What is jQuery?
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jQuery Integrations
Here are some stack decisions, common use cases and reviews by companies and developers who chose jQuery in their tech stack.
Any suggestions for non-vulnerable versions of Bootstrap and jQuery. Currently using the Bootstrap v3.3.7 and jQuery v1.10.2 and jQuery UI - v1.10.1 - 2013-02-28. After finishing the penetration test, they recommend upgrading the libraries to non-vulnerable versions. Please advise which version should I upgrade to Bootstrap and JQuery. Thanks.
Hi all. I want to rewrite my system. I was a complete newbie 4 years ago and have developed a comprehensive business / finance web application that has been running successfully for 3 years (I am a business person and not a developer primarily although it seems I have become a developer). Front-end is written in native PHP (no framework) and jQuery with backend and where many processes run in MySQL. Hosted on Linux and also sends emails with attachments etc. The system logic is great and the business has grown and the system is creaking and needs to be modernised. I feel I would stick with MySql as DB and update / use Django / Spring or Laravel (because its php which I understand). To me, PHP feels old fashioned. I don't mind learning new things and also I want to set the system up that it can be easily migrated to Android/iOS app with SQLite. I would probably employ an experienced developer while also doing some myself. Please provide advice -- from my research it seems Spring/Java is the way to go ... not sure. Thanks
Heroku is unable to handle payment issues arising due to Indian Reserve Bank's decision to stop recurring card payments. I am using the following Heroku services:
- Web Dyno
- Worker Dyno (Scheduler)
- Cron To Go (Queue)
- ClearDB (MySQL)
- Heroku Redis (Queue Driver)
I have to migrate my Apache/ PHP/ Laravel/ HTML/ CSS/ jQuery/ MySQL application hosted on Heroku to a new provider. My current options visible are:
- AWS Fargate
- AWS Beanstalk
- Quovery
- Microsoft Azure
- Laravel Vapor
- Laravel Forge
Does anyone have any guidance on which of the above options (or any other option not identified above) is recommended for migrating away from Heroku? and why?
Hello everyone, I'm in my last year at college and I've been self-studying web development for maybe a year. I learned Html, CSS, Bootstrap, and JavaScript, and jQuery basics, then I started to learn ASP.NET MVC and ASP.NET Core 3 bc this is what I really care about (backend development). I watched many tutorials and I built some small projects on my own but I know this is not just it to get a good job.. so I'm stuck now.. what should I do in the upcoming months till I graduate? I don't know how to work with a team or to work on a separate part of a big real project, deployment, and testing, and so on.. when to tell I'm ready to do interviews and get a good job?
I run a music-based website (eatnoise.com) which was built ~ 7 years ago. It was built using the jQuery framework, using PHP and MySQL in the backend. The site wasn't successful business-wise, so the site is more or less dormant. Now, I am learning web development myself via structured, online tutorials from Udemy. After working as a band-booker for several years, I want to pivot the site to include band-booking and ticketing features. I have two options: Engage the web developers who built the site initially and pay them to make the upgrades, even though there are improved technologies that have come onto the market since to increase performance, security, and SEO, OR build the site myself to my specifications using technology clearly on the ascendant. The first option means I get to market much quicker, albeit the technology will be redundant sooner and comes at a performance cost. The second option means it could be a year before I am proficient enough at coding to build the product myself and would take months to build, but I have the latest in technology to make a good PWA, but I'd be able to debug and make changes to the site myself. I'm looking for the advice of experienced developers who might be able to suggest the best way forward.
I use jQuery at the moment because I use it for a lot of years already, but now Bootstrap 5 decided to switch to JavaScript, I am thinking of switching to an alternative.
I use jQuery only for the DOM integration, animations and ajax calls because JavaScript calls to a class looks such a long call. I like the way of jQuery with $(document).on('click','.something',function() {});
By the way, I like to keep using HTML, PHP and Bootstrap as I do now.