OpsView vs Ruby Server Timing

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Ruby Server Timing

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Ruby Server Timing vs OpsView: What are the differences?

What is Ruby Server Timing? Brings Rails server-side performance metrics to Chrome's Developer Tools via the Server Timing API. Bring Ruby on Rails server-side performance metrics 📈 to Chrome's Developer Tools (and other browsers that support the Server Timing API) via the servertiming gem Metrics are collected from the scoutapm gem. A Scout account is not required..

What is OpsView? Monitor your infrastructure and applications, running on-premise or in the cloud, all within a single product. It monitor Your Infrastructure and Applications on-premise or in the cloud, anticipate and resolve issues before user impact. . Full information helps you to work smarter, faster and make more informed decisions.

Ruby Server Timing and OpsView can be categorized as "Monitoring" tools.

Ruby Server Timing is an open source tool with 496 GitHub stars and 6 GitHub forks. Here's a link to Ruby Server Timing's open source repository on GitHub.

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What is OpsView?

It monitor Your Infrastructure and Applications on-premise or in the cloud, anticipate and resolve issues before user impact. . Full information helps you to work smarter, faster and make more informed decisions.

What is Ruby Server Timing?

Bring Ruby on Rails server-side performance metrics 📈 to Chrome's Developer Tools (and other browsers that support the Server Timing API) via the server_timing gem. Metrics are collected from the scout_apm gem. A Scout account is not required.

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    What tools integrate with OpsView?
    What tools integrate with Ruby Server Timing?

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    What are some alternatives to OpsView and Ruby Server Timing?
    Zabbix is a mature and effortless enterprise-class open source monitoring solution for network monitoring and application monitoring of millions of metrics.
    Nagios is a host/service/network monitoring program written in C and released under the GNU General Public License.
    Site24x7 is an all-in-one monitoring solution that allows you to monitor every part of your IT infrastructure from Websites to Applications, to Servers (both on-premise and on the cloud) as well as your Network infrastructure.
    Sensu is the future-proof solution for multi-cloud monitoring at scale. The Sensu monitoring event pipeline empowers businesses to automate their monitoring workflows and gain deep visibility into their multi-cloud environments.
    Nagios XI
    It is the most powerful and trusted network monitoring software on the market. It extends on proven, enterprise-class Open Source components to deliver the best network, server and application monitoring solution for today's demanding organizational requirements.
    See all alternatives