

Business Tools / Design / Graphic Design
Software Engineer at West Bend Mutual Insurance·
Needs advice

I'm looking for a library that can allow customization, relatively low effort integration with TypeScript, and ability to bring business users into the design process with a tool like Figma design. We are developing our own SDK for quick dev setup through Open API and build with Webpack and mustache templates. I know Flowbite comes with Typescript definition files out of the box but not nearly as supported as Material-UI. I need to understand what additional work having something that definitely will have long term support like Material UI converted into Typescript vs Flowbite that will have less support, but a typescript definition file out of the box, and what customizing components will do to the type definition files.

4 upvotes·70.7K views
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I am working on a Figma-like web application. Which library is better for this type of feature?

3 upvotes·8.8K views
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Fabric.js very slow for multiple images. Konva probably better (I not used for same purpose). New same as you project I started with pixi.js

2 upvotes·131 views
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Next.jsNext.jsPayload CMSPayload CMS

We are an NGO and we got from a partner a new design for our knowledge-sharing platform We have now almost finalized the UI/UX Design in Figma with all the flows and functionalities for the future platform.

Next.js came up often as a possible solution for our future "platform" but I am not sure, also I found Payload CMS in the process as WordPress seems to be not the right decision for us. The next generation of our knowledge-sharing platform should also have more functionalities as the current version is only an article publishing platform.

Some of the new functionalities we thought of to make consuming/sharing knowledge easier:

  • Better Author / Organization / Publication pages
  • Peer-Review Feedback and Translation Feedback
  • Translation flows and integration of machine translation suggestion
  • Collaboration and live collaboration (like Google Docs)
  • Follow Creators, Subscribe to Authors/Organizations
  • Create collections (collections of articles) and share them
  • As well as "Save for later" and other functionalities that help better interaction with content

As we are overwhelmed with the choices it is really hard to determine what technology stack/choices we should make in order to keep it as lean and easy as possible without creating too much overhead. Is there any "Best practice" you could recommend to allow for a low-cost development of our Design into a scalable infrastructure that doesn't cost thousands a month for hosting etc. (currently we serve 2.5 million people with 24 USD in Hosting and 20 USD in CDN with a WordPress system)? So please don't suggest options that are 100s of USD per month or thousands per month as we simply don't have the budget.

Any help/info/hints/recommendations are really appreciated!

4 upvotes·34.9K views
Replies (2)

hello, check out and firebase hosting I really like their island inftastructure and its easy to deploy too. about the hosting you have a very cheap plan now with firebase you will pay as much as you use. You can also use your current hosting provider and move to firebase or somthing else if you run into the limits of your current hosting.

4 upvotes·3.5K views

Consider leveraging Next.js for your NGO's knowledge-sharing platform, ensuring a seamless user experience. Combine it with Payload CMS for flexibility, moving away from WordPress. Optimize costs by exploring serverless architecture on platforms like Vercel or Netlify, allowing scalability without a substantial increase in hosting expenses.

2 upvotes·1.1K views
Needs advice


I'm hoping to get some much-needed tech-stack advice. I have been in UX/UI design for ~11 years now. No hands-on programming until very recently, I learned the basics of Python/CSS 3/HTML5/Django/Flask.

I am looking to work in early-stage startups, helping to build tech/software design. Where I would essentially need to wear multiple hats.

The tricky part for me has been understanding which technology I should focus on learning.

I don't really care at all about where the jobs are. I care more about these priorities (in order):

  • Feature-rich / Robust capabilities / Scaling / future-proofing / Security (Is it good tech)
  • Ease of build. (Being a UX/UI guy, I love a good GUI to build with.)
  • Library resources. Would love to skip the easy stuff whenever possible.
  • Strong Dev community.
  • Ability to convert Prototypes to usable code. Figma?
  • Cross-platform capabilities.
  • Monolithic nature. Would love to avoid learning a million different tools.

