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CSS 3 vs Java: What are the differences?


In this article, we will discuss the key differences between CSS 3 and Java.

  1. Syntax and Purpose: CSS 3, which stands for Cascading Style Sheets, is a style sheet language used for describing the look and formatting of a document written in HTML or XML. It is primarily used for web development and focuses on the design aspects of the webpage. On the other hand, Java is a general-purpose programming language that can be used for building a wide range of applications, from desktop to web and mobile. Java is more focused on the functionality and logic of the application.

  2. Execution Environment: CSS 3 is executed by the browser, which interprets the CSS rules and applies the styling to the corresponding elements in the HTML document. On the contrary, Java is a compiled language where the Java code is first compiled into bytecode, which is then executed by the Java Virtual Machine (JVM). This means that Java applications can be run on any device or platform that has a compatible JVM installed.

  3. Interaction with HTML: CSS 3 is used to style and format HTML elements by applying various rules and properties, such as changing the color, size, positioning, and appearance of elements. It only affects the presentation of the webpage and does not provide any functionality or interactivity. In contrast, Java can be used to manipulate and interact with HTML elements directly. Java can dynamically create, modify, or remove HTML elements, handle user input, and respond to events. It provides a more interactive and dynamic experience for the user.

  4. Typing and Data Structures: CSS 3 is not a programming language and does not support variables, data types, or complex data structures. It operates on a declarative model, where the style rules are defined and applied to the elements. Java, on the other hand, is a strongly typed language that supports variables, data types, and complex data structures, such as arrays, lists, and maps. This allows for more complex and structured programming logic.

  5. Platform Independence: CSS 3 is platform-independent and can be used on any web browser that supports CSS. It is a standardized language, so the CSS styles will be rendered consistently across different browsers and operating systems. Java, while also platform-independent, requires a JVM to execute the bytecode. However, once the JVM is installed, Java applications can run on any platform or device that has a compatible JVM.

  6. Application Domain: CSS 3 is primarily used for styling and designing webpages, while Java has a much wider application domain. Java can be used for web development, desktop applications, mobile apps (Android), enterprise systems, scientific and numeric computing, gaming, and more. It is a versatile language that can be applied to various domains and industries.

In summary, CSS 3 is a style sheet language used for styling webpages, while Java is a general-purpose programming language used for building diverse applications. CSS focuses on design and presentation, while Java focuses on functionality and logic. CSS is executed by the browser, while Java requires a JVM. CSS styles HTML elements, while Java can manipulate and interact with them. CSS has a declarative model, while Java is a strongly typed language. CSS is platform-independent, but Java requires a JVM for execution. CSS is primarily used for web development, while Java has a wider application domain.

Advice on CSS 3 and Java
Kamal Makroum
Needs advice

Hi everyone.

I am willing to build a used car sales platform, which will have a lot of stock/photos and will rely a lot on the back end functions and data generating. Java seems to be a good choice, but what other options can I consider that can also be easily scalable as well as a little faster to write?

Thank you

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Replies (2)
Ruslan Rayanov

Hi, Kamal! I don't know if your question is still relevant. But I would like to introduce you to our solution, perhaps it will be useful for future projects. We have developed a web application constructor that can be used to create almost any website or application The entire development stack is reduced to SQL only. The platform is easy to configure and make subsequent changes if necessary.

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Firstly, you must know that java and python are both amazing languages. But I recommend python mainly because of the variety of modules and packages available to do almost anything. If you are planning on adding graphs, you can use the matplotlib library and to add photos, use the pillow module. And just note that both of these aren't available by default, so you need to install them through pip.

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Needs advice

I am trying to make Roblox game which requires Lua. I quite don't want to go with Lua just because other tools just might let me do more projects later on. I heard that Python is most similar to Lua, but I am still not sure which tool to use. Java, I think it will help me with many stuff later on for websites, projects, and more!

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Replies (2)
Rafey Iqbal Rahman

Since you are trying to make a Roblox game, you have no other option than to use Lua, since Roblox only allows coding in Lua. Yes, you've heard right, Python is identical and as easy as Lua, although Lua is easier than Python. Beginning from Lua and then escalating to Python is recommended. Java is only helpful when you are creating a heavy, big-budget, enterprise-level product, otherwise, Python would suffice.

