

Application and Data / Languages & Frameworks / Languages
Needs advice

Hi all, I'm currently in the last year of my program and preparing for a capstone project (a website). I just found out about the StackShare website and hope to find this sooner. (This is rly cool!!).

Anyway, I was planning to use either React or Blazor on my capstone because:

  1. I know React is a popular choice and could not go wrong with that.

  2. I always wanted to learn .NET Core for some reason, thinking there is some potential job opportunity out there while React might be very competitive since many people are using it and learning it.

Some of my current mindsets that are bothering me to choose from are:

  1. I was thinking that because Blazor is not that popular as compared to React, so maybe (maybe) I would have a better chance to land my first job in a small - medium-size company? (I'm an international student). If someone has different opinions on this, please share.

  2. But also thinking that React is really popular, so many company require this position more?

Basically, I don't care about which tool I used is better/easier for my website right now, these two options could accomplish what I want to do fairly easy.

P.S. I have some experience in Flutter/Dart, Python, Databases, Java, AND a little bit of JavaScript. So I kinda also want to add that C#/.NET Core project on my resume.

Many thanks everyone!

5 upvotes·43.8K views
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blazor can be used for small projects but react is in demand and easier to learn

2 upvotes·2 comments·15.4K views
suwaidi online
suwaidi online
August 21st 2024 at 9:54AM

NET, while React provides a robust JavaScript library, creating a dilemma based on familiarity, technology stack, and specific project needs.

Synergy Physiotherapyclinic
Synergy Physiotherapyclinic
January 30th 2025 at 11:10AM

Blazor is a powerful framework that enables developers to create interactive web applications using C#. Despite this, React is in high demand due to its versatility, large community, and ease of learning. Developers seeking fast, scalable web solutions should consider React because of its extensive resources.

Avatar of rhythmukie
CEO at Abiastore ·
Needs advice

Hi senior devs, I am a junior web developer from Nigeria using PHP for my backend. I want to migrate to app development so am considering learning Flutter and Dart, can I use PHP for the backend?

I need your help in making the right decision.

3 upvotes·181.7K views
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You can use any backend you want with Flutter, so PHP is fine. AppWrite might be worth taking a look at as it is written in PHP, seems to be in active development and is geared towards being a backend for mobile apps.

2 upvotes·156 views
Avatar of ddikman
Founder at Greycastle AB·

Since your backend will likely expose its functionality over HTTP, you can definitely use PHP in combination with Dart/Flutter. You can use whatever as your backend.

Since Flutter is backed by Google, you get lots of great functionality out-of-the box if you are using Firebase as your backend though. You can even get very far without writing any backend-code. I would recommend having a look at that as well.

2 upvotes·159 views
Needs advice

Hi, I am making a website and mobile app for service providers of my region to share their profiles and make posts and interact with the clients, I am considering using Vue.js because it's simple and great for working in teams; node in the backend and Flutter and Dart in the mobile app, with MySQL database, do you guys think that its a solid stack for a scalable website and app?

9 upvotes·41.7K views
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Sounds good.

3 upvotes·2 comments·18.4K views
February 4th 2023 at 7:30PM

Go for it.

Pedro Souza
Pedro Souza
January 20th 2023 at 10:49PM


Avatar of kevrenp
Owner at Aviation Parts Executive·

Great! Love the concept of building a new website and mobile app

3 upvotes·1 comment·17.6K views
Pedro Souza
Pedro Souza
January 23rd 2023 at 10:00PM


Needs advice
Spring BootSpring Boot

Currently, I'm working as a frontend dev. I work with Angular. Also, have experience with Dart/Flutter. To learn some tools for the backend, what should I choose ASP.NET Core or Spring Boot?

5 upvotes·44.8K views
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Avatar of ozzythegiant
Full Stack Developer at DreamCraft·

Given Angular is written in TypeScript, C# will feel more familiar to you. Other reasons to choose ASP.NET are that it's one of the fastest frameworks out there for any language, has a lower learning curve compared to Spring Boot, allows you to quickly build JSON Web APIs and uses less memory. Another notable option if you have a lot of TypeScript code you wish to reuse is Nest framework, which is a TypeScript framework that uses the same architecture as Angular but for back end APIs. I would still choose ASP.NET over Nest but it depends on what will give you more benefits.

