What is Visual Studio App Center and what are its top alternatives?
Top Alternatives to Visual Studio App Center
- Azure DevOps
Azure DevOps provides unlimited private Git hosting, cloud build for continuous integration, agile planning, and release management for continuous delivery to the cloud and on-premises. Includes broad IDE support. ...
- Xamarin
Xamarin’s Mono-based products enable .NET developers to use their existing code, libraries and tools (including Visual Studio*), as well as skills in .NET and the C# programming language, to create mobile applications for the industry’s most widely-used mobile devices, including Android-based smartphones and tablets, iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch. ...
- HockeyApp
HockeyApp is the best way to collect live crash reports, get feedback from your users, distribute your betas, and analyze your test coverage. ...
- Firebase
Firebase is a cloud service designed to power real-time, collaborative applications. Simply add the Firebase library to your application to gain access to a shared data structure; any changes you make to that data are automatically synchronized with the Firebase cloud and with other clients within milliseconds. ...
- Appium
Appium is an open source test automation framework for use with native, hybrid, and mobile web apps. It drives iOS and Android apps using the WebDriver protocol. Appium is sponsored by Sauce Labs and a thriving community of open source developers. ...
- Xamarin Test Cloud
Run your app on our huge (and growing) collection of real devices from around the world. Select devices based on form factor, manufacturer, operating system, or even popularity in your target market. We’re adding over 100 devices every month, and if there’s a specific device you need, we’re taking requests. ...
- Bitrise
It is a Continous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) Platform as a Service (PaaS) with a main focus on mobile app development (iOS, Android). You can automate the testing and deployment of your apps with just a few clicks. When you trigger a build a Virtual Machine is assigned to host your build and your defined Workflow (series of Steps scripts) will be executed, step by step. ...
- Visual Studio
Visual Studio is a suite of component-based software development tools and other technologies for building powerful, high-performance applications. ...
Visual Studio App Center alternatives & related posts
- Complete and powerful56
- Huge extension ecosystem32
- Azure integration27
- Flexible and powerful26
- One Stop Shop For Build server, Project Mgt, CDCI26
- Everything I need. Simple and intuitive UI15
- Support Open Source13
- Integrations8
- GitHub Integration7
- Cost free for Stakeholders6
- One 4 all6
- Crap6
- Project Mgmt Features6
- Runs in the cloud5
- Agent On-Premise(Linux - Windows)3
- Aws integration2
- Link Test Cases to Stories2
- Jenkins Integration2
- GCP Integration1
- Still dependant on C# for agents8
- Half Baked5
- Many in devops disregard MS altogether5
- Not a requirements management tool4
- Jack of all trades, master of none4
- Capacity across cross functional teams not visibile4
- Poor Jenkins integration3
- Tedious for test plan/case creation2
- Switching accounts is impossible1
related Azure DevOps posts
Visual Studio Azure DevOps Azure Functions Azure Websites #Azure #AzureKeyVault #AzureAD #AzureApps
#Azure Cloud Since Amazon is potentially our competitor then we need a different cloud vendor, also our programmers are microsoft oriented so the choose were obviously #Azure for us.
Azure DevOps Because we need to be able to develop a neww pipeline into Azure environment ina few minutes.
Azure Kubernetes Service We already in #Azure , also need to use K8s , so let's use AKS as it's a manged Kubernetes in the #Azure
I use Azure DevOps because for me it gradually walk me from private Git repositories to simplest free option for CI/CD pipelines at the time. I spend 0$ initially to manager CI/CD for my small private projects. No need to go into two different places to setup integration, once I have git repository, I could deploy projects. Right now this is not the case since CI/CD is default for me, so I use it now from memories of old good days. I'm not yet need complexity on the projects, so I don't even consider other options with "more choices". I carefully limit my set of options during development, that's why Azure DevOps (VSTS)
- Power of c# on mobile devices121
- Native performance81
- Native apps with native ui controls79
- No javascript - truely compiled code73
- Sharing more than 90% of code over all platforms67
- Ability to leverage visual studio45
- Mvvm pattern44
- Many great c# libraries44
- Amazing support36
- Powerful platform for .net developers34
- GUI Native look and Feel19
- Nuget package manager16
- Free12
- Backed by Microsoft9
- Enables code reuse on server9
- Faster Development8
- Use of third-party .NET libraries7
- It's free since Apr 20167
- Best performance than other cross-platform7
- Easy Debug and Trace7
- Open Source7
- Mac IDE (Xamarin Studio)6
- Xamarin.forms is the best, it's amazing6
- That just work for every scenario5
- C# mult paradigm language5
- Power of C#, no javascript, visual studio5
- Great docs4
- Compatible to develop Hybrid apps4
- Microsoft stack4
- Microsoft backed4
- Well Designed3
- Small learning curve for Mobile developers3
- Ionic2
- Ability to leverage legacy C and C++2
- Build times9
- Visual Studio5
- Price4
- Complexity3
- Scalability3
- Nuget2
- Maturity2
- Build Tools2
- Support2
- Maturidade0
- Performance0
related Xamarin posts
Finding the most effective dev stack for a solo developer. Over the past year, I've been looking at many tech stacks that would be 'best' for me, as a solo, indie, developer to deliver a desktop app (Windows & Mac) plus mobile - iOS mainly. Initially, Xamarin started to stand-out. Using .NET Core as the run-time, Xamarin as the native API provider and Xamarin Forms for the UI seemed to solve all issues. But, the cracks soon started to appear. Xamarin Forms is mobile only; the Windows incarnation is different. There is no Mac UI solution (you have to code it natively in Mac OS Storyboard. I was also worried how Xamarin Forms , if I was to use it, was going to cope, in future, with Apple's new SwiftUI and Google's new Fuchsia.