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If you really hate lua check out roblox-ts, a tool that compiles typescript code into roblox lua.

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Needs advice

Hi everyone, I have just started to study web development, so I'm very new in this field. I would like to ask you which tools are most updated and good to use for getting a job in medium-big company. Front-end is basically not changing by time so much (as I understood by researching some info), so my question is about back-end tools. Which backend tools are most updated and requested by medium-big companies (I am searching for immediate job possibly)?

Thank you in advance Davit

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Replies (4)
Pierrick Martos
Engineering Manager at Akeneo · | 20 upvotes · 358.8K views

Go with Python definetly. It's used everywhere by web developers for backend developments : API, website backend, workers... but also by data scientists (lot lot of resources, models and libraries in Python it's language #1). For the web parts, best web framework are in Python : (Flask #2 and Django #3). Java is good but trend is not great in terms of popularity amongs developers and tech leaders.

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Vijayakumar Rajagopal

As per my experience java is most wanted for web development as of now. micro service is evolving . with frameworks like spring boot supports rapid development. Spring boot + Docker + kubernetes great combination.

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sharik zama
Software engineering Intern at EPAM Systems · | 5 upvotes · 358K views

I would recommend learning HTML, CSS, and JavaScript (most important). JavaScript forms the backbone of web development. And, there are many popular and widely used frameworks like Angular and React that heavily rely on the knowledge of JavaScript. The number of job opportunities are much more when it comes to javascript.

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Chathuranga Bandara

I would recommend Python as the programming language and as you are a new developer, Flask to start with. It gives you a solid understanding on the web patterns such as REST and will get you up and running in no time. However, I suggest you to read and study on front-end technologies like (React or Vue) and databases (SQL and NoSQL) and probably some NodeJS as well. First grasp the concepts (which Python is ideal for) then it does not really matter the language as such.

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Decisions about CSS 3 and Java
Noel Broda
Founder, CEO, CTO at NoFilter · | 5 upvotes · 251.3K views

1 code deploys for both: Android and iOS. There is a huge community behind React Native. And one of the best things is Expo. Expo uses React Native to make everything even more and more simple. Awesome technologies. Some other important thing is that while using React Native, you are reusing all JavaScript knowledge you have in your team. You can move easily a frontend dev to develop mobile applications.

A huge PRO of Expo, is that it includes a full building process. You run 1 line in the terminal, and 10 minutes after you have 2 builds done. Double check EAS Expo.

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Micky Singh
Digital Marketer at Techy Nickk · | 15 upvotes · 100.1K views
Shared a protip

Things were very hard, before 2012 but when internet came to so many people it opens a lot ways. And now people could learn coding easily from their houses. So guys if you are a newbie who wants to learn coding with your phone then you should download these apps. Sololearn Curiosity codehub Encode

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Erik Ralston
Chief Architect at LiveTiles · | 14 upvotes · 592.5K views

C# and .Net were obvious choices for us at LiveTiles given our investment in the Microsoft ecosystem. It enabled us to harness of the .Net framework to build ASP.Net MVC, WebAPI, and Serverless applications very easily. Coupled with the high productivity of Visual Studio, it's the native tongue of Microsoft technology.

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Mafsys Technologies
CEO at Mafsys Technologies · | 7 upvotes · 93.4K views
Shared insights

7 Awesome CSS3 Techniques You Should give a Try

  1. Vertically Align With Flexbox Earlier developers used to face a lot of difficulties aligning a text or any other element vertically center. But now, after the introduction of the new CSS3 specification Flexbox, things have become much easier.

  2. Responsive CSS Grid Do not make your grid an exception make it responsive too, like everything else in your design.

There are so many ways through which you can make your grid responsive with CSS Grid. And the best part of using it is, you will be able to create a more flexible grid that gives you the desired look, no matter what the device size is.

  1. Text Animations You might have created background animations with CSS, but now it also influences how users interact and engage with the text elements of a website. From hover adjustments to making words float in the air, CCS3 has made it all possible.

  2. Columns layout Usually, column-based layouts are created by using Javascript, which is quite complicated and time-consuming. But CSS has brought a way around to ease up the task of developers and web designers.

