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Pros of Jetic
Pros of Node.js
    Be the first to leave a pro
    • 1.4K
    • 1.3K
    • 1.1K
      Great libraries
    • 1K
    • 805
      Open source
    • 486
      Great for apis
    • 477
    • 423
      Great community
    • 390
      Great for realtime apps
    • 296
      Great for command line utilities
    • 84
    • 83
      Node Modules
    • 69
      Uber Simple
    • 59
      Great modularity
    • 58
      Allows us to reuse code in the frontend
    • 42
      Easy to start
    • 35
      Great for Data Streaming
    • 32
    • 28
    • 25
      Non blocking IO
    • 18
      Can be used as a proxy
    • 17
      High performance, open source, scalable
    • 16
      Non-blocking and modular
    • 15
      Easy and Fun
    • 14
      Easy and powerful
    • 13
      Future of BackEnd
    • 13
      Same lang as AngularJS
    • 12
    • 11
    • 10
    • 10
      Cross platform
    • 9
    • 8
      Mean Stack
    • 7
      Great for webapps
    • 7
      Easy concurrency
    • 6
    • 6
      Fast, simple code and async
    • 6
    • 6
    • 5
      Control everything
    • 5
      Its amazingly fast and scalable
    • 5
      Easy to use and fast and goes well with JSONdb's
    • 5
    • 5
      Great speed
    • 5
      Fast development
    • 4
      It's fast
    • 4
      Easy to use
    • 4
      Isomorphic coolness
    • 3
      Great community
    • 3
      Not Python
    • 3
      Sooper easy for the Backend connectivity
    • 3
      TypeScript Support
    • 3
      Blazing fast
    • 3
      Performant and fast prototyping
    • 3
      Easy to learn
    • 3
    • 3
      Scales, fast, simple, great community, npm, express
    • 3
      One language, end-to-end
    • 3
      Less boilerplate code
    • 2
      Npm i ape-updating
    • 2
      Event Driven
    • 2
    • 1
      Creat for apis
    • 0

    Sign up to add or upvote prosMake informed product decisions

    Cons of Jetic
    Cons of Node.js
      Be the first to leave a con
      • 46
        Bound to a single CPU
      • 45
        New framework every day
      • 40
        Lots of terrible examples on the internet
      • 33
        Asynchronous programming is the worst
      • 24
      • 19
      • 11
        Dependency hell
      • 11
        Dependency based on GitHub
      • 10
        Low computational power
      • 7
        Very very Slow
      • 7
        Can block whole server easily
      • 7
        Callback functions may not fire on expected sequence
      • 4
        Breaking updates
      • 4
      • 3
        Unneeded over complication
      • 3
        No standard approach
      • 1
        Bad transitive dependency management
      • 1
        Can't read server session

      Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

      No Stats
      - No public GitHub repository available -

      What is Jetic?

      It is a cloud-native API & integration platform based on Apache Camel. An iPaaS solution for avoiding costly vendor lock-ins and regaining command of your development - without any drawbacks.

      What is Node.js?

      Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.

      Need advice about which tool to choose?Ask the StackShare community!

      What companies use Jetic?
      What companies use Node.js?
        No companies found
        Manage your open source components, licenses, and vulnerabilities
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        What tools integrate with Jetic?
        What tools integrate with Node.js?

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        What are some alternatives to Jetic and Node.js?
        JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments as well such as node.js or Apache CouchDB. It is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm scripting language that is dynamic,and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.
        Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
        GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers. Over three million people use GitHub to build amazing things together.
        Python is a general purpose programming language created by Guido Van Rossum. Python is most praised for its elegant syntax and readable code, if you are just beginning your programming career python suits you best.
        jQuery is a cross-platform JavaScript library designed to simplify the client-side scripting of HTML.
        See all alternatives