This plethora of techs for the UI-layer made me reach for the safer waters of using Web-techs for the UI. Lovely! Consistency everywhere (well, mostly). But that consistency evaporates when platform issues are addressed. There are so many web frameworks!
But, I made a simple decision. It's just me...I am clever, but there is no army of coders here. And I have big plans for a business app. How could just 1 developer go-on to deploy a decent app to Windows, iPhone, iPad & Mac OS? I remembered earlier days when I've used Microsoft's ASP.NET to scaffold - generate - loads of Code for a web-app that I needed for several charities that I worked with. What 'generators' exist that do a lot of the platform-specific rubbish, allow the necessary customisation of such platform integration and provide a decent UI?
I've placed my colours to the Quasar Framework mast. Oh dear, that means Electron desktop apps doesn't it? Well, Ive had enough of loads of Developers saying that "the menus won't look native" or "it uses too much RAM" and so on. I've been using non-native UI-wrapped apps for ages - the date picker in Outlook on iOS is way better than the native date-picker and I'd been using it for years without getting hot under the collar about it. Developers do get so hung-up on things that busy Users hardly notice; don't you think?. As to the RAM usage issue; that's a bit true. But Users only really notice when an app uses so much RAM that the machine starts to page-out. Electron contributes towards that horizon but does not cause it. My Users will be business-users after all. Somewhat decent machines.
Looking forward to all that lovely Vue.js around my TypeScript and all those really, really, b e a u t I f u l UI controls of Quasar Framework . Still not sure that 1 dev can deliver all that... but I'm up for trying...
I want to learn cross-platform application frameworks like React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, or Ionic, and I'm a web developer. I can learn other programming languages as well. But I'm confused about what to learn, which framework is best, and which framework will last long as the application grows further into complexity.
- Crash analytics17
- Cross-platform11
- Mobile application distribution5
- JIRA Integration2
- Open source2
- GitHub Integration1
related HockeyApp posts
- Realtime backend made easy371
- Fast and responsive270
- Easy setup242
- Real-time215
- JSON191
- Free134
- Backed by google128
- Angular adaptor83
- Reliable68
- Great customer support36
- Great documentation32
- Real-time synchronization25
- Mobile friendly21
- Rapid prototyping19
- Great security14
- Automatic scaling12
- Freakingly awesome11
- Super fast development8
- Angularfire is an amazing addition!8
- Chat8
- Firebase hosting6
- Built in user auth/oauth6
- Awesome next-gen backend6
- Ios adaptor6
- Speed of light4
- Very easy to use4
- Great3
- It's made development super fast3
- Brilliant for startups3
- Free hosting2
- Cloud functions2
- JS Offline and Sync suport2
- Low battery consumption2
- .net2
- The concurrent updates create a great experience2
- Push notification2
- I can quickly create static web apps with no backend2
- Great all-round functionality2
- Free authentication solution2
- Easy Reactjs integration1
- Google's support1
- Free SSL1
- CDN & cache out of the box1
- Easy to use1
- Large1
- Faster workflow1
- Serverless1
- Good Free Limits1
- Simple and easy1
- Can become expensive31
- No open source, you depend on external company16
- Scalability is not infinite15
- Not Flexible Enough9
- Cant filter queries7
- Very unstable server3
- No Relational Data3
- Too many errors2
- No offline sync2
related Firebase posts
Hi Otensia! I'd definitely recommend using the skills you've already got and building with JavaScript is a smart way to go these days. Most platform services have JavaScript/Node SDKs or NPM packages, many serverless platforms support Node in case you need to write any backend logic, and JavaScript is incredibly popular - meaning it will be easy to hire for, should you ever need to.
My advice would be "don't reinvent the wheel". If you already have a skill set that will work well to solve the problem at hand, and you don't need it for any other projects, don't spend the time jumping into a new language. If you're looking for an excuse to learn something new, it would be better to invest that time in learning a new platform/tool that compliments your knowledge of JavaScript. For this project, I might recommend using Netlify, Vercel, or Google Firebase to quickly and easily deploy your web app. If you need to add user authentication, there are great examples out there for Firebase Authentication, Auth0, or even Magic (a newcomer on the Auth scene, but very user friendly). All of these services work very well with a JavaScript-based application.