  3. Screen Orientation Many people think that screen orientation and device orientation both work for the same purpose. But that’s not the case. The orientation of the screen is a bit different from the device.

Even if a device is not capable of detecting its orientation, a screen always can. And if the device is capable also, then it’s good to have control over the screen orientation so that you can maintain or change the interface of your website.

  1. Comma Separated Lists There is no doubt that Bullet lists are very commonly used in writing to convey any information more precisely and clearly. But one thing that most people struggle with is to add commas on every point of the lists.

  2. Animated Checkbox Well, most of the people are very much aware of the CSS background and text animations. But, not many know about checkbox animations.

Yes, apart from background and texts, you can also make your checkbox section look visually appealing. Isn’t it great?

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Brent Maxwell

Node.js has been growing in popularity, and the ability to access the global pool of Javascript developers is great. There is a decreased amount of effort for people to work across the frontend and backend, and the language itself is easy and works well for many common use cases.

Go was the other serious candidate, but it just hasn't been implemented in as many Production systems yet, and the best Go engineers I've known have been hackers, whereas we're building a robust analytics platform that requires more caution. Type safety is easily added with TypeScript, and NPM is awesomely handy.

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When developing a new blockchain, we as a team chose Go lang over Java and other candidates, due to Go being (a) natively suited to concurrency - there are primitives in the language itself (goroutines, channels) that really help with reasoning about concurrency (b) super fast - build time, running, testing are all much faster that Java, this gives a far superior developer experience (c) shorter and stricter than Java - code is much shorter (less verbose), and there is usually one good way to do things, and even the code formatter that is bundled with Go is very opinionated - over a short time this makes reading other people's code far smoother than having to deal with different styles.

You should be aware that Go presently (v1.13) lacks Generics.

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Amir Mousavi

This post is a bit of an obvious one, as we have a web application, we obviously need to have HTML and CSS in our stack. Though specifically though, we can talk a bit about backward compatibility and the specific approaches we want to enforce in our codebase.

HTML : Not much explanation here, you have to interact with HTML for a web app. We will stick to the latest standard: HTML 5.

CSS: Again if we want to style any of our components within he web, we have to use to style it. Though we will be taking advantage of JSS in our code base and try to minimize the # of CSS stylesheets and include all our styling within the components themselves. This leaves the codebase much cleaner and makes it easier to find styles!

Babel: We understand that not every browser is able to support the cool new features of the latest node/JS features (such as redue, filter, etc) seen in ES6. We will make sure to have the correct Babel configuration o make our application backward compatible.

Material UI (MUI): We need to make our user interface as intuitive and pretty as possible within his MVP, and the UI framework used by Google will provide us with exactly that. MUI provides pretty much all the UI components you would need and allows heavy customization as well. Its vast # of demos will allow us to add components quickly and not get too hung up on making UI components.

We will be using the latest version of create-react-app which bundles most of the above along many necessary frameworks (e.g. Jest for testing) to get started quickly.

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For our front-end, React is chosen because it is easy to develop with due to its reusable components and state functions, in addition to a lot of community support. Because React is popular, it would be easy to hire for it here at our company MusiCore. Our team also has experience with React already. React can be written with ES6 and ES6 has a lot of popularity and versatility when it comes to creating classes and efficient functions. Node.js will be used as a runtime environment to compile the code. Node.js also has many different types of open-source packages that can help automate some of the tasks we want to do for the application. CSS 3 will be used to style components and is the standard for that.

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Alaeddin Alzeybek
Head of Engineering at Volt Lines · | 1 upvote · 229.7K views

From cross platform development point of view: Using kotlin multiplatform is more convenient than java for implementing cross platform code, since it can be converted to be used in iOS (swift) projects, and it can be easily learned if you already know swift. It still an experimental feature but it helped so far to unify a lot of the common code between our iOS and Android projects. And it is more future proof than java regarding support and maintain multiplatform converting.

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We needed to incorporate Big Data Framework for data stream analysis, specifically Apache Spark / Apache Storm. The three options of languages were most suitable for the job - Python, Java, Scala.

