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Blazor vs JavaScript: What are the differences?
Blazor vs JavaScript
Blazor and JavaScript are two different technologies used for building web applications. While JavaScript is a popular scripting language that is widely used for both front-end and back-end development, Blazor is a relatively new framework that allows developers to build interactive user interfaces using C# and .NET.
Key Differences
Programming Language: One of the main differences between Blazor and JavaScript is the programming language used. JavaScript is a dynamic scripting language, while Blazor uses C# and .NET. C# is a statically typed programming language known for its performance and type safety, while JavaScript is more flexible and dynamic. This difference in programming language can impact the development process and the skills required for developers.
Execution Environment: Another key difference is the execution environment. JavaScript runs natively in the browser, meaning that the code is executed directly by the browser's JavaScript engine. On the other hand, Blazor applications are executed on the server-side and the UI is rendered on the client-side using websockets or SignalR. This difference in execution environment can impact factors such as performance, scalability, and security.
Component-based Architecture: Blazor follows a component-based architecture, where the UI is divided into reusable components. Each component encapsulates its own logic and UI, making it easier to build and maintain complex user interfaces. JavaScript, on the other hand, does not have a built-in component-based architecture and developers often use libraries or frameworks such as React or Angular for creating reusable UI components.
Tooling and Ecosystem: JavaScript has a mature and extensive ecosystem with a wide range of tools, libraries, and frameworks available for web development. Blazor, being a newer technology, has a smaller ecosystem compared to JavaScript. While there are some tools and libraries available for Blazor, the options are more limited compared to JavaScript. This can impact the developer's productivity and the availability of resources for solving common problems.
Performance: Performance is another important difference between Blazor and JavaScript. JavaScript is executed directly in the browser's JavaScript engine, which can be highly optimized and performant. Blazor, being a server-side framework, relies on network communication and server processing for rendering the UI, which can introduce additional latency and impact performance. However, Blazor also benefits from running on the server, as it can offload some of the processing from the client's device.
Learning Curve: The learning curve for Blazor and JavaScript is different. JavaScript is a widely adopted language with a large community and extensive documentation, making it relatively easier to learn. Blazor, being a newer technology, may have a steeper learning curve for developers who are not familiar with C# and .NET. However, developers already familiar with C# and .NET may find it easier to transition to Blazor.
In Summary, Blazor and JavaScript differ in their programming language, execution environment, architecture, tooling ecosystem, performance, and learning curve.
So, I've been working with all 3 languages JavaScript, Python and Rust, I know that all of these languages are important in their own domain but, I haven't took any of it to the point where i could say I'm a pro at any of these languages. I learned JS and Python out of my own excitement, I learned rust for some IoT based projects. just confused which one i should invest my time in first... that does have Job and freelance potential in market as well...
I am an undergraduate in computer science. (3rd Year)
I would start focusing on Javascript because even working with Rust and Python, you're always going to encounter some Javascript for front-ends at least. It has: - more freelancing opportunities (starting to work short after a virus/crisis, that's gonna help) - can also do back-end if needed (I would personally avoid specializing in this since there's better languages for the back-end part) - hard to avoid. it's everywhere and not going away (well not yet)
Then, later, for back-end programming languages, Rust seems like your best bet. Its pros: - it's satisfying to work with (after the learning curve) - it's got potential to grow big in the next year (also with better paying jobs) - it's super versatile (you can do high-perf system stuff, graphics, ffi, as well as your classic api server) It comes with a few cons though: - it's harder to learn (expect to put in years) - the freelancing options are virtually non-existent (and I would expect them to stay limited, as rust is better for long-term software than prototypes)
I suggest you to go with JavaScript. From my perspective JavaScript is the language you should invest your time in. The community of javascript and lots of framework helps developer to build what they want to build in no time whether it a desktop, web, mobile based application or even you can use javascript as a backend as well. There are lot of frameworks you can start learning i suggest you to go with (react,vue) library both are easy to learn than angular which is a complete framework.
And if you want to go with python as a secondary tool then i suggest you to learn a python framework (Flask,Django).
I am currently learning web development with Python and JavaScript course by CS50 Harvard university. It covers python, Flask, Django, SQL, Travis CI, javascript,HTML ,CSS and more. I am very interested in Flutter app development. Can I know what is the difference between learning these above-mentioned frameworks vs learning flutter directly? I am planning to learn flutter so that I can do both web development and app development. Are there any perks of learning these frameworks before flutter?
