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Eclipse vs Eclipse Che: What are the differences?

Key Differences between Eclipse and Eclipse Che

1. Structure and Architecture: Eclipse is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that runs on the developer's local machine. It provides a comprehensive set of tools and features for software development. On the other hand, Eclipse Che is a cloud-based IDE that runs on a remote server and can be accessed through a web browser. It allows developers to work on projects collaboratively from any device with an internet connection.

2. Setup and Installation: To use Eclipse, developers need to download and install the software on their local machine. They also need to configure the required plugins and dependencies. In contrast, Eclipse Che eliminates the need for individual installations. Users can simply access the IDE through a web browser, eliminating any setup or installation requirements. Moreover, Eclipse Che automatically handles the configuration and installation of project dependencies.

3. Scalability and Resource Management: Eclipse is limited by the resources available on the developer's local machine. As a result, the performance might degrade if working on larger projects. Eclipse Che, being a cloud-hosted IDE, offers scalability and resource management advantages. It can dynamically allocate resources based on the requirements of the project, allowing developers to work on larger projects without performance issues.

4. Collaboration and Teamwork: Eclipse does not offer built-in collaboration features. Developers need to rely on external tools for real-time collaboration and teamwork. On the other hand, Eclipse Che provides collaborative coding capabilities out of the box. It enables multiple developers to work on the same project simultaneously, making it easier for teams to collaborate efficiently.

5. Portability and Accessibility: Eclipse requires installation and configuration on each machine where it is used, making it less portable. In contrast, Eclipse Che is cloud-based and accessible through a web browser. This makes it highly portable, allowing developers to work on their projects from any device with an internet connection. It also enables remote teams to collaborate effectively.

6. Containerization and DevOps Integration: Eclipse Che leverages containerization technology, allowing developers to create isolated development environments using containers. These containers encapsulate the required development stack and dependencies, ensuring consistent and reproducible environments across different machines. Moreover, Eclipse Che provides seamless integration with DevOps tools, enabling developers to incorporate Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment workflows into their projects.

In Summary, Eclipse and Eclipse Che differ in terms of their architecture, setup process, scalability, collaboration features, portability, and integration with DevOps tools, making them suitable for different development scenarios.

Advice on Eclipse and Eclipse Che
christy craemer
Needs advice
EclipseEclipseIntelliJ IDEAIntelliJ IDEA

UPDATE: Thanks for the great response. I am going to start with VSCode based on the open source and free version that will allow me to grow into other languages, but not cost me a license ..yet.

I have been working with software development for 12 years, but I am just beginning my journey to learn to code. I am starting with Python following the suggestion of some of my coworkers. They are split between Eclipse and IntelliJ IDEA for IDEs that they use and PyCharm is new to me. Which IDE would you suggest for a beginner that will allow expansion to Java, JavaScript, and eventually AngularJS and possibly mobile applications?

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Replies (12)
Visual Studio CodeVisual Studio Code

Pycharm is great for python development, but can feel sometimes slow and community version has Somme very annoying restrictions (like they disabled jupyter notebooks plugin and made it premium feature). I personally started looking into VS Code as an alternative, and it has some very good potential. I suggest you take it into account.

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The Community version of PyCharm is free and should give you what you need to get started with Python. Both PyCharm and IntelliJ are made by JetBrains. IntelliJ is initially focused on Java but you can get plugins for lots of other things. I subscribe to JetBrains' Toolbox: and have access to all of their great tools.

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Visual Studio CodeVisual Studio Code

Hi, I will give my opinion based on my experience. I have used PyCharm, both community and Professional version. The community has limited functions, like you can't use a Jupyter notebook whereas it's available in the Professional version. PyCharm is slower compared to Visual Studio Code. Also Visual Studio Code is an editor which supports various languages. I myself have used both Visual Studio Code and PyCharm. I feel Visual Studio Code would be better choice. You may as well decide based upon your requirements.

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Charles Nelson
IntelliJ IDEAIntelliJ IDEA

I couldn't imagine using a development tool other than the IntelliJ IDEA Ultimate All Products Pack. A single license allows me to work directly on my server running Ubuntu and/or my workstation running Windows 10 Pro simultaneously. My current project uses HTML, W3CSS, JavaScript, Java, Groovy, Grails, C, GO, Python, Flask, and Rust. For me it's worth every penny of the $150 license fee. And you can try it for free.

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Ivan Martinez Morales
Software Engineer Intern · | 4 upvotes · 663.1K views
Visual Studio CodeVisual Studio Code

I'd personally recommend Visual Studio Code as it gives you the flexibility of working in any language, so long as there are extensions to support it. It gives you the flexibility to learn Python, venture into Java, Javascript, and eventually AngularJS, and potentially mobile applications. It's also free and you can install it on your personal computer. I think Visual Studio Code would serve your intended use case best.

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Visual Studio CodeVisual Studio Code

Visual Studio code is easy to use, has a good UI, and a large community. Python works great with it, but unlike some other editors, it works with most languages either by default or by downloading a plugin. VS Code has built in linting, syntax coloring, autocompletes (IntelliSense), and an api for plugins to do there own tooling.

