Best GIT repository management software that allows free closed-source projects. Also works seamlessly with other Atlassian products.
Best source control there is. Mercurial is good too, but I also prefer GIT commands. Gitflow ftw.
Great for sanity checking on difficult problems and helping new programmers learn the ropes!
Hands down the best Python web framework I've used. Very easy to extend and add apps and go from 0 to full project quickly and painlessly. I built a fully authenticated project with a single endpoint in less than 30 minutes.
Create issues quickly, allows end-users to create issues easily, and integrates with JIRA for immediate developer reaction to ongoing tasks or defects.
Allows the user to send a screenshot and comments with a bug report. Also automatically sends all error information including console logs and client environment information directly to a BitBucket repo and Slack.
Allows us to communicate with our employees who are all in different countries when they are not logged into Slack. Also used to vet new employees.
Quick deployment on demand for manual deployment, automatic deployment for dev and staging servers on code commit.