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Meteor vs React: What are the differences?
Key Differences Between Meteor and React
Meteor and React are both popular frameworks used for web development, but they have distinct characteristics that set them apart. Here are the key differences between Meteor and React:
Architecture: Meteor is a full-stack framework that provides both front-end and back-end development tools, making it easier to build and deploy a complete web application. React, on the other hand, is a JavaScript library that focuses solely on the user interface and is typically used in conjunction with other libraries or frameworks to build a complete application.
Data Management: Meteor includes its own real-time data layer called DDP (Distributed Data Protocol), which allows for seamless synchronization of data between client and server. React, however, does not have built-in data management capabilities and relies on external libraries like Redux or GraphQL for managing data flow.
Project Scale: Meteor is designed for rapid prototyping and small to medium-sized projects, providing an all-in-one solution for developers. React, on the other hand, is more suitable for large-scale projects as it provides a flexible and scalable architecture that can be customized based on specific project requirements.
Community and Ecosystem: React has a larger and more active community compared to Meteor, with a vast ecosystem of libraries and tools that can be integrated into React applications. Meteor, although not as widely adopted, has its own set of packages and extensions that can enhance its functionality.
Learning Curve: React is relatively easier to learn compared to Meteor, especially for developers already familiar with JavaScript. React follows a component-based approach, making it easier to understand and maintain code. Meteor, on the other hand, has a steeper learning curve due to its complex architecture and the need to understand both front-end and back-end development concepts.
Deployment Flexibility: Meteor provides a bundled deployment option, which packages the entire application into a single executable file that can be deployed on various platforms. React, being a library, does not have a specific deployment mechanism and can be deployed using different methods depending on the hosting environment.
In summary, Meteor is a full-stack framework with built-in data management capabilities, suitable for rapid prototyping and smaller projects, while React is a flexible, component-based library that excels in large-scale projects and offers a wider range of community-driven options for data management and deployment.
What is the best MVC stack to build mobile-friendly, light-weight, and fast single-page application with Spring Boot as back-end (Java)? Is Bootstrap still required to front-end layer these days?
The idea is to host on-premise initially with the potential to move to the cloud. Which combo would have minimal developer ramp-up time and low long-term maintenance costs (BAU support)?
React might be a good option if you're considering a mobile app for the future, because of react native. Although, Vue.js has the easiest learning curve and offers a better developer ramp-up time. Vue.js is great to build SPAs, very clean and organized and you won't have a lot of long-term maintenance problems (like AngularJS, for example). Bootstrap can still be used, but with flexbox there's no need anymore.
I recommend React because of less memory occupant compare to Angular, but this will depend on your organisation flexibility. When you use React you need to import different libraries as per your need. On the other side angular is a complete framework.
Performance-wise I vote for react js as it loads up quickly and lighter on the mobile. You can make good PWA with SSR as well.
If you are new to all three react will be a good choice considering, react-native will be useful if you want to build cross platform mobile application today or tomorrow. If you are talking about bootstrap styling framework than it's a choice you can style ur components by ur self or use bootstrap 4.0 framework. The complete stack mentioned above is platform agnostic u can run it anywhere you want be it cloud or on-premise.
Simple datepickers are cumbersome. For such a simple data input, I feel like it takes far too much effort. Ideally, the native input[type="date"]
would just work like it does on FF and Chrome, but Safari and Edge don't handle it properly. So I'm left either having a diverging experience based on the browser or I need to choose a library to implement a datepicker since users aren't good at inputing formatted strings.
For React alone there are tons of examples to use And then of course there's the bootstrap datepicker (, jQueryUI calendar picker,, and many more.
How do you recommend going about handling date and time inputs? And then there's always moment.js, but I've observed some users getting stuck when presented with a blank text field. I'm curious to hear what's worked well for people...
In my view, the upside of React is you're likely to find more existing, robust design systems (e.g. sets of components containing anything from buttons to datepickers) in the React ecosystem than Vue. UI frameworks aside, momentjs comes in when you want operate on the date(times) you get back from whatever datepicker you choose (e.g. date formatting, date match).
I find using Vue.js to be easier (more concise / less boilerplate) and more intuitive than writing React. However, there are a lot more readily available React components that I can just plug into my projects. I'm debating whether to use Vue.js or React for an upcoming project that I'm going to use to help teach a friend how to build an interactive frontend. Which would you recommend I use?