Hey Muhamed, For web development, you'll have to learn how to write backend APIs and how to build UI for browsers, apps, etc. If you're just starting off with programming, I'd suggest you stick to one language and trying developing everything using it to cut the unnecessary learning overhead. Although Python and JavaScript are very similar for beginners, JavaScript is the only available option for both frontend and backend development for a web application. You can start working with Node.js for your API development and Vanilla JS along with HTML/CSS for UI. You'll only need to learn one language to do all of this. Hope this helps.
Flutter is good for everything and it is getting better as I am speaking. Flutter Web is almost ready for production and I have made 2 complex working websites already.
Well. Flutter is just a Framework (just like Django btw.) and it uses Dart as a programming language. Django is kind of solving a different problem than Dart. Dart is intened for use in Front End Applications and Django is a Framework for Back-End Web Development.
So if you want to program Flutter Apps (although i wouldn't recommend it for any serious web development yet since Flutter web isn't very mature yet) i would recommend you just lern Dart.
From a management and hiring perspective, I recommend Flutter (Dart). It provides native solutions to both mobile platform ( (Android and IOS) while having the same knowledge. Hiring managers look at this as an advantage since a developer can provide solutions for both platforms whit the same knowledge. The Flutter framework is growing and there is a lot of resources to ground your knowledge and start experimenting. Dart is also a great language that covers most E2E necessities, so again, no further need of learning one language for FE and another for BE and services. It is my belief that Dart will surpass Kotlin soon, and will leverage to Python and Java in the upcoming year.
If you are interested in Flutter, learn it on your own time, parallel to the course. No matter what order you do them, eventually you will end up learning them all anyway ;-)
We are converting AWS Lambdas from Java due to excessive cold start times. Usage: These lambdas handle XML and JSON payloads, they use s3, API Gateway, RDS, DynamoDB, and external API's. Most of our developers are only experienced in java. These three languages (Go, Node.js, and Python) were discussed, but no consensus has been reached yet.
I've worked with all three of these languages and also with Java developers converting to these languages and far and away Go is the easier one to convert to. With the improved cold-start times and the ease of conversion for a Java developer, it is a no-brainer for me.
The hardest part of the conversion though is going to be the lack of traditional Classes so you have to be mindful of that, but Go Structs and interfaces tend to make up for what is lost there.
Full Disclosure: I'm a 95% Go convert (from Python) at this point in time.
Although I am primarily a Javascript developer myself, I used Go to build AWS lambda in a similar scenario to yours. AWS libraries felt better integrated on the Go side, I believe due to the language itself (e.g. how JSON objects are handled in go). Besides that performance of Go is much superior. But on the cons side; community is far smaller around Go, compared to Javascript. That is easy notice if you look at repos of community-maintained libraries for Go. That can feel a bit unreliable.
Go would provide the easiest transition for Java programmers -- its IDE/tooling is second to none (just install Goland) and the deploy/distribution story is extremely clean and lends itself to work well in lambda: single, static binaries with quick startup. No need to set up a full environment or package dependencies on your lambda AMIs, just copy a file.
If you want to prioritise language familiarity, JavaScript is more like Java than the other choices; and it can be optimised to run very fast. However if you need really fast cold-start times, you can't beat Go since it's compiled. There are other things to consider, such as the massive amount of community packages and help/documentation in the JavaScript ecosystem. Go is newer but seems to be quite popular if you need something that runs fast in a single binary.
I was initially going to suggest JavaScript due to the smaller size needs of AWS Lambdas code and the larger range of libraries and community available (and to avoid Python for this). But I have to agree with the recommendations and rationale of @ayildirim above and I think you should choose any reasonable language that is low-overhead, fast startup, and best supported by AWS Lambda, and that is probably Go. I don't think you are likely to go wrong with that, while you can potentially with the others.
So I'd agree, on the strength of AWS Lambda support and the solid performance of Go, it seems like your best choice here for Lambdas (and I'm going to need to consider that myself going forward... pardon the pun).
JavaScript is at the forefront of our entire development approach. Not only do we use different JavaScript frameworks and management tools, but we also use pure vanilla JavaScript to solve simple problems throughout all of our client's builds. JavaScript is a general purpose programming language that can be blazing fast and fun to work with. There's not one project we are working on that doesn't involve it.