The winner was Python for the top of the class, high-performance data analysis libraries (NumPy, Pandas) written in C, quick learning curve, quick prototyping allowance, and a great connection with other future tools for machine learning as Tensorflow.

The whole code was shorter & more readable which made it easier to develop and maintain.

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Pros of CSS 3
Pros of Java
    Be the first to leave a pro
    • 604
      Great libraries
    • 446
      Widely used
    • 401
      Excellent tooling
    • 396
      Huge amount of documentation available
    • 334
      Large pool of developers available
    • 209
      Open source
    • 203
      Excellent performance
    • 158
      Great development
    • 150
      Used for android
    • 148
      Vast array of 3rd party libraries
    • 61
      Compiled Language
    • 53
      Used for Web
    • 47
      High Performance
    • 46
      Managed memory
    • 45
      Native threads
    • 43
      Statically typed
    • 35
      Easy to read
    • 33
      Great Community
    • 29
      Reliable platform
    • 24
      Sturdy garbage collection
    • 24
      JVM compatibility
    • 22
      Cross Platform Enterprise Integration
    • 20
      Good amount of APIs
    • 20
      Universal platform
    • 18
      Great Support
    • 14
      Great ecosystem
    • 11
      Lots of boilerplate
    • 11
      Backward compatible
    • 10
    • 9
      Excellent SDK - JDK
    • 7
      Static typing
    • 7
    • 7
      It's Java
    • 6
      Mature language thus stable systems
    • 6
      Better than Ruby
    • 6
      Long term language
    • 6
    • 5
    • 5
      Vast Collections Library
    • 5
      Used for Android development
    • 4
      Best martial for design
    • 4
      Most developers favorite
    • 4
      Old tech
    • 3
    • 3
    • 3
    • 3
      Great Structure
    • 3
      Stable platform, which many new languages depend on
    • 2
      Type Safe
    • 2
      Faster than python
    • 0

    Sign up to add or upvote prosMake informed product decisions

    Cons of CSS 3
    Cons of Java
      Be the first to leave a con
      • 33
      • 27
      • 17
        Nightmare to Write
      • 16
        Overcomplexity is praised in community culture
      • 12
        Boiler plate code
      • 8
        Classpath hell prior to Java 9
      • 6
        No REPL
      • 4
        No property
      • 3
        Code are too long
      • 2
        Non-intuitive generic implementation
      • 2
        There is not optional parameter
      • 2
        Floating-point errors
      • 1
        Java's too statically, stronglly, and strictly typed
      • 1
        Returning Wildcard Types
      • 1
        Terrbible compared to Python/Batch Perormence

      Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

      What is CSS 3?

      CSS3 is the latest evolution of the Cascading Style Sheets language and aims at extending CSS2.1. It brings a lot of long-awaited novelties, like rounded corners, shadows, gradients, transitions or animations, as well as new layouts like multi-columns, flexible box or grid layouts. Experimental parts are vendor-prefixed and should either be avoided in production environments, or used with extreme caution as both their syntax and semantics can change in the future.

      What is Java?

      Java is a programming language and computing platform first released by Sun Microsystems in 1995. There are lots of applications and websites that will not work unless you have Java installed, and more are created every day. Java is fast, secure, and reliable. From laptops to datacenters, game consoles to scientific supercomputers, cell phones to the Internet, Java is everywhere!

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      Oct 24 2019 at 7:43PM


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      PythonJavaAmazon S3+16
      Jul 16 2019 at 9:19PM


      JavaAndroid SDKBugsnag+3
      What are some alternatives to CSS 3 and Java?
      Sass is an extension of CSS3, adding nested rules, variables, mixins, selector inheritance, and more. It's translated to well-formatted, standard CSS using the command line tool or a web-framework plugin.
      Bootstrap is the most popular HTML, CSS, and JS framework for developing responsive, mobile first projects on the web.
      JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments as well such as node.js or Apache CouchDB. It is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm scripting language that is dynamic,and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.
      Python is a general purpose programming language created by Guido Van Rossum. Python is most praised for its elegant syntax and readable code, if you are just beginning your programming career python suits you best.
      Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for data-intensive real-time applications that run across distributed devices.
      See all alternatives