I've used both Vue.js and React and I would stick with React. I know that Vue.js seems easier to write and its much faster to pick up however as you mentioned above React has way more ready made components you can just plugin, and the community for React is very big.
It might be a bit more of a steep learning curve for your friend to learn React over Vue.js but I think in the long run its the better option.
I chose to use Vue.js a few years ago mainly for the easy learning curve. I have no experience with React, so I won't make any comparison here. Regarding available components, I never felt locked in because of Vue when looking for components. It happens that a component I wish to use is not available as a Vue component (and nobody published any Vue wrapper for it), but in such cases I was able to quickly hack a Vue wrapper component. In the end I don't think a decision to choose one framework over another should be made solely because of the number of components available. (And not all components in either framework is maintained, bug free, documented or easy to use)
I would also go with React. The learning curve can be a little more difficult but as soon as you got the concepts it's really easy to create things. As everybody has mentioned the React community is huge and it keeps growing, anything you may need for your project there are super high probabilities that you will find it.
React is great, Vue.js is also great. But I'm personally using React, because React is changing the way I look at how JavaScript should be. This is a really big plus for me. Vue is good, but it's just another alternative. Also, too many big companies are using React, that means you can trust it for big projects.
I'd have to concur that I'd advise React. In addition to the reasons mentioned, the developer pool is significantly larger (and also slightly more expensive) for React. In time, engineering costs will even out as more and more teams adopt it. The community support is fantastic, and the available components significant.
Would start with Vue especially if you want to progress more quickly and don't want/need to spend time learning React just for the sake of it. You can always pick up React later if necessary. I would caution about using "more readily available React components" just because they exist.
Having developed in both Vue.js and React, I agree with your assessment of Vue. It does feel light and easier to understand and therefore learn. Seeing that Vue has some genetic roots with React, I would say start your friend out on Vue. If they need to learn React later, that should give them a good foundation. If you have a Pluralsight subscription, look for my course on Vue.js and feel free to use the demo project as a starting point.
Both have their pro's and con's; however to agree what has been mentioned here before; Using Vue.js will be easier as it's learning curve isn't steep; plus learning Vue.js will teach you fundamentals which (in a sense) can be applied to React as well. Community support for React is indeed very big, but Vue.js is also still growing. Component wise, I wouldn't worry to much about that, writing your own components is also a good tool for learning a language.
Anything that interacts with the Internet, websites, applications, etc., while it may be more complex to build, will be easier to maintain in the long run. React
offers more flexibility, a much larger support base for knowledge and opinion, and is just as stable asVue
To make the best comparison in my opinion, think of React
as the Android OS and Vue
more like iOS. While Vue
may be advantageous in some cases, it is limited by constricting parameters. On the other hand, while React
may be more complex and incorporate more open-source/third-party constructs, it is supported by over 50,000 npm packages and allows for the use of JSX. Which I might add, once learned, becomes second nature to employ and offers more flexibility.
It is hard to say which is good. I've used both. Vue is easier. But I feel more comfortable with React. That is why I chose React.
Virtual dom and JSX. Vue is just a baby to the race. React has it's mobile platform version as react native . so it would be easy for you and you wont reinvent the wheel again for mobile apps.
We did a comparison between React, Vue and Angular and while found each capable of supporting our needs, we ended up using VueJS because of its ease of use, the ability to use templates, large and growing community and good documentation. After developing on it for a around 4 months we re-evaluated and agreed that we had made the right choice and continue to migrate our products/platform to it.
It all depends. Vue.js is smaller, and from what I saw (benchmarks) faster. It's also slightly more intuitive and easier to grasp. React is more popular, and the adoption rate is much higher.
Again, it all depends.
If I may, my personal choice would perhaps be either React or Svelte.
As others have stated there are more canned components available for React, but your observation about it's complexity is an important one. There are architectural aspects of Vue.js that lead to cleaner more concise solutions. As React apps get bigger they become a little unwieldy. Depending on your requirements you need to weigh those competing concerns. Our team is using React, but I am beginning to question that choice as time goes on. Another consideration is that Vue.js is becoming more mature as we speak. Also as others join the project, react developers should be productive in Vue.js within days. Just my 2 cents...
