Avatar of Michael Mota

Michael Mota

Founder at AlterEstate
Founder at AlterEstate·

We are growing daily, and as we grow we find more things to keep track of. With Slack we've manage to create a simple integration to notify us on important matters of our software, for example, when a new user is created on any of our clients (automated billing process with Stripe).

When any of our servers are increasing the memory/cpu usage, also daily reports of all of our clients activities related to their website (Visits received, new leads generated, deals won/lost etc...)

8 upvotes·46.8K views
Founder at AlterEstate·

I honestly don't know if this could help but, I'll speak from my similar experience with Django. I had to do for a client a dynamic map in real time so that users can select their seats for a specific event. In the first MVP tickets sold in less then 10 minutes, over 400 users at the same time online trying to buy the seats. (I mention this to get in the context of why I used it).

We achieved this with Django, Socket.IO, PostgreSQL and for the frontend React. With the power of Socket IO we manage to achieve a real time connection with the database with a reaaally low response time.

The drawbacks of Django are that everyone knows that Django is not really good for real-time activities but in combination with Socket.IO this can be achieve really good.

I hope that in some way I helped. 👍🏼

8 upvotes·34.9K views
Founder at AlterEstate·
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We use Django because django it's simply the BEST. The heart of our platform is built with Python/Django using Django-rest-framework. We are able to control all the companies on our platform, individually. The speed in which we can ship new features thanks to django MVC it's amazing. We love using django in our team.

8 upvotes·3.5K views
Founder at AlterEstate·

Automations are what makes a CRM powerful. With Celery and RabbitMQ we've been able to make powerful automations that truly works for our clients. Such as for example, automatic daily reports, reminders for their activities, important notifications regarding their client activities and actions on the website and more.

We use Celery basically for everything that needs to be scheduled for the future, and using RabbitMQ as our Queue-broker is amazing since it fully integrates with Django and Celery storing on our database results of the tasks done so we can see if anything fails immediately.

7 upvotes·513.7K views
Founder at AlterEstate·

We recently implemented GraphQL because we needed to build dynamic reports based on the user preference and configuration, this was extremely complicated with our actual RESTful API, the code started to get harder to maintain but switching to GraphQL helped us to to build beautiful reports for our clients that truly help them make data-driven decisions.

Our goal is to implemented GraphQL in the whole platform eventually, we are using Graphene , a python library for Django .

6 upvotes·3 comments·185.6K views
Justin Dorfman
Justin Dorfman
August 7th 2019 at 5:03PM

Hey Michael thanks for sharing! Would you mind tagging Django and Graphene? It will really help the community to discover the content more easily and ultimately get you more views 😉

* https://stackshare.io/django

* https://stackshare.io/Graphene

Michael Mota
Michael Mota
August 15th 2019 at 7:00PM

Hello Justin!

Will do, the weird thing is that I'm trying to edit the comment but I get an error. I'll report this to the StackShare team. Thanks for the recommendations as soon as I can edit the comment will do it :)

Justin Dorfman
Justin Dorfman
August 15th 2019 at 7:20PM

Lucky for you, I'm on the team. I informed our product team and we will get back asap.

Founder at AlterEstate·
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We use InVision because in AlterEstate, companies can request us a specific design for their website instead of one of our pre-made themes (for more customization purposes).

So with InVision our design team can have meetings with our clients online sketching and deciding important matters about their websites. All this in a real time board that really makes the experience with our customer more unique, new (at least in our country) and more connected.

6 upvotes·178.2K views
Founder at AlterEstate·

I've been using Django for quite a long time and in my opinion I would never switch from it. My company is currently using Django with REST framework and a part in GraphQL using Graphene. On the frontend we use Next.js and so far everything has been running quite good. I've found limitations but manage to solve it.

As someone mentioned before, if you are comfortable with Django, don't switch. There's no need since with django you can basically achieve anything. Of course this will depend on the project you want to build, but the scalability and flexibility django can offer it's just out of this world. (Don't want to sound like a fan boy haha but it really is).

6 upvotes·9.8K views
Founder at AlterEstate·
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We use notion.so because it's beautiful, fast, easy, friendly and portable. We use for our clients, for our team, for my personal life, basically for everything.

The fact that you can create a Kanban in matter of seconds but also turn it in a table if you want it and at the same time share it in seconds with your client/team it's priceless, real-time editing also makes it beautiful for brainstorm meetings so everyone involved in it it's synced with whats being discussed.

4 upvotes·68.3K views
Founder at AlterEstate·
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We use ExpressJS because we need to dynamically render routes depending on the client website configuration, say for example you have 10 websites on an app but all those websites have different pages (sitemaps), in order to map it with next we had to ship a custom express server that handle the routes and then pass it to next so it can dynamically render the website requesting the user based on the domain.

4 upvotes·1.6K views
Founder at AlterEstate·
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We use Mixpanel because it's the best way to keep track of all the actions users do on our website. AlterEstate is a software for real estate companies, that means, that the search people do on the websites === money $ because this data can give a company the possibility to take action with actual and real data of whats happening on their website.

We use MixPanel basically in everything and anything. We track all the events users do on our website and on our platform in order to see whats wrong UX-speaking, and what could improve in the platform. We also provide our clients with insights based on the data collected with mixpanel.

3 upvotes·13.3K views