Telegram Messenger has frameworks for most known languages, which makes easier for anyone to integrate with them. I started with Golang and soon found that those frameworks are not up to date, not to mention my experience testing on Golang is also mixed due to how their testing tool works. The natural runner-up was JS, which I'm ditching in favor of TS to make a strongly typed code, proper tests and documentation for broader usage. TypeScript allows fast prototyping and can prevent problems during code phase, given that your IDE of choice has support for a language server, and build phase. Pairing it with lint tools also allows honing code before it even hits the repositories.
In 2015 as Xelex Digital was paving a new technology path, moving from ASP.NET web services and web applications, we knew that we wanted to move to a more modular decoupled base of applications centered around REST APIs.
To that end we spent several months studying API design patterns and decided to use our own adaptation of CRUD, specifically a SCRUD pattern that elevates query params to a more central role via the Search action.
Once we nailed down the API design pattern it was time to decide what language(s) our new APIs would be built upon. Our team has always been driven by the right tool for the job rather than what we know best. That said, in balancing practicality we chose to focus on 3 options that our team had deep experience with and knew the pros and cons of.
For us it came down to C#, JavaScript, and Ruby. At the time we owned our infrastructure, racks in cages, that were all loaded with Windows. We were also at a point that we were using that infrastructure to it's fullest and could not afford additional servers running Linux. That's a long way of saying we decided against Ruby as it doesn't play nice on Windows.
That left us with two options. We went a very unconventional route for deciding between the two. We built MVP APIs on both. The interfaces were identical and interchangeable. What we found was easily quantifiable differences.
We were able to iterate on our Node based APIs much more rapidly than we were our C# APIs. For us this was owed to the community coupled with the extremely dynamic nature of JS. There were tradeoffs we considered, latency was (acceptably) higher on requests to our Node APIs. No strong types to protect us from ourselves, but we've rarely found that to be an issue.
As such we decided to commit resources to our Node APIs and push it out as the core brain of our new system. We haven't looked back since. It has consistently met our needs, scaling with us, getting better with time as continually pour into and expand our capabilities.
I will not describe this tool a lot here, because it's already good done by author on github
I just want to mention that this tool wrap up all immediately-invoked functions or likely-to-be-invoked functions in parentheses what is do a great optimization a JavaScript
file for faster initial execution and parsing (based on my experience).
The performance of application where I've introduced optimize-js
improved on 20% in a common (tested in Chrome
and IE11
- Clarification on Readme to the optimize-js
- Some of Nolan thoughts on the virtues of compile-time optimizations can be found in "Parens and Performance" – counterpost
Is it maintaining now? - Unfortunately, no (but feel free to send PR)
When I was evaluating languages to write this app in, I considered either Python or JavaScript at the time. I find Ruby very pleasant to read and write, and the Ruby community has built out a wide variety of test tools and approaches, helping e deliver better software faster. Along with Rails, and the Ruby-first Heroku support, this was an easy decision.
Here are all tools and skills you need to have for being among to world's top Full Stack Developers Reviews, critics and suggestions are most welcomed!
