Principal Backend Software Engineer at StackShare·

We currently monitor performance with the following tools:

  1. Heroku Metrics: our main app is Hosted on Heroku, so it is the best place to get quick server metrics like memory usage, load averages, or response times.
  2. Good old New Relic for detailed general metrics, including transaction times.
  3. Skylight for more specific Rails Controller#action transaction times. Navigating those timings is much better than with New Relic, as you get a clear full breakdown of everything that happens for a given request.

Skylight offers better Rails performance insights, so why use New Relic? Because it does frontend monitoring, while Skylight doesn't. Now that we have a separate frontend app though, our frontend engineers are looking into more specialized frontend monitoring solutions.

Finally, if one of our apps go down, Pingdom alerts us on Slack and texts some of us.

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Jerome Dalbert

Principal Backend Software Engineer at StackShare