I would recommend both of them since Vue is a UI library and helps you to design beautiful website while react allows you to handle backend problems like comment management and onspot reloading more efficiently also react includes useState and react is a framework while vue is a library
VueJS hands down. Which components do you need? Have a look at Vuetify, mature project, plenty of components ready to plug and play. If on the other side you need more customization, have a look at tailwindcss. VueJS is much cleaner and IMO will overtake React soon. It's simply a better React.
Next.js is probably the most enjoyable React framework our team could have picked. The development is an extremely smooth process, the file structure is beautiful and organized, and the speed is no joke. Our work with Next.js comes out much faster than if it was built on pure React or frameworks alike. We were previously developing all of our projects in Meteor before making the switch. We left Meteor due to the slow compiler and website speed. We deploy all of our Next.js projects on Vercel.
It was easier to find people who've worked on React than Vue. Angular did not have this problem, but seemed way too bloated compared to React. Angular also brings in restrictions working within their MVC framework. React on the other hand only handles the view/rendering part and rest of the control is left to the developers. React has a very active community, support and has lots of ready-to-use plugins/libraries available.
It is a very versatile library that provides great development speed. Although, with a bad organization, maintaining projects can be a disaster. With a good architecture, this does not happen.
Angular is obviously powerful and robust. I do not rule it out for any future application, in fact with the arrival of micro frontends and cross-functional teams I think it could be useful. However, if I have to build a stack from scratch again, I'm left with react.
Working on a new SaaS web/mobile app and ended up with React as our choice of Frontend JavaScript framework for SPA web version with React Native for iOS, Android, Windows clients.
The key takeaways:
Both frameworks can do the job quite well for us. This might be true for the majority of utility web apps being built out there as well, so there was no "wrong" decision here.
Vue is often cited as easier to learn and code on. But only in case your engineers never worked with either Vue or React and start learning them from scratch. In our case, we knew we'll be hiring engineers who already have experience in the framework we'll select - so it was not a big argument for Vue.
We're building our engineering team in Ukraine and realised we have 3(!) times more engineers with React experience on the market than having Vue experience.
Mobile - React Native, despite being a different framework, still shares a lot with React and it's just easier for React developers to start using React Native in days.
The strongest points for our decision:
React community is larger, means more/faster answers to your questions and existing components.
Way more experienced React engineers on the market.
React + React Native is a great combo if you're building web and mobile clients of the same app.
I used React not just because it is more popular than Angular. But the declarative and composition it gives out of the box is fascinating and React.js is just a very small UI library and you can build anything on top of it.
Composing components is the strongest asset of React for me as it can breakdown your application into smaller pieces which makes it easy to reuse and scale.
Svelte is everything a developer could ever want for flexible, scalable frontend development. I feel like React has reached a maturity level where there needs to be new syntactic sugar added (I'm looking at you, hooks!). I love how Svelte sets out to rebuild a new language to write interfaces in from the ground up.
Our whole Vue.js frontend stack (incl. SSR) consists of the following tools:
- Nuxt.js consisting of Vue CLI, Vue Router, vuex, Webpack and Sass (Bundler for HTML5, CSS 3), Babel (Transpiler for JavaScript),
- Vue Styleguidist as our style guide and pool of developed Vue.js components
- Vuetify as Material Component Framework (for fast app development)
- TypeScript as programming language
- Apollo / GraphQL (incl. GraphiQL) for data access layer (
- ESLint, TSLint and Prettier for coding style and code analyzes
- Jest as testing framework
- Google Fonts and Font Awesome for typography and icon toolkit
- NativeScript-Vue for mobile development
The main reason we have chosen Vue.js over React and AngularJS is related to the following artifacts:
- Empowered HTML. Vue.js has many similar approaches with Angular. This helps to optimize HTML blocks handling with the use of different components.
- Detailed documentation. Vue.js has very good documentation which can fasten learning curve for developers.
- Adaptability. It provides a rapid switching period from other frameworks. It has similarities with Angular and React in terms of design and architecture.
- Awesome integration. Vue.js can be used for both building single-page applications and more difficult web interfaces of apps. Smaller interactive parts can be easily integrated into the existing infrastructure with no negative effect on the entire system.
- Large scaling. Vue.js can help to develop pretty large reusable templates.
- Tiny size. Vue.js weights around 20KB keeping its speed and flexibility. It allows reaching much better performance in comparison to other frameworks.
The project is a web gadget previously made using vanilla script and JQuery, It is a part of the "Quicktext" platform and offers an in-app live & customizable messaging widget. We made that remake with React eco-system and Typescript and we're so far happy with results. We gained tons of TS features, React scaling & re-usabilities capabilities and much more!
