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Alternatives to OData

REST, GraphQL, JSON, SQL, and Prisma are the most popular alternatives and competitors to OData.
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What is OData and what are its top alternatives?

OData, or Open Data Protocol, is a standardized protocol for creating and consuming data APIs in a simple and consistent way. It offers features like query options, metadata discovery, and compatibility with multiple data sources. However, OData can be complex to implement and may not always provide the flexibility needed for certain use cases.

  1. GraphQL: GraphQL is a query language for APIs that allows clients to request only the data they need. It provides a more flexible and efficient way to interact with data compared to OData. Pros include better performance and reduced data overfetching, while cons include a steeper learning curve.

  2. JSON:API: JSON:API is a specification for building APIs in JSON format. It provides guidelines for how resources should be represented and relationships between resources. Pros include standardized structure and easy error handling, while cons include potential complexity for simple use cases.

  3. Falcor: Falcor is a JavaScript library for efficient data fetching. It allows clients to request multiple pieces of data in a single round trip to the server. Pros include network efficiency and improved user experience, while cons include limited community support compared to more widely adopted alternatives.

  4. RESTful API: RESTful APIs follow the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST) and provide a more traditional approach to building web services. Pros include simplicity and widespread adoption, while cons include potential lack of standardization leading to inconsistency.

  5. Avro: Avro is a data serialization system that provides rich data structures and a compact, fast, binary data format. It is widely used in big data processing frameworks like Apache Hadoop. Pros include performance and schema evolution support, while cons include added complexity compared to simpler data formats.

  6. gRPC: gRPC is a high-performance, open-source RPC framework developed by Google. It uses HTTP/2 for transport and Protocol Buffers for serialization, offering efficient communication between services. Pros include speed and language-agnostic support, while cons include potential complexity in configuration and deployment.

  7. RSocket: RSocket is a binary protocol for use on byte stream transports, enabling reactive-style communication between services. It provides features like multiplexing, flow control, and resumption of streams. Pros include low latency and resilience to network failures, while cons include learning curve and limited tooling.

  8. Apache Thrift: Thrift is an interface definition language and binary protocol for defining and accessing remote services. It supports multiple programming languages and enables efficient communication between services. Pros include performance and language flexibility, while cons include potential complexity in setup and maintenance.

  9. FalcorJS: FalcorJS is versatile and allows you to easily create anything starting from a small widget to managing entire web applications. It provides a streamlined way for users to fetch data from a server to the client.

  10. XML-RPC: XML-RPC is a lightweight, XML-based protocol for remote procedure calls between systems. It is widely supported and offers a simple way to invoke methods on remote servers. Pros include simplicity and cross-platform compatibility, while cons include potential overhead and verbosity of XML.

Top Alternatives to OData

  • REST

    An architectural style for developing web services. A distributed system framework that uses Web protocols and technologies. ...

  • GraphQL

    GraphQL is a data query language and runtime designed and used at Facebook to request and deliver data to mobile and web apps since 2012. ...

  • JSON

    JavaScript Object Notation is a lightweight data-interchange format. It is easy for humans to read and write. It is easy for machines to parse and generate. It is based on a subset of the JavaScript Programming Language. ...

  • SQL

    SQL is designed for managing data held in a relational database management system (RDBMS), or for stream processing in a relational data stream management system (RDSMS). ...

  • Prisma

    Prisma is an open-source database toolkit. It replaces traditional ORMs and makes database access easy with an auto-generated query builder for TypeScript & Node.js. ...

  • Oracle PL/SQL
    Oracle PL/SQL

    It is a powerful, yet straightforward database programming language. It is easy to both write and read, and comes packed with lots of out-of-the-box optimizations and security features. ...

  • Oracle PL/SQL
    Oracle PL/SQL

    It is a powerful, yet straightforward database programming language. It is easy to both write and read, and comes packed with lots of out-of-the-box optimizations and security features. ...


    It is most widely used data format for data interchange on the web. This data interchange can happen between two computers applications at different geographical locations or running within same hardware machine. ...

OData alternatives & related posts

REST logo


A software architectural style
+ 1
  • 4
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    related REST posts

    GraphQL logo


    A data query language and runtime
    + 1
    • 75
      Schemas defined by the requests made by the user
    • 63
      Will replace RESTful interfaces
    • 62
      The future of API's
    • 49
      The future of databases
    • 13
    • 12
      Get many resources in a single request
    • 6
      Query Language
    • 6
      Ask for what you need, get exactly that
    • 3
      Fetch different resources in one request
    • 3
      Type system
    • 3
      Evolve your API without versions
    • 2
      Ease of client creation
    • 2
    • 2
      Easy setup
    • 1
      "Open" document
    • 1
      Fast prototyping
    • 1
      Supports subscription
    • 1
    • 1
      Good for apps that query at build time. (SSR/Gatsby)
    • 1
      1. Describe your data
    • 1
      Better versioning
    • 1
      Backed by Facebook
    • 1
      Easy to learn
    • 4
      Hard to migrate from GraphQL to another technology
    • 4
      More code to type.
    • 2
      Takes longer to build compared to schemaless.
    • 1
      No support for caching
    • 1
      All the pros sound like NFT pitches
    • 1
      No support for streaming
    • 1
      Works just like any other API at runtime
    • 1
      N+1 fetch problem
    • 1
      No built in security