- HTML and CSS
- Semantic HTML5 elements
- Basic CSS (Positioning, Box Models etc)
- Flexbox & CSS Grid
- CSS Variables (Custom Properties)
- Browser Dev Tools
- Responsive Layout • Set Viewpoint • Fluid Widths • Media Queries • rem over px • Mobile first, stacked columns
- Saas
- Deployment • Namecheap, google domains • FTP, secure FTP • Inmotion, netlify, github
- Vanilla JavaScript
- Basics
- DOM manipulations and events
- APIs
- ES6+
- Build Basic Sites
- Build UI Layouts
- Add dynamic functionality
Deploy and maintain websites
HTML and CSS frameworks - Bootstrap / Materialize / Bulma
Frontend JavaScript Frameworks - React, Vue and Angular
Basic Command Line
- Git
- Parcel
- Gulp
State Management
- Topics : Immutable State, Store, Reducers, Mutation, Getters, Actions, Observables
- Tools : Redux, Apollo, VueX, NgRx
- Build incredible front-end applications
- Smooth and steady front-end workflow
- Work well with team and fluent with git
Connect with background API and work with data
Server Side Language
- Language :
- Nodejs - Express, Koa
- PHP - Laravel
- C# - ASP.NET
- Python - Django, Flask
- Go
- Topics : Basic syntax, structure and workflow, package management, HTTP and Routing
- Language :
- Relational Database : MySQL, PostGreSQL
- MongoDB
- Cloud : Firebase, AWS, Azure
- Lightweight - SQLite
Server Rendered Pages :
- Next.js
- Nuxt.js
- Angular Universal
Content Management System
- PHP : WordPress
- JS : Ghost
- Python : Mezzazine
- .NET : Piranha
- Linux
- Ngnix
- Digital Ocean
- Heroku
- Docker
- Setup Full Stack dev environments and workflows
- Build back-end APIs & micro services
- Work with databases
- Construct full stack apps
- Deploy to the cloud
Switching to Mobile Development : 1. React Native 2. NativeScript 3. Ionic 4. Flutter 5. Xamarin
Desktop Apps : 1. Electron 2. GraphQL 3. Apollo 4. TypeScript
Lastly, Serverless Architecture
Websocket is trending this year, but there is another technology similar with Websocket (WS) is Server Sent Event (SSE). Those method have used similar Content-type, SSE is used to text/event-stream and WS is used to binary or text/octet-stream.
The different both of those method is sent. WS is an undirectional sending data both of client and server and SSE is whatever data on server will be push to client.
Pros of Blazor
- Uses C#63
- No need to learn separate language or technology49
- Supports making a single page application42
- Tight integration with .NET project40
- Uses .NET standard library38
- Very little JavaScript required30
- Components29
- No need to compile, bundle and deploy separately27
- Shared classes between client and server27
- Cross Platform24
- Has Server AND Client hosting models21
- Very easy JavaScript interop if required18
- Third party state management i.e. Blazor-State17
- App state can be managed singleton objects14
- Portable Code across Mobile, Web and Desktop4
- Work with Electron/MAUI2
Pros of JavaScript
- Can be used on frontend/backend1.7K
- It's everywhere1.5K
- Lots of great frameworks1.2K
- Fast898
- Light weight746
- Flexible425
- You can't get a device today that doesn't run js392
- Non-blocking i/o286
- Ubiquitousness237
- Expressive191
- Extended functionality to web pages55
- Relatively easy language49
- Executed on the client side46
- Relatively fast to the end user30
- Pure Javascript25
- Functional programming21
- Async15
- Full-stack13
- Future Language of The Web12
- Its everywhere12
- Setup is easy12
- Because I love functions11
- JavaScript is the New PHP11
- Like it or not, JS is part of the web standard10
- Expansive community9
- Everyone use it9
- Can be used in backend, frontend and DB9
- Easy9
- For the good parts8
- Powerful8
- Can be used both as frontend and backend as well8
- No need to use PHP8
- Easy to hire developers8
- Most Popular Language in the World8
- Its fun and fast7
- Hard not to use7
- Versitile7
- Nice7
- It's fun7
- Popularized Class-Less Architecture & Lambdas7
- Agile, packages simple to use7
- Supports lambdas and closures7
- Love-hate relationship7
- Photoshop has 3 JS runtimes built in7
- Evolution of C7
- Can be used on frontend/backend/Mobile/create PRO Ui6
- Easy to make something6
- It let's me use Babel & Typescript6
- 1.6K Can be used on frontend/backend6
- Client side JS uses the visitors CPU to save Server Res6
- Scope manipulation5
- Clojurescript5
- Everywhere5
- What to add5
- Promise relationship5
- Stockholm Syndrome5
- Function expressions are useful for callbacks5
- Client processing5
- Only Programming language on browser4
- Because it is so simple and lightweight4
- Test21
- Hard to learn1
- Subskill #41
- Not the best1
- Easy to learn and test1
- Easy to understand1
- Easy to learn1
- Test1
- Hard 彤0
Sign up to add or upvote prosMake informed product decisions
Cons of Blazor
- Initial load time4
- Hard to inject javascript2
Cons of JavaScript
- A constant moving target, too much churn22
- Horribly inconsistent20
- Javascript is the New PHP15
- No ability to monitor memory utilitization9
- Shows Zero output in case of ANY error8
- Thinks strange results are better than errors7
- Can be ugly6
- No GitHub3
- Slow2
- HORRIBLE DOCUMENTS, faulty code, repo has bugs0