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Bamboo vs GoCD: What are the differences?

  1. Pipeline Configuration: Bamboo follows a more visual approach where users can create build plans using a drag-and-drop interface, while GoCD relies on configuration as code, allowing users to define pipeline configurations in a version-controlled file.

  2. Plugins and Integrations: Bamboo offers a wide range of third-party plugins to extend its functionality, whereas GoCD has a more limited selection of plugins but provides robust integrations with popular tools like Docker and Kubernetes.

  3. Scalability and Flexibility: GoCD is known for its scalability and flexibility, allowing users to customize complex workflows and scale their CI/CD processes with ease, while Bamboo is better suited for smaller projects and teams.

  4. Support for Distributed Builds: GoCD excels in supporting distributed builds across multiple agents and environments, making it ideal for large-scale projects, while Bamboo may encounter limitations in managing distributed builds efficiently.

  5. Monitoring and Visibility: GoCD provides comprehensive monitoring and visualization tools to track the status of each pipeline stage in real-time, offering better visibility into the CI/CD process compared to Bamboo.

  6. Community and Support: While Bamboo offers better documentation and official support from Atlassian, GoCD has a strong open-source community backing it up, providing more community-based support and resources for users.

In Summary, Bamboo and GoCD differ in pipeline configuration, plugins and integrations, scalability, distributed builds, monitoring, and community support, catering to different needs of software development teams.

Advice on Bamboo and GoCD
Mohammad Hossein Amri
Chief Technology Officer at Planally · | 3 upvotes · 504.1K views
Needs advice

I'm open to anything. just want something that break less and doesn't need me to pay for it, and can be hosted on Docker. our scripting language is powershell core. so it's better to support it. also we are building dotnet core in our pipeline, so if they have anything related that helps with the CI would be nice.

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Replies (1)
Ankit Malik
Software Developer at CloudCover · | 1 upvotes · 486.9K views
Google Cloud BuildGoogle Cloud Build

Google cloud build can help you. It is hosted on cloud and also provide reasonable free quota.

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Pros of Bamboo
Pros of GoCD
  • 10
    Integrates with other Atlassian tools
  • 4
    Great notification scheme
  • 2
    Great UI
  • 1
    Has Deployment Projects
  • 31
    Open source
  • 27
    Pipeline dependencies
  • 25
    Pipeline structures
  • 22
    Can run jobs in parallel
  • 20
    Very flexible
  • 15
    Plugin architecture
  • 13
    Environments can keep config secure
  • 12
    Great UI
  • 10
    Good user roles and permissions
  • 9
    Supports many material dependencies
  • 7
    Fan-in, Fan-out
  • 6
    Designed for cd not just ci
  • 4
    Empowers product people to make delivery decisions
  • 2
    Flexible & easy deployment
  • 2
    Pass around artifacts
  • 1
    Build once

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Cons of Bamboo
Cons of GoCD
  • 6
  • 1
    Low community support
  • 1
    Bad UI
  • 1
    Bad integration with docker
  • 2
    Lack of plugins
  • 2
    Horrible ui
  • 1
    No support

Sign up to add or upvote consMake informed product decisions

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What is Bamboo?

Focus on coding and count on Bamboo as your CI and build server! Create multi-stage build plans, set up triggers to start builds upon commits, and assign agents to your critical builds and deployments.

What is GoCD?

GoCD is an open source continuous delivery server created by ThoughtWorks. GoCD offers business a first-class build and deployment engine for complete control and visibility.

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What are some alternatives to Bamboo and GoCD?
In a nutshell Jenkins CI is the leading open-source continuous integration server. Built with Java, it provides over 300 plugins to support building and testing virtually any project.
Eucalyptus is open source software for building private, AWS-compatible IT, QA, and developer clouds. It makes it easy to deliver cloud computing, just like AWS, from within your data center.
JavaScript is most known as the scripting language for Web pages, but used in many non-browser environments as well such as node.js or Apache CouchDB. It is a prototype-based, multi-paradigm scripting language that is dynamic,and supports object-oriented, imperative, and functional programming styles.
Git is a free and open source distributed version control system designed to handle everything from small to very large projects with speed and efficiency.
GitHub is the best place to share code with friends, co-workers, classmates, and complete strangers. Over three million people use GitHub to build amazing things together.
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