5 upvotes·1 comment·583 views
Muhammad Abduqayum
Muhammad Abduqayum
January 14th 2023 at 9:48AM


I already started learning ASP.NET.

Got a course on udemy: "Build an app with ASPNET Core and Angular from scratch".

Avatar of waheedkhan6670
Associate Java Developer at txtsol·

We are using same stack. In my opinion spring boot and angular is the best match and as spring boot has huge and active community. It will be easier for you to find solutions. moreover here is some stack for both frameworks.

Spring Boot with 41.6K GitHub stars and 26.7K forks on GitHub appears to be more popular than ASP.NET Core with 13.6K GitHub stars and 3.34K GitHub forks.

3 upvotes·208 views
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Needs advice

My days of using Firebase are over! I want to move to something scalable and possibly less cheap. In the past seven days I have done my research on what type of DB best fits my needs, and have chosen to go with the nonrelational DB; MongoDB. Although I understand it, I need help understanding how to set up the architecture. I have the client app (Flutter/ Dart) that would make HTTP requests to the web server (node/express), and from there the webserver would query data from MongoDB.

How should I go about hosting the web server and MongoDb; do they have to be hosted together (this is where a lot of my confusion is)? Based on the research I've done, it seems like the standard practice would be to host on a VM provided by services such as Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure, etc. If there are better ways, such as possibly self-hosting (more responsibility), should I? Anyways, I just want to confirm with a community (you guys) to make sure I do this right, all input is highly appreciated.

8 upvotes·221K views
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Avatar of guss77
CTO at Cloudonix LTD.·

Firstly, there's nothing wrong with Firebase for scalability, not can I see anything wrong with "cheap" - unless you expect to need the more complex tools that MongoDB offers (such as Map/Reduce, GridFS and such), I don't think you would want to pay more to get the same capabilities. That being said, there are advantages to move to an open-source code base that you have the option of hosting yourself - preventing vendor lock-in is a legitimate requirement.

Now, as for hosting MongoDB: there are a lot of providers that will host MongoDB (or compatible, see AWS DocumentDB) for you - AWS, Linode or Digital Ocean all offer managed database as a service, so you don't have to mess with VMs and installing and maintaining your own instance of the database server - they are often also cheaper than just running a VM. There's no need to co-locate the database near the application - all of those managed MongoDB services offer great connectivity so unless millisecond latency is critical for your application, any will do.

That being said, your best bet for starting to work with MongoDB is probably MongoDB's own Atlas service - it is a managed service provider that allows you to select in which cloud hosting provider to co-locate a managed MongoDB instance - they support AWS, Azure, GCP and others. They always have the latest and greatest MongoDB version (they make it themselves) and they even have a free tier for starting development on the cheap.

8 upvotes·42K views
Avatar of deevo-sage
Software Development Engineer ·

you can also use mongodb atlas, it is a dbaas, it also has shared clusters which are essentially free, good to start with. also are you planning to use an ORM( prisma or mongoose) or raw mongodb driver

3 upvotes·41.2K views
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Needs advice
Quasar FrameworkQuasar Framework

The only two programming languages I know are Python and Dart, I fall in love with Dart when I learned about the type safeness, ease of refactoring, and the help of the IDE. I have an idea for an app, a simple app, but I need SEO and server rendering, and I also want it to be available on all platforms. I can't use Flutter or Dart anymore because of that. I have been searching and looks like there is no way to avoid learning HTML and CSS for this. I want to use Supabase as BASS, at the moment I think that I have two options if I want to learn the least amount of things because of my lack of time available:

  1. Quasar Framework: They claim that I can do all the things I need, but I have to use JavaScript, and I am going to have all those bugs with a type-safe programming language avoidable. I guess I can use TypeScript?, but that means learning both, and I am not sure if I will be able to use 100% Typescript. Besides Vue.js, Node.js, etc.

  2. Blazor and .NET: There is MAUI with razor bindings in .Net now, and also a Blazor server. And as far as I can see, the transition from Dart to C# will be easy. I guess that I have to learn some Javascript here and there, but I have to less things I guess, am I wrong? But Blazor is a new technology, Vue is widely used.

