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What is TestFlight?

With TestFlight, developers simply upload a build, and the testers can install it directly from their device, over the air.
TestFlight is a tool in the Beta Testing / Mobile App Distribution category of a tech stack.

Who uses TestFlight?

461 companies reportedly use TestFlight in their tech stacks, including Spotify, Nubank, and Lyft.

658 developers on StackShare have stated that they use TestFlight.

TestFlight Integrations

fastlane, Bitrise, Buildkite, Greenhouse, and Buddybuild are some of the popular tools that integrate with TestFlight. Here's a list of all 12 tools that integrate with TestFlight.
Pros of TestFlight
Must have for ios development
Beta testing
Easy setup
Easy way to push out updates for internal testers
In-App Updates
Crash Logging
Multiple platforms
Remote Logging

TestFlight's Features

  • Sessions- Discover how testers are using your application. Watch as they progress and take unexpected turns.
  • Crash Reports- Reported in realtime, with environment snapshots and full session activity.
  • In-App Questions- The most effective way to get tester feedback. Get the answers you need by asking questions the moment a checkpoint is passed.
  • Checkpoints- Place checkpoints throughout your app to see how far testers are getting, confirm which areas are popular and reveal ones that need more testing.
  • Remote Logging- TFLogs are attached to your session and crash reports.
  • In-App Updates- Prompt testers to install the latest version of your app. This is the easiest way for your testers to take advantage of installing on the fly.

TestFlight Alternatives & Comparisons

What are some alternatives to TestFlight?
HockeyApp is the best way to collect live crash reports, get feedback from your users, distribute your betas, and analyze your test coverage.
When testing apps in the crowd, you never know what exactly was done, and what went wrong on the client side. TestFairy shows you a video of the exact test that was done, including CPU, memory, GPS, network and a lot more.
Instead of just showing you the stack trace, Crashlytics performs deep analysis of each and every thread. We de-prioritize lines that don't matter while highlighting the interesting ones. This makes reading stack traces easier, faster, and far more useful! Crashlytics' intelligent grouping can take 50,000 crashes, distill them down to 20 unique issues, and then tell you which 3 are the most important to fix.
Fabric is a Python (2.5-2.7) library and command-line tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application deployment or systems administration tasks. It provides a basic suite of operations for executing local or remote shell commands (normally or via sudo) and uploading/downloading files, as well as auxiliary functionality such as prompting the running user for input, or aborting execution.
Buddybuild ties together continuous integration, continuous delivery and an iterative feedback solution into a single, seamless platform.
See all alternatives

TestFlight's Followers
704 developers follow TestFlight to keep up with related blogs and decisions.