Basically, I am looking to be enough of a do-it-all type developer, that gets the MVP tech stack far enough along with the company to get funding and get the dedicated resources we would need for whatever the technology is...

Any advice is appreciated! Thanks! - Brian

8 upvotes·68.6K views
Replies (4)

I would advise you to learn a good amount of Javascript and/or Typescript. Start with one or the other. Then, start learning a framework like Vue or React (I'd recommend the latter), and if you've gained enough knowledge about core topics, get on to learn a meta framework like NextJS (which is based on React).

For styling, I would recommend to learn at least the basics of CSS before you move on to a framework like Bootstrap or Tailwind. You mention you already have so that's good. I would definitely invest time in understanding Grid and Flexbox, as well as writing media queries for responsiveness if you haven't so. When you're confident writing your own CSS, I could definitely recommend Tailwind as framework as that still allows you to implement your own styling and designs, instead of using a predefined UI Component-based framework like Bootstrap. I've been using it for a few months now and when you get the hang of it, it's really time efficient.

One tip: try to define your tech stack now, and focus on mastering those tools instead of being a jack of all trades. It's hard to master tools/topics if you're not enough invested in learning those because you want to learn too much. For example, I would either pick Django or Flask in your situation. My preference goes to Django. If API support is needed, then use the Django REST Framework for example.

Also, best way to learn is to just build things. Try building your portfolio website or a to-do app. Also, try to build something that retrieves data from an API.

7 upvotes·3 comments·40K views
Nikolas Lunkes
Nikolas Lunkes
January 16th 2023 at 2:09AM

Yeah, nextjs probably has the best frontend among all the development tools, but i dont recommend using it for backend, you can continue using django/flask since i think they are more development ready, even tough nextjs can do great things in its backend too

Nikolas Lunkes
Nikolas Lunkes
January 16th 2023 at 2:09AM

Yeah, nextjs probably has the best frontend among all the development tools, but i dont recommend using it for backend, you can continue using django/flask since i think they are more development ready, even tough nextjs can do great things in its backend too

Finacus Solutions
Finacus Solutions
August 22nd 2024 at 9:26AM

Master JavaScript or TypeScript first, then choose a framework like React. Learn the basics of CSS, focusing on grids, flexbox and media queries before styling with Tailwind. Define your tech stack to avoid getting stuck, and create projects like a portfolio or a to-do app to apply your skills and gain practical experience.


Prototype to code would be better with teleport.hq. Figma is ok for the prototype itself but to get the code you would still end up using the Teleport plugin. Either way the code generated is always moderately hacky, you should keep learning JS and HTML so you can fix up odd looking parts yourself.

4 upvotes·1 comment·43.6K views
Finacus Solutions
Finacus Solutions
August 13th 2024 at 8:08AM

Figma is excellent for creating prototypes, but Teleport HQ's plugin is crucial for converting designs into code. Keep in mind that the generated code may need manual adjustments for the best quality. Continuously improving your JavaScript and HTML skills will allow you to address any issues and guarantee a polished final product.

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Node.js Software Engineer ·

Last time we shared there information about our decision about using YouTrack over Jira actually we found much better solution that our team have loved. Linear is a minimalistic issue tracker that integrates well with Sentry, GitHub, Slack and Figma which are our basic tools. I would like to recommend checking out Linear as a potential alternative to "heavy" issue trackers, maybe at enterprises that may not work but when we're a startup that works awesome!

17 upvotes·413.7K views
Founder & CEO at Macombey·

We chose Figma because of the collaboration aspect of it. We are able to work as a team to create designs for web apps, mobile apps, and alike. After creating our designs in Figma we start exporting the assets and designs over to Webflow and Supernova.

2 upvotes·270.6K views
CTO at·

It's magical changes in my life. Figma is :

  1. Perfect for Web-design
  2. Impressive in collaboration with other colleagues
  3. Have a really magic components
  4. Doesn't require any software on your computer, all you need is modern browser and enough memory
3 upvotes·30.3K views