Reddit - Dive into anything (reddit.com)
21 upvotes·649.8K views
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Avatar of sebastian-9
Developer Consultant at Thinktecture AG·

First, Blazor Server is NOT a real SEO-capabale server-rendered approach. Its much more complex and in short it holds a copy of the HTML that should be shown in the Browser in memory on the server, all user input is sent to the server via websockets and the resulting diff in the HTML is sent back to the browser via websockets. That is generally not very SEO friendly.

When you need SEO capable real server-side rendering you should use ASP.NET MVC or ASP.NET Razor Pages, as these are real server-side-rendering technologies.

That said, OFirst, Blazor Server is NOT a real SEO-capabale server-rendered approach. Its much more complex and in short it holds a copy of the HTML that should be shown in the Browser in memory on the server, all user input is sent to the server via websockets and the resulting diff in the HTML is sent back to the browser via websockets. That is generally not very SEO friendly.

When you need SEO capable real server-side rendering you should use ASP.NET MVC or ASP.NET Razor Pages, as these are real server-side-rendering technologies.

That said,I think you can also use dart for server-side rendering, so that you don't need to learn a new language and especially a huge new ecosystem that is .NET.

12 upvotes·2 comments·32K views
September 25th 2022 at 11:20PM

> Blazor Server is NOT a real SEO-capable server-rendered approach.

That is incorrect!

Blazor Server has a real SEO capability server-side rendered, and it is out-of-box. When you create a new Blazor Server project, such as the `dotnet new blazorserver` command, that Blazor Server app already has server-side rendering without any additional working. You can verify it by yourself by sending an HTTP request to a Blazor Server app. For example, if you execute the `curl https://localhost:5001/counter` command, then you will see the server-rendered HTML content like `<p>count: 0</p>`.

Of course, the response from a Blazor Server for an HTTP GET request can include appropriate title and OGP meta header elements for SEO.

(see also "Control `<head>` content in ASP.NET Core Blazor apps" (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/components/control-head-content?view=aspnetcore-6.0) )

Of course, once the Blazor Server runtime has been started after a web browser loads a pre-rendered initial HTML content, it works via a bi-direction connection with a server, as Sebastian Gingter mentioned. But anyway, it is not related with it can be pre-rendered or not.

Moreover, the pre-rendering capabilities for SEO are available not only for Blazor Server but also for Blazor WebAssembly. If the Blazor WebAssembly is hosted on an ASP.NET Core server, it can be pre-rendered on the server-side with the same mechanism as Blazor Server pre-rendering.

(see also "Prerender and integrate ASP.NET Core Razor components" (https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/aspnet/core/blazor/components/prerendering-and-integration?view=aspnetcore-6.0&pivots=webassembly) )

(You also can see the real world example: https://clickonceget.azurewebsites.net/ )

And Blazor WebAssembly can be pre-rendered into static files at the publishing time of it too. For example, the "Awesome Blazor Browser" site hosted on GitHub Pages static web host is pre-rendered at the publishing time of it, so it is SEO friendly, and it can be found by internet search engines.

(The URL is https://jsakamoto.github.io/awesome-blazor-browser/)

What you should do to pre-render a Blazor WebAssembly project at the publishing time of it is just only one that adds one NuGet package to the Blazor WebAssembly project.

(see also: "BlazorWasmPreRendering.Build" (https://github.com/jsakamoto/BlazorWasmPreRendering.Build) )

This technic also is used for the Microsoft's official exhibition site for Blazor Quck Grid,

(The URL is https://aspnet.github.io/quickgridsamples/)

and Microsoft Developer Blog mentioned it.

(The URL is https://devblogs.microsoft.com/dotnet/asp-net-core-updates-in-dotnet-7-preview-6/#experimental-quickgrid-component-for-blazor).

To the best of my knowledge, Blazor is one of the easiest frameworks among any other SPA frameworks that have a server-side rendering capability.

September 25th 2022 at 11:45PM

> I think you can also use dart for server-side rendering, so that you don't need to learn a new language

I'm not familiar with Dart and Flutter but if that is correct, I feel that is a good suggestion.


