 2020 at 4:16PM

Thanks for the response, I agree with the same idea and it validated with your thought as well. Somehow it is also intuitive not to use Nginx for "sorting, querying, pagination, caching" .

Senior Fullstack Developer at QUANTUSflow Software GmbH·

Our whole DevOps stack consists of the following tools:

  • GitHub (incl. GitHub Pages/Markdown for Documentation, GettingStarted and HowTo's) for collaborative review and code management tool
  • Respectively Git as revision control system
  • SourceTree as Git GUI
  • Visual Studio Code as IDE
  • CircleCI for continuous integration (automatize development process)
  • Prettier / TSLint / ESLint as code linter
  • SonarQube as quality gate
  • Docker as container management (incl. Docker Compose for multi-container application management)
  • VirtualBox for operating system simulation tests
  • Kubernetes as cluster management for docker containers
  • Heroku for deploying in test environments
  • nginx as web server (preferably used as facade server in production environment)
  • SSLMate (using OpenSSL) for certificate management
  • Amazon EC2 (incl. Amazon S3) for deploying in stage (production-like) and production environments
  • PostgreSQL as preferred database system
  • Redis as preferred in-memory database/store (great for caching)

The main reason we have chosen Kubernetes over Docker Swarm is related to the following artifacts:

  • Key features: Easy and flexible installation, Clear dashboard, Great scaling operations, Monitoring is an integral part, Great load balancing concepts, Monitors the condition and ensures compensation in the event of failure.
  • Applications: An application can be deployed using a combination of pods, deployments, and services (or micro-services).
  • Functionality: Kubernetes as a complex installation and setup process, but it not as limited as Docker Swarm.
  • Monitoring: It supports multiple versions of logging and monitoring when the services are deployed within the cluster (Elasticsearch/Kibana (ELK), Heapster/Grafana, Sysdig cloud integration).
  • Scalability: All-in-one framework for distributed systems.
  • Other Benefits: Kubernetes is backed by the Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF), huge community among container orchestration tools, it is an open source and modular tool that works with any OS.
30 upvotes·2 comments·10.4M views
Larry Gryziak
Larry Gryziak
April 30th 2020 at 6:34PM

So why is your deployment different for your (Heroku) test/dev and your stage/production?

Simon Reymann
Simon Reymann
May 1st 2020 at 10:32AM

When it comes to testing our web app we do not demand great computational resources and need a very simple, convenient and fast PaaS solution for deploying the app to our testers. In production though, the demand of great computational resources can rise very fast. With Amazon we are able to control that in better way.

Web Developer at Soltech LLC·

This week, we finally released In the end, I chose to provision our server on DigitalOcean. So far, I am SO happy with that decision. Although setting everything up was a challenge, and I learned a lot, DigitalOceans blogs helped in so many ways. I was able to set up nginx and the Laravel web app pretty smoothly. I am also using Buddy for deploying changes made in git, which is super awesome. All I have to do in order to deploy is push my code to my private repo, and buddy transfers everything over to DigitalOcean. So far, we haven't had any downtime and DigitalOceans prices are quite fair for the power under the hood.

Search for Plants and Nurseries | NurseryPeople (
15 upvotes·8 comments·178.5K views
April 24th 2020 at 4:08PM

Great i just wanna learn about trick how to auto deploy after pushing to Git

thanks to your comment i ll see about Buddy

Christopher Wray
Christopher Wray
April 24th 2020 at 4:25PM

Buddy is amazing man. And for our site it is free, which is incredible.

Christopher Wray
Christopher Wray
April 24th 2020 at 4:25PM

I will say that last week DigitalOcean had an outage for a little. Didn't last very long, but something to think about.

Joshua Kapellen
Joshua Kapellen
April 30th 2020 at 2:28PM

Nothing has 100% uptime; you should always design and plan for outages as well. This lets you at least have some say in the user experience even during an outage.

Christopher Wray
Christopher Wray
April 30th 2020 at 2:48PM

How do you design and plan for outages if the server is completely down?

CEO at NaoLogic Inc·

We switched to Traefik so we can use the REST API to dynamically configure subdomains and have the ability to redirect between multiple servers.

We still use nginx with a docker-compose to expose the traffic from our APIs and TCP microservices, but for managing routing to the internet Traefik does a much better job

The biggest win for naologic was the ability to set dynamic configurations without having to restart the server

Naologic (
12 upvotes·3 comments·1.4M views
Jerry Koerkenmeier
Jerry Koerkenmeier
March 16th 2020 at 6:19PM

Gabriel - are you using a service mesh like Maesh (from Containous which develops TraefikEE), Istio, or NGINX as service mesh? I agree Traefik is fantastic for routing and growing quickly. But wouldn't a service mesh assist with making the microservices and APIs discoverable and have better traffic control? Or is that how you have NGINX set up fronting your services?

Patricia Dugan
Patricia Dugan
March 5th 2021 at 11:01PM

Hello, Jerry. Here's the case study we did with Naologic. Perhaps it'll be useful for you.

Gabriel Pa
Gabriel Pa
March 6th 2021 at 10:03AM

We're adding Maesh in our next major version upgrade, yes. We handle service discovery via K8S API