What do you think?
This basically came down to two things: performance on compute-heavy tasks and a need for good tooling. We used to have a Meteor based Node.js application which worked great for RAD and getting a working prototype in a short time, but we felt pains trying to scale it, especially when doing anything involving crunching data, which Node sucks at. We also had bad experience with tooling support for doing large scale refactorings in Javascript compared to the best-in-class tools available for Java (IntelliJ). Given the heavy domain and very involved logic we wanted good tooling support to be able to do great refactorings that are just not possible in Javascript. Java is an old warhorse, but it performs fantastically and we have not regretted going down this route, avoiding "enterprise" smells and going as lightweight as we can, using Jdbi instead of Persistence API, a homegrown Actor Model library for massive concurrency, etc ...
When I started TipMe, I thought about using React frontend. At the end, plain, simple jQuery won.
I had to build this iteration of the site fast and by using jQuery I could keep using Django as a full stack development tool. One important point is Django form (combined with Django Bootstrap3) means that I don't have to reinvent form rendering again, which will be the case with React.
Over time, more interactivity seeped into the site and React components start making its way into the codebase.
I now wish the site is built using React so that I could add more user friendly interfaces easier (no more fuddling with server states) but I would still say jQuery helped me get past those early days.
Pros of Meteor
- Real-time251
- Full stack, one language200
- Best app dev platform available today183
- Data synchronization155
- Javascript152
- Focus on your product not the plumbing118
- Hot code pushes107
- Open source106
- Live page updates102
- Latency compensation92
- Ultra-simple development environment39
- Smart Packages29
- Real time awesome29
- Great for beginners23
- Direct Cordova integration22
- Better than Rails16
- Less moving parts15
- It's just amazing13
- Blaze10
- Great community support8
- Plugins for everything8
- One command spits out android and ios ready apps.6
- It just works5
- 0 to Production in no time5
- Coding Speed4
- Easy deployment4
- Is Agile in development hybrid(mobile/web)4
- You can grok it in a day. No ng nonsense4
- Easy yet powerful2
- AngularJS Integration2
- One Code => 3 Platforms: Web, Android and IOS2
- Community2
- Easy Setup1
- Free1
- Nosql1
- Hookie friendly1
- High quality, very few bugs1
- Stack available on Codeanywhere1
- Real time1
- Friendly to use1
Pros of React
- Components837
- Virtual dom673
- Performance578
- Simplicity509
- Composable442
- Data flow186
- Declarative166
- Isn't an mvc framework128
- Reactive updates120
- Explicit app state115
- JSX50
- Learn once, write everywhere29
- Easy to Use22
- Uni-directional data flow21
- Works great with Flux Architecture17
- Great perfomance11
- Javascript10
- Built by Facebook9
- TypeScript support8
- Scalable6
- Server Side Rendering6
- Speed6
- Easy to start5
- Feels like the 90s5
- Hooks5
- Awesome5
- Cross-platform5
- Closer to standard JavaScript and HTML than others5
- Easy as Lego5
- Functional5
- Excellent Documentation5
- Props5
- Scales super well4
- Allows creating single page applications4
- Sdfsdfsdf4
- Start simple4
- Strong Community4
- Super easy4
- Server side views4
- Fancy third party tools4
- Rich ecosystem3
- Has arrow functions3
- Very gentle learning curve3
- Beautiful and Neat Component Management3
- Just the View of MVC3
- Simple, easy to reason about and makes you productive3
- Fast evolving3
- SSR3
- Great migration pathway for older systems3
- Simple3
- Has functional components3
- Every decision architecture wise makes sense3
- Sharable2
- Permissively-licensed2
- HTML-like2
- Image upload2
- Recharts2
- Fragments2
- Split your UI into components with one true state2
- React hooks1
- Datatables1
Sign up to add or upvote prosMake informed product decisions
Cons of Meteor
- Does not scale well5
- Hard to debug issues on the server-side4
- Heavily CPU bound4
Cons of React
- Requires discipline to keep architecture organized41
- No predefined way to structure your app30
- Need to be familiar with lots of third party packages29
- JSX13
- Not enterprise friendly10
- One-way binding only6
- State consistency with backend neglected3
- Bad Documentation3
- Error boundary is needed2
- Paradigms change too fast2