With Blazor, depending on the UI you want to build, html and css may be unavoidable because you might have to use Bootstrap, flexbox, etc to properly position and customize the elements. You may be able to get away with using 3rd party component libraries, e.g. Radzen, Telerik, etc., but again it depends on your app. I haven't had to use Javascript much actually, a couple use cases where I've had to was for file downloads and window events.

11 upvotes·1 comment·32.2K views
Miharbi Hernandez
Miharbi Hernandez
February 8th 2023 at 2:22PM

Hi there!

I have been using Quasar for 4 years, at the beginning it was because the Vue UI components, they have a very good ones, but later it was because out of the box Quasar comes with a lot of features that make it a five stars framework.

https://quasar.dev/quasar-plugins/meta is the feature that you need to the SEO

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Avatar of heavenzharvey2881470
developer at dezygic·
Needs advice

Hello everyone, we are planning to develop an e-wallet app and I was thinking of using Flutter and Dart for frontend then for backend we are not sure. please help with a backend stack

2 upvotes·6.2K views
Replies (2)

As a developer, I recommend using AWS because of its seamless integration into Flutter with the Amplify CLI. However, you may want to consider Firebase and make a cost breakdown of the two providers.

2 upvotes·56 views
Avatar of kemalmaulana
Mobile Engineer ·

AFAIK, flutter is not bad when we talking about low to mid range application, and java was good in security when we talking about money transaction, most banking company still using java for their backend because it's safe for money transaction.

1 upvote·66 views
Needs advice
React NativeReact Native

Hi, I'm considering building a social marketplace app on android, ios and web, Flutter seems to be a good UI framework for cross-platform apps, it's safe type, hot reload, and native compiling on native machine code (thanks to Dart). My question is, for an MVP product is it a good choice? if yes, will it be on the mid-term, long term? Or will I have to change as the users grow?

thank you

11 upvotes·193K views
Replies (3)

I agree with John. For the most part, Flutter has been easier to maintain as time goes on when comparing to react native. And in the landscape, the people at Flutter appears to be very active with the framework, a lot of things cooking. Flutter web is very new, but it'll only get better, more stable.

5 upvotes·32.3K views

For the most part, Dart/Flutter is a great choice for cross-platform application development. The platform is developed by Google, and will be around for a long time. Unless you need to do very low level stuff, like bluetooth tethering or 3D drawing, flutter should be able to handle anything you need it to.

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Needs advice

I want to create a mobile-first e-commerce platform app. I think Dart and Flutter is a way for me to build cross-platform apps from a single codebase but I might be wrong so what do you guys think?

I also don't know what to do about the back-end. I mean managing the database of products and users. handing orders and invoices. I think Firebase can be an answer to my problems but how far I can go with firebase and its user authentication and database tools? Just firebase is enough for all my back-end needs?

What suits my needs, a relational database or a non-relational database?

Do I need to learn another programming language for handling back-end, like Python or Go?

I would appreciate your opinion. Thanks

9 upvotes·111.4K views
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Avatar of mohamedreda007007
Software engineer ·

Hi, I have 3 years with Flutter and I can see that Flutter with Firebase will be a good choice for you, Just start with Firebase, it's a little bit expensive when you have a lot of users, but there you will have some money to build your own API using any other language, and here I recommend Elixir or Python.

And about what you need to learn: - Dart - Flutter - State management for Flutter - Firebase

Then you can publish your app finally, and I wish you a happy published app :)

5 upvotes·1 comment·107.4K views
February 13th 2022 at 4:30PM

Cool. Thanks for your feedback. so nice of you.

Needs advice

I am a 3rd-year student of BTech and my college offers .NET and Flutter(Dart) technology. What technology do I want to choose? I'm confused! can anyone help me?

2 upvotes·2.5K views
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Avatar of wallikhan76
Community and Content Operations at StackShare·

I would suggest that you first taste both of these technologies by giving them a day or two, and then choose the one you feel comfortable with. There are basic tutorials available at w3schools, and Tutorialspoint. You can choose by doing some exercises they offer.

2 upvotes·1 comment·151 views
Vandit Joshi
Vandit Joshi
January 5th 2022 at 2:34PM

Thanks! :)
