Fluentd vs Logstash vs Splunk Cloud

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Fluentd vs Logstash vs Splunk Cloud: What are the differences?


Fluentd, Logstash, and Splunk Cloud are popular tools used for log management and analysis in software development and IT operations. Each tool has its own unique features and capabilities that cater to specific requirements of users.

  1. Data Collection and Integration: Fluentd is known for its flexibility in data collection and integration, supporting a wide range of input and output plugins for gathering logs from various sources and sending them to multiple destinations. Logstash, on the other hand, provides a rich set of input and output plugins but may require more configuration compared to Fluentd. Splunk Cloud offers a user-friendly interface for data onboarding but may come at a higher cost.

  2. Scalability and Performance: Fluentd is designed to be lightweight and performant, making it ideal for handling high volumes of log data efficiently. Logstash requires more resources to scale effectively, which can impact performance in large-scale environments. Splunk Cloud offers scalability options, but the cost can increase significantly as the data volume grows.

  3. Querying and Search Capabilities: Each tool provides different querying and search capabilities for analyzing logs. Fluentd offers basic search functionalities, suitable for simple queries and filtering. Logstash integrates with Elasticsearch for powerful search and analysis capabilities, leveraging the functionalities of Elasticsearch for log management. Splunk Cloud, being a purpose-built log management solution, offers advanced querying language and real-time search capabilities for in-depth log analysis.

  4. Community Support and Adoption: Fluentd and Logstash have active communities of users and contributors, providing support through forums, documentation, and plugins. Splunk Cloud, being a commercial product, offers dedicated customer support but may have limited community-driven resources compared to Fluentd and Logstash.

  5. Cost and Licensing: Fluentd and Logstash are open-source tools, providing free access to users for data collection and log management. Splunk Cloud, as a commercial offering, follows a subscription-based pricing model, which can be expensive for organizations with large data volumes. The cost of Splunk Cloud includes features like technical support, advanced analytics, and compliance features that may not be included in Fluentd and Logstash.

In Summary, Fluentd, Logstash, and Splunk Cloud differ in terms of data collection, scalability, querying capabilities, community support, and cost, catering to diverse needs in log management and analysis.

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Pros of Fluentd
Pros of Logstash
Pros of Splunk Cloud
  • 11
  • 9
    Great for Kubernetes node container log forwarding
  • 9
  • 8
  • 69
  • 18
    Easy but powerful filtering
  • 12
  • 2
    Kibana provides machine learning based analytics to log
  • 1
    Great to meet GDPR goals
  • 1
    Well Documented
  • 7
    More powerful & Integrates with on-prem & off-prem
  • 3
  • 3
    Powerful log analytics
  • 1
    Pci compliance
  • 1
    Production debugger

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Cons of Fluentd
Cons of Logstash
Cons of Splunk Cloud
    Be the first to leave a con
    • 4
    • 1
      Documentation difficult to use
      Be the first to leave a con

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      - No public GitHub repository available -

      What is Fluentd?

      Fluentd collects events from various data sources and writes them to files, RDBMS, NoSQL, IaaS, SaaS, Hadoop and so on. Fluentd helps you unify your logging infrastructure.

      What is Logstash?

      Logstash is a tool for managing events and logs. You can use it to collect logs, parse them, and store them for later use (like, for searching). If you store them in Elasticsearch, you can view and analyze them with Kibana.

      What is Splunk Cloud?

      If you're looking for all the benefits of Splunk® Enterprise with all the benefits of software-as-a-service, then look no further. Splunk Cloud is backed by a 100% uptime SLA, scales to over 10TB/day, and offers a highly secure environment.

      Need advice about which tool to choose?Ask the StackShare community!

      What companies use Fluentd?
      What companies use Logstash?
      What companies use Splunk Cloud?

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      What tools integrate with Fluentd?
      What tools integrate with Logstash?
      What tools integrate with Splunk Cloud?

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      Blog Posts

      May 21 2020 at 12:02AM

      Rancher Labs

      KubernetesAmazon EC2Grafana+12
      May 21 2019 at 12:20AM


      What are some alternatives to Fluentd, Logstash, and Splunk Cloud?
      It provides the leading platform for Operational Intelligence. Customers use it to search, monitor, analyze and visualize machine data.
      collectd gathers statistics about the system it is running on and stores this information. Those statistics can then be used to find current performance bottlenecks (i.e. performance analysis) and predict future system load (i.e. capacity planning). Or if you just want pretty graphs of your private server and are fed up with some homegrown solution you're at the right place, too.
      It helps you keep the simple things simple by offering a lightweight way to forward and centralize logs and files.
      Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine capable of storing data and searching it in near real time. Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats and Logstash are the Elastic Stack (sometimes called the ELK Stack).
      Prometheus is a systems and service monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at given intervals, evaluates rule expressions, displays the results, and can trigger alerts if some condition is observed to be true.
      See all alternatives