    related GraphQL posts

    Shared insights

    I just finished the very first version of my new hobby project: #MovieGeeks. It is a minimalist online movie catalog for you to save the movies you want to see and for rating the movies you already saw. This is just the beginning as I am planning to add more features on the lines of sharing and discovery

    For the #BackEnd I decided to use Node.js , GraphQL and MongoDB:

    1. Node.js has a huge community so it will always be a safe choice in terms of libraries and finding solutions to problems you may have

    2. GraphQL because I needed to improve my skills with it and because I was never comfortable with the usual REST approach. I believe GraphQL is a better option as it feels more natural to write apis, it improves the development velocity, by definition it fixes the over-fetching and under-fetching problem that is so common on REST apis, and on top of that, the community is getting bigger and bigger.

    3. MongoDB was my choice for the database as I already have a lot of experience working on it and because, despite of some bad reputation it has acquired in the last months, I still believe it is a powerful database for at least a very long list of use cases such as the one I needed for my website

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    Nick Rockwell
    SVP, Engineering at Fastly · | 46 upvotes · 3.2M views

    When I joined NYT there was already broad dissatisfaction with the LAMP (Linux Apache HTTP Server MySQL PHP) Stack and the front end framework, in particular. So, I wasn't passing judgment on it. I mean, LAMP's fine, you can do good work in LAMP. It's a little dated at this point, but it's not ... I didn't want to rip it out for its own sake, but everyone else was like, "We don't like this, it's really inflexible." And I remember from being outside the company when that was called MIT FIVE when it had launched. And been observing it from the outside, and I was like, you guys took so long to do that and you did it so carefully, and yet you're not happy with your decisions. Why is that? That was more the impetus. If we're going to do this again, how are we going to do it in a way that we're gonna get a better result?

    So we're moving quickly away from LAMP, I would say. So, right now, the new front end is React based and using Apollo. And we've been in a long, protracted, gradual rollout of the core experiences.

    React is now talking to GraphQL as a primary API. There's a Node.js back end, to the front end, which is mainly for server-side rendering, as well.

    Behind there, the main repository for the GraphQL server is a big table repository, that we call Bodega because it's a convenience store. And that reads off of a Kafka pipeline.

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    JSON logo


    A lightweight data-interchange format
    + 1
    • 5
    • 4
      Widely supported
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      related JSON posts

      Ali Soueidan
      Creative Web Developer at Ali Soueidan · | 18 upvotes · 1.2M views

      Application and Data: Since my personal website ( ) is a SPA I've chosen to use Vue.js, as a framework to create it. After a short skeptical phase I immediately felt in love with the single file component concept! I also used vuex for state management, which makes working with several components, which are communicating with each other even more fun and convenient to use. Of course, using Vue requires using JavaScript as well, since it is the basis of it.

      For markup and style, I used Pug and Sass, since they’re the perfect match to me. I love the clean and strict syntax of both of them and even more that their structure is almost similar. Also, both of them come with an expanded functionality such as mixins, loops and so on related to their “siblings” (HTML and CSS). Both of them require nesting and prevent untidy code, which can be a huge advantage when working in teams. I used JSON to store data (since the data quantity on my website is moderate) – JSON works also good in combo with Pug, using for loops, based on the JSON Objects for example.

      To send my contact form I used PHP, since sending emails using PHP is still relatively convenient, simple and easy done.

      DevOps: Of course, I used Git to do my version management (which I even do in smaller projects like my website just have an additional backup of my code). On top of that I used GitHub since it now supports private repository for free accounts (which I am using for my own). I use Babel to use ES6 functionality such as arrow functions and so on, and still don’t losing cross browser compatibility.

      Side note: I used npm for package management. 🎉

      *Business Tools: * I use Asana to organize my project. This is a big advantage to me, even if I work alone, since “private” projects can get interrupted for some time. By using Asana I still know (even after month of not touching a project) what I’ve done, on which task I was at last working on and what still is to do. Working in Teams (for enterprise I’d take on Jira instead) of course Asana is a Tool which I really love to use as well. All the graphics on my website are SVG which I have created with Adobe Illustrator and adjusted within the SVG code or by using JavaScript or CSS (SASS).

      See more

      I use Visual Studio Code because at this time is a mature software and I can do practically everything using it.

      • It's free and open source: The project is hosted on GitHub and it’s free to download, fork, modify and contribute to the project.

