Luis Mayta
SRE | Hadenlabs
9 points

Tools luismayta is Following

Amazon CloudFront
Amazon CloudFront can be used to deliver your entire website, including dynamic, static, streaming, and int...
Amazon SES
Amazon SES eliminates the complexity and expense of building an in-house email solution or licensing, insta...
Amazon EC2
It is a web service that provides resizable compute capacity in the cloud. It is designed to make web-scale...
Amazon S3
Amazon Simple Storage Service provides a fully redundant data storage infrastructure for storing and retrie...
GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers. Over t...
Amazon Route 53
Amazon Route 53 is designed to give developers and businesses an extremely reliable and cost effective way ...
Campaign Monitor
Campaign Monitor makes it easy to attract new subscribers, send them beautiful email newsletters and see st...
Crazy Egg
Crazy Egg gives you the competitive advantage to improve your website in a heartbeat without the high costs.
New Relic
The world’s best software and DevOps teams rely on New Relic to move faster, make better decisions and crea...
Trello is a collaboration tool that organizes your projects into boards. In one glance, Trello tells you wh...
Continuous integration and delivery platform helps software teams rapidly release code with confidence by a...
Sentry’s Application Monitoring platform helps developers see performance issues, fix errors faster, and op...
Amazon EBS
Amazon EBS volumes are network-attached, and persist independently from the life of an instance. Amazon EBS...
The #1 status and incident communication tool. Use Statuspage to build trust with every incident.
Hackpad is a smart collaborative workspace that your team will love.
Amazon DynamoDB
With it , you can offload the administrative burden of operating and scaling a highly available distributed...
Amazon SQS
Transmit any volume of data, at any level of throughput, without losing messages or requiring other service...
Lookback helps you collect, understand and share user experiences.
The Docker Platform is the industry-leading container platform for continuous, high-velocity innovation, en...
Heap automatically captures every user action in your app and lets you measure it all. Clicks, taps, swipes...
Vim is an advanced text editor that seeks to provide the power of the de-facto Unix editor 'Vi', with a mor...
GNU Emacs is an extensible, customizable text editor—and more. At its core is an interpreter for Emacs Lisp...
Fabric is a Python (2.5-2.7) library and command-line tool for streamlining the use of SSH for application ...
Ansible is an IT automation tool. It can configure systems, deploy software, and orchestrate more advanced ...
Salt is a new approach to infrastructure management. Easy enough to get running in minutes, scalable enough...
In a nutshell Jenkins CI is the leading open-source continuous integration server. Built with Java, it prov...
Imagine all your team communication in one place, instantly searchable, available wherever you go. That’s S...
Testdroid provides a set of products for Android and iOS app/game testing on real devices. With different t...
Consul is a tool for service discovery and configuration. Consul is distributed, highly available, and extr...
Jest provides you with multiple layers on top of Jasmine.
Mocha is a feature-rich JavaScript test framework running on node.js and the browser, making asynchronous t...
Elasticsearch is a distributed, RESTful search and analytics engine capable of storing data and searching i...
Build system automating tasks: minification and copying of all JavaScript files, static images. More capabl...
Brunch is an assembler for HTML5 applications. It's agnostic to frameworks, libraries, programming, stylesh...
Pop is an extensible animation engine for iOS and OS X. In addition to basic static animations, it supports...
Wercker is a CI/CD developer automation platform designed for Microservices & Container Architecture.
Apache Impala
Impala is a modern, open source, MPP SQL query engine for Apache Hadoop. Impala is shipped by Cloudera, Map...
Neovim is a project that seeks to aggressively refactor Vim in order to: simplify maintenance and encourage...
Python is a general purpose programming language created by Guido Van Rossum. Python is most praised for it...
Django is a high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
Go is expressive, concise, clean, and efficient. Its concurrency mechanisms make it easy to write programs ...
Node.js uses an event-driven, non-blocking I/O model that makes it lightweight and efficient, perfect for d...
Backbone supplies structure to JavaScript-heavy applications by providing models key-value binding and cust...
A JavaScript framework that does all of the heavy lifting that you'd normally have to do by hand. There are...
AngularJS lets you write client-side web applications as if you had a smarter browser. It lets you use good...
Lots of people use React as the V in MVC. Since React makes no assumptions about the rest of your technolog...
PostgreSQL is an advanced object-relational database management system that supports an extended subset of...
MongoDB stores data in JSON-like documents that can vary in structure, offering a dynamic, flexible schema....
Redis is an open source (BSD licensed), in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache, and mess...