For inboxkitten.com, an opensource disposable email service;
We migrated our serverless workload from Cloud Functions for Firebase to CloudFlare workers, taking advantage of the lower cost and faster-performing edge computing of Cloudflare network. Made possible due to our extremely low CPU and RAM overhead of our serverless functions.
If I were to summarize the limitation of Cloudflare (as oppose to firebase/gcp functions), it would be ...
- <5ms CPU time limit
- Incompatible with express.js
- one script limitation per domain
Limitations our workload is able to conform with (YMMV)
For hosting of static files, we migrated from Firebase to CommonsHost
More details on the trade-off in between both serverless providers is in the article
- Webdriverio support12
- Java, C#, Python support6
- Open source3
- Great GUI with inspector2
- Active community2
- Support android test automation1
- Internal API access1
- Support iOS test automation1
related Appium posts
Looking for some advice: we are planning to create a hybrid app for both iOS and Android; this app will consume a REST API. We are looking for a tool for this development with the following attributes:
Shallow learning curve; easiness to adopt (all team is new into mobile development, with diverse backgrounds: Java, Python & AngularJS),
Easiness to test (we discarded Angular-based tools already: creating a unit test in Angular we considered time-consuming and low value. At this point of the project, we cannot afford UI testing with Selenium/Appium based tools).
So far, we are not considering any specific capability of the device. Still, in the mid/long term, we would require the usage of GPS (geolocalization) and accelerometer (not sure if it's possible to use it from a hybrid app). Suggest any other tool if you wish.
I chose WebdriverIO and Appium to implement a E2E tests solution on a native mobile app. WebdriverIO goes well beyond just implementing the Selenium / Appium protocol and allows to run tests in parallel out of the box. Appium has the big advantage of supporting iOS and Android platforms, so the test codebase and tools are exactly the same, which greatly reduces the learning curve and implementation time.
- Integrated with Visual Studio, Xamarin Studio or CLI3
related Xamarin Test Cloud posts
- Easy setup18
- Bitbucket Integration9
- Advanced Workflow configuration8
- Slack integration7
- Github Integration7
- Great tools for iOS and Android development5
- Friendly & Easy to use5
- Great support4
- Pricing by concurrency, not team size3
- Fast Updates2
- Discounts for contributors2
- Open Source2
- Fast Builds1
- Developer centric1
related Bitrise posts
We are using React Native in #SmartHome to share the business logic between Android and iOS team and approach users with a unique brand experience. The drawback is that we require lots of native Android SDK and Objective-C modules, so a good part of the invested time is there. The gain for a app that relies less on native communication, sensors and OS tools should be even higher.
Also it helps us set different testing stages: we use Travis CI for the javascript (business logic), Bitrise to run build tests and @Detox for #end2end automated user tests.
We use a microservices structure on top of Zeit's @now that read from firebase. We use JWT auth to authenticate requests among services and from users, following GitHub philosophy of using the same infrastructure than its API consumers. Firebase is used mainly as a key-value store between services and as a backup database for users. We also use its authentication mechanisms.
You can be super locked-in if you also rely on it's analytics, but we use Amplitude for that, which offers us great insights. Intercom for communications with end-user and Mailjet for marketing.
Visual Studio
- Intellisense, ui305
- Complete ide and debugger244
- Plug-ins165
- Integrated104
- Documentation93
- Fast37
- Node tools for visual studio (ntvs)35
- Free Community edition33
- Simple24
- Bug free17
- Made by Microsoft8
- Full free community version6
- JetBrains plugins (ReSharper etc.) work sufficiently OK5
- Productivity Power Tools3
- Vim mode2
- VIM integration2
- I develop UWP apps and Intellisense is super useful1
- Cross platform development1
- The Power and Easiness to Do anything in any.. language1
- Available for Mac and Windows1
- Bulky16
- Made by Microsoft14
- Sometimes you need to restart to finish an update6
- Too much size for disk3
- Only avalible on Windows3
related Visual Studio posts
I use TypeScript because it greatly simplify my refactoring efforts. I regularly re-validate my assumption about application architecture, and strictness of types allow me write make changes safely using just Visual Studio tooling. Integration with existing JavaScript libraries very simple and fast. If I have no time, I could just use any
type as output of JS module. When I have more time, I could just submit PR to DefinitelyTyped and it would be quickly accepted. Overall it gives less ambiguity for my code.
.NET Core is #free, #cross-platform, and #opensource. A developer platform for building all types of apps ( #web apps #mobile #games #machinelearning #AI and #Desktop ).
Developers have chosen .NET for:
Productive: Combined with the extensive class libraries, common APIs, multi-language support, and the powerful tooling provided by the Visual Studio family ( Visual Studio and Visual Studio Code ), .NET is the most productive platform for developers.
Any app: From mobile applications running on iOS, Android and Windows, to Enterprise server applications running on Windows Server and Linux, or high-scale microservices running in the cloud, .NET provides a solution for you.
Performance: .NET is fast. Really fast! The popular TechEmpower benchmark compares web application frameworks with tasks like JSON serialization, database access, and server side template rendering - .NET performs faster than any other popular framework.