      • Multi-platform: You can download binaries for different platforms, included Windows (x64), MacOS and Linux (.rpm and .deb packages)

      • LightWeight: It runs smoothly in different devices. It has an average memory and CPU usage. Starts almost immediately and it’s very stable.

      • Extended language support: Supports by default the majority of the most used languages and syntax like JavaScript, HTML, C#, Swift, Java, PHP, Python and others. Also, VS Code supports different file types associated to projects like .ini, .properties, XML and JSON files.

      • Integrated tools: Includes an integrated terminal, debugger, problem list and console output inspector. The project navigator sidebar is simple and powerful: you can manage your files and folders with ease. The command palette helps you find commands by text. The search widget has a powerful auto-complete feature to search and find your files.

      • Extensible and configurable: There are many extensions available for every language supported, including syntax highlighters, IntelliSense and code completion, and debuggers. There are also extension to manage application configuration and architecture like Docker and Jenkins.

      • Integrated with Git: You can visually manage your project repositories, pull, commit and push your changes, and easy conflict resolution.( there is support for SVN (Subversion) users by plugin)

      See more
      SQL logo


      It is a domain-specific language used in programming
      + 1
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        CONS OF SQL
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          Prisma logo


          Modern Database Access for TypeScript & Node.js
          + 1
          PROS OF PRISMA
          • 12
            Type-safe database access
          • 10
            Open Source
          • 8
            Auto-generated query builder
          • 6
            Supports multible database systems
          • 6
            Increases confidence during development
          • 4
            Built specifically for Postgres and TypeScript
          • 4
            Productive application development
          • 2
            Supports multible RDBMSs
          • 2
            Robust migrations system
          CONS OF PRISMA
          • 2
            Doesn't support downward/back migrations
          • 1
            Doesn't support JSONB
          • 1
            Do not support JSONB
          • 1
            Mutation of JSON is really confusing
          • 1
            Do not support JSONB

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          Divine Bawa
          at PayHub Ghana Limited · | 16 upvotes · 483.1K views

          I just finished a web app meant for a business that offers training programs for certain professional courses. I chose this stack to test out my skills in graphql and react. I used Node.js , GraphQL , MySQL for the #Backend utilizing Prisma as a database interface for MySQL to provide CRUD APIs and graphql-yoga as a server. For the #frontend I chose React, styled-components for styling, Next.js for routing and SSR and Apollo for data management. I really liked the outcome and I will definitely use this stack in future projects.

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          Collins Ogbuzuru
          Front-end dev at Evolve credit · | 11 upvotes · 25.6K views
          Shared insights
          GraphQLGraphQLPrismaPrismaAWS LambdaAWS Lambda

          We are starting to build one shirt data logic, structure and as an online clothing store we believe good ux and ui is a goal to drive a lot of click through. The problem is, how do we fetch data and how do we abstract the gap between the Front-end devs and backend-devs as we are just two in the technical unit. We decided to go for GraphQL as our application-layer tool and Prisma for our database-layer abstracter.

          Reasons :

          GraphQL :

          1. GraphQL makes fetching of data less painful and organised.

          2. GraphQL gives you 100% assurance on data you getting back as opposed to the Rest design .

          3. GraphQL comes with a bunch of real-time functionality in form of. subscriptions and finally because we are using React (GraphQL is not React demanding, it's doesn't require a specific framework, language or tool, but it definitely makes react apps fly )

          Prisma :

          1. Writing revolvers can be fun, but imagine writing revolvers nested deep down, curry braces flying around. This is sure a welcome note to bugs and as a small team we need to focus more on what that matters more. Prisma generates this necessary CRUD resolves, mutations and subscription out of the box.

          2. We don't really have much budget at the moment so we are going to run our logic in a scalable cheap and cost effective cloud environment. Oh! It's AWS Lambda and deploying our schema to Lambda is our best bet to minimize cost and same time scale.

          We are still at development stage and I believe, working on this start up will increase my dev knowledge. Off for Lunch :)

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          Oracle PL/SQL logo

          Oracle PL/SQL

          It is a combination of SQL along with the procedural features of programming languages
          + 1
          • 2
            Multiple ways to accomplish the same end
          • 2
          • 1
            Not mysql
          • 1
            Massive, continuous investment by Oracle Corp
          • 1
            Extensible to external langiages
          • 1
          • 2
            High commercial license cost

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          Oracle PL/SQL logo

          Oracle PL/SQL

          It is a combination of SQL along with the procedural features of programming languages
          + 1
          • 2
            Multiple ways to accomplish the same end
          • 2
          • 1
            Not mysql
          • 1
            Massive, continuous investment by Oracle Corp
          • 1
            Extensible to external langiages
          • 1
          • 2
            High commercial license cost

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          JSON API logo

          JSON API

          One of many data formats that is often applied to REST
          + 1
          PROS OF JSON API
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            CONS OF JSON API
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