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Isaac Povey
Casual Software Engineer at Skedulo · | 3 upvotes · 663.2K views
IntelliJ IDEAIntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ really is the best for Java, I switched from eclipse years ago and never looked back. As for javascript, python and angular either using the standalone products from jetbrains (pycharm for python, webstorm for js) or installing the relevant plugins for InteliJ will be your best bet. Pycharm etc. are really just InteliJ with some additional plugins installed.

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Pranshu Verma
Engineer at Cisco Systems · | 3 upvotes · 663.1K views

If you starting with Python then PyCharm is better. For Java I would suggest to go with IntelliJ IDEA but people also prefer eclipse so I would say try both and then decide. For JS/Angular/React I would suggest go with VSCode. I personally use it and prefer as its light weight and have good integration with chrome for frontend development.

PyCharm, IntelliJ IDEA are both products of JetBrains. They have a free (limited feature) and paid edition. Eclipse is free. VSCode is also free.

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All three are great, however, I believe that IntelliJ IDEA's multiple IDE's are slightly more straight-forward and more up-to date than Eclipse. If I had to choose one specifically for Python projects I would go with PyCharm.

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Pycharm is all you need to get start coding in python or any of its framework. Its an awesome tool you should give it a try :)

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Pritam Nandy
Engineering Manager at Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited · | 1 upvotes · 610.6K views

This is a very easy to use tool and gives you the opportunity to start coding right after the installation with almost everything setup automatically by the tool.

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Brian Turner
System Architect at Mary's Watch, Inc. · | 1 upvotes · 663.1K views
IntelliJ IDEAIntelliJ IDEA

Easy to learn and everything you need

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I am going to learn machine learning and self host an online IDE, the tool that i may use is Python, Anaconda, various python library and etc. which tools should i go for? this may include Java development, web development. Now i have 1 more candidate which are visual studio code online (code server). i will host on google cloud

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Replies (1)
Visual Studio CodeVisual Studio Code

The main contenders here are VS code and Eclipse, because Koding is meant to be used by large companies and by devs who know what they are doing. Both VS code and Eclipse have pros and cons, but for someone who wants to learn, VS Code is a much better choice as it has a very simple UI and plugins are easier to find and download.

Eclipse isn't meant for learning purposes and was designed with the intent to be used by professionals. Also it is an amazing IDE for java, but isn't so good in other languages, while VS code is much more efficient in a vast number of languages.

The only likely issue you might be facing with vs code is that, at times, it can be a resource hog, and in extreme cases it is possible to crash. But it is very rare and I recommend you have at least 8GB ram and at least a dual 1.6 GHz CPU.

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Decisions about Eclipse and Eclipse Che
Manabu Tokunaga
CEO, Co-Founder at WinguMD · | 10 upvotes · 504.3K views

I originally chose IntelliJ over Eclipse, as it was close enough to the look and feel of Visual Studio and we do go back and forth between the two. We really begin to love IntelliJ and their suite of IDEs so we are now using AppCode for the IOS development because the workflow is identical with the IntelliJ. IntelliJ is super complex and intimidating at first but it does afford a lot of nice utilities to get us produce clean code.

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Pros of Eclipse
Pros of Eclipse Che
  • 131
    Does it all
  • 76
    Integrates with most of tools
  • 64
    Easy to use
  • 63
    Java IDE
  • 32
    Best Java IDE
  • 9
    Open source
  • 3
    Hard for newbews
  • 2
    Great gdb integration
  • 2
  • 2
    Good Git client allowing direct stage area edit
  • 2
    True open source with huge contribution
  • 2
    Great code suggestions
  • 2
  • 2
  • 0
    Works with php
  • 12
    Cloud IDE
  • 7
    Open Source
  • 5
  • 2
    Can be locally hosted
  • 1
  • 1
    All features free by default

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Cons of Eclipse
Cons of Eclipse Che
  • 14
    2000 Design
  • 9
    Bad performance
  • 4
    Hard to use
  • 2
    LAck of support for golang

Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

What is Eclipse?

Standard Eclipse package suited for Java and plug-in development plus adding new plugins; already includes Git, Marketplace Client, source code and developer documentation. Click here to file a bug against Eclipse Platform.

What is Eclipse Che?

Eclipse Che makes Kubernetes development accessible for developer teams, providing one-click developer workspaces and eliminating local environment configuration for your entire team.

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What are some alternatives to Eclipse and Eclipse Che?
Android Studio
Android Studio is a new Android development environment based on IntelliJ IDEA. It provides new features and improvements over Eclipse ADT and will be the official Android IDE once it's ready.
Visual Studio
Visual Studio is a suite of component-based software development tools and other technologies for building powerful, high-performance applications.
IntelliJ IDEA
Out of the box, IntelliJ IDEA provides a comprehensive feature set including tools and integrations with the most important modern technologies and frameworks for enterprise and web development with Java, Scala, Groovy and other languages.
NetBeans IDE
NetBeans IDE is FREE, open source, and has a worldwide community of users and developers.
PyCharm’s smart code editor provides first-class support for Python, JavaScript, CoffeeScript, TypeScript, CSS, popular template languages and more. Take advantage of language-aware code completion, error detection, and on-the-fly code fixes!
See all alternatives