Partitioning means that Cassandra can distribute your data across multiple machines in an application-trans...
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small t...
nginx [engine x] is an HTTP and reverse proxy server, as well as a mail proxy server, written by Igor Sysoe...
RabbitMQ gives your applications a common platform to send and receive messages, and your messages a safe p...
Kafka is a distributed, partitioned, replicated commit log service. It provides the functionality of a mess...
It is a general purpose language that can be used in any domain and use case, it is ideally suited for prop...
Varnish Cache is a web application accelerator also known as a caching HTTP reverse proxy. You install it i...
Celery is an asynchronous task queue/job queue based on distributed message passing. It is focused on real-...
npm is the command-line interface to the npm ecosystem. It is battle-tested, surprisingly flexible, and use...
Markdown is two things: (1) a plain text formatting syntax; and (2) a software tool, written in Perl, that ...
HAProxy (High Availability Proxy) is a free, very fast and reliable solution offering high availability, lo...
JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments...
Flux is the application architecture that Facebook uses for building client-side web applications. It compl...
With Terraform, you describe your complete infrastructure as code, even as it spans multiple service provid...
Someone has found a potential security issue with your technology. What happens next? Making certain this d...
Uploadcare is file management platform and a CDN for user-generated content. It is a robust file API for up...
Neo4j stores data in nodes connected by directed, typed relationships with properties on both, also known a...
Apache Storm
Apache Storm is a free and open source distributed realtime computation system. Storm makes it easy to reli...
NSQ is a realtime distributed messaging platform designed to operate at scale, handling billions of message...
Amazon EC2 Conta...
Amazon EC2 Container Service lets you launch and stop container-enabled applications with simple API calls,...
Lua combines simple procedural syntax with powerful data description constructs based on associative arrays...
RocksDB is an embeddable persistent key-value store for fast storage. RocksDB can also be the foundation fo...
Prometheus is a systems and service monitoring system. It collects metrics from configured targets at given...
Distributed SQL Query Engine for Big Data
Arch Linux
A lightweight and flexible Linux distribution that tries to Keep It Simple.
Grafana is a general purpose dashboard and graph composer. It's focused on providing rich ways to visualize...
Quantify your coding - open source plugins for automatic time tracking & insights into your programming.
Redash helps you make sense of your data. Connect and query your data sources, build dashboards to visualiz...
Buck encourages the creation of small, reusable modules consisting of code and resources, and supports a va...
Use Airflow to author workflows as directed acyclic graphs (DAGs) of tasks. The Airflow scheduler executes ...
Docker Compose
With Compose, you define a multi-container application in a single file, then spin your application up in a...
Docker Machine
Machine lets you create Docker hosts on your computer, on cloud providers, and inside your own data center....
Facebook Infer is a static analysis tool - if you give Infer some Objective-C, Java, or C code, it produces...
GraphQL is a data query language and runtime designed and used at Facebook to request and deliver data to m...
It is a library for building interactive web interfaces. It provides data-reactive components with a simple...
Druid is a distributed, column-oriented, real-time analytics data store that is commonly used to power expl...
Relay Framework
Never again communicate with your data store using an imperative API. Simply declare your data requirements...
gRPC is a modern open source high performance RPC framework that can run in any environment. It can efficie...
It is an open source developer tool for building chat bots, apps and custom integrations for major messagin...
A modern HTTP reverse proxy and load balancer that makes deploying microservices easy. Traefik integrates w...
Heron is realtime analytics platform developed by Twitter. It is the direct successor of Apache Storm, buil...
Yarn caches every package it downloads so it never needs to again. It also parallelizes operations to maxim...
Yoga is a cross-platform layout engine which implements Flexbox. Yoga enables maximum collaboration within ...
Insomnia REST Cl...
Insomnia is a powerful REST API Client with cookie management, environment variables, code generation, and ...
Managing the assets of design systems in Sketch is complex, error-prone and time consuming. Sketch is scrip...
Lock credentials and secrets in vaults that sync across systems and seamlessly access within your dev, CI/C...
Jaeger, a Distributed Tracing System
Zap takes a different approach. It includes a reflection-free, zero-allocation JSON encoder, and the base L...
Ludwig is a toolbox built on top of TensorFlow that allows to train and test deep learning models without t...
A Prometheus and Graphite compatible metrics platform which includes a native distributed time series datab...
Kraken by Uber
A P2P-powered Docker registry that focuses on scalability and availability. It is designed for Docker image...
A Unified Resource Scheduler to co-schedule mixed types of workloads such as